Supreme God King

Chapter 141: God change

& Body Shape Walking past Zhu Xiao's body, Meng Fan's five fingers moved directly to remove a ring between his fingers. The ring is not big, but it gleams with a fine light, which is obviously quite a good spatial ring.

It's a good habit to take the sheep hand in hand, the space ring should have what you want!

With a slight smile, Meng Fan put the ring directly up, and immediately uttered a word.


When the voice fell, Ling Dai nodded quietly, she had already completed the goal of this trip, and staying here again was pure death.

The figures of the two moved and cut through the sky at the same time, and there was no such strong person as Wu Zong around. Although they were deliberately stopping, it was a dead word before they could only watch the two break through the sky and leave.

In the dark night, it was exceptionally quiet, but in the gods did not know that a huge murder had already occurred somewhere.

Under the moonlight, Meng Fan and Ling Daiyou were in the shape of electricity. After a few circles in the void to make sure they were safe, they quietly returned to the auction house at the same time.

The action was light and light, like a cheating man and woman. He walked into the room, only after Meng Fan heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly replaced the black robe, with a movement of vitality, expelling the smell of blood from his body.

Seeing Meng Fan's movements, Ling Dai chuckled softly, and the little guy was really very cautious.

After pondering for a moment, Ling Dai said quietly, "This auction is over, I will leave in two days!"

The voice fell, Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and he said condensedly.

"Where to go?"

"Of course I am back in the upper capital city! Besides, such a thing happened in the God Capital, that Zhu Tian must go crazy, my sister dare not stay here, they are a weak woman!"

While she was speaking, Ling Daiyou chuckled softly, but the smile on her face made the moonlight around her a little dim, extremely charming.

You are still a weak woman, and I am afraid that none of the ten men can match your wrists and scheming!

Meng Fan shook his head and said lightly.

"Goodbye, I should also be about to leave!"

The voice fell, and at the same time a dim light flashed from Meng Fan's eyes. The purpose of this trip was to be in the huge palace after all!

Upon hearing this, Ling Daiyou frowned and asked softly, "Is there something wrong with you, can you tell me something?"


The two words were prominent, but Meng Fan's answer was extremely straightforward, and Ling Dai suddenly gritted her teeth, stepped forward, and said softly.

"Very ruthless, little guy, there is any secret that even my sister won't tell, be careful my sister beat you!"

Looking at Ling Daiyou, who was close to him, Meng Fan's mouth swallowed. Even though the other party was wearing a luxurious black robe, he could no longer conceal his proud figure, with a nearly perfect attractive curve.

Especially the charming face who is less than a palm from himself, really has a feeling of crime.

After gritting his teeth, Meng Fan even felt something rising under his body, and Lian Liang stepped back and said softly.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to practice!"

Seeing Meng Fan's retreat, Ling Daiyou suddenly let out a smile, as if it was a natural sound, she said softly.

"Little guy, I'm pretty shy, that sister just left, but remember that when you come to the capital, come to see your sister, remember that you are a guest of Da Gan Ling's family and your sister's investment object!"

While she was speaking, Ling Dai smiled faintly, and then she gleamed and left Meng Fan's room, but there was still a fragrance that belonged to her in the air.

This woman is really terrifying, she can see that she has a purpose in coming to God, it seems that she needs to hurry up!

Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and he secretly said in his heart. With a move of his palm, he directly took out a space ring. With a movement of mental power, he suddenly discovered the enchantment above.

Obviously, this space ring has already recognized the master, if it wants to forcefully destroy it, it will only cause the space ring to burst and lose the contents inside.

But for Meng Fan, he smiled softly and said lightly.

"Sister, but it's your turn to shoot!"

The voice fell, and a soft hum was heard among the black beads. Ruo Shuiyi said with a slight dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Why, I think of me now. I was fascinated by that beautiful woman just now?"

Meng Fan said with a helpless smile.

"Let's take a look at what's in it!"

When the sound fell, Ruoshui snorted, and a strange wave spread between the black beads. In the next moment, Meng Fan suddenly felt that the energy of the space ring that blocked him had disappeared.

Looking at the spatial ring in front of him, Meng Fan couldn't help but show a trace of tension on his little face, and said condensedly.

"Don't let me down, don't..."

While speaking, Meng Fan's mental power had already been detected, and a small space appeared in the ring.

The things in it are unexpected, including some jewels, boxes, scrolls and other strange things, but with Meng Fan's spiritual power, in the next moment, he naturally found the most important thing.

A purple card appeared, Meng Fan's spirit swept away, and the look on his small face suddenly became particularly exciting in the next moment.

Seven hundred thousand... gold coins!

Unexpectedly, there was a price of 700,000 gold coins on Zhu Xiao's Amethyst Card, so many gold coins made Meng Fan's heart tremble. No wonder that Zhu Xiao made such a bold shot at the auction house. The foundation of this vertical span is really not imaginary.

It seems that these gold coins are enough to hold on for a while!

Calm down, Meng Fan is not too excited, knowing that there is an extraordinary money burning machine by his side.

With Ruo Shuiyi's speed of burning money, let alone 700,000 gold coins, I am afraid that 7 million is definitely not enough.

Putting away the amethyst card, Meng Fan's mental power spread, and finally found an inconspicuous scroll somewhere in the corner.

The whole body is black, simple and vicissitudes of life, and Meng Fan's mind is immediately followed. The soul technique of the Hongzi level is really here!

The corner of his mouth cracked, and Meng Fan directly took out this technique.

Among Zhu Xiao's spatial rings, apart from the seven hundred thousand gold coins, the most valuable is this Hongzi-level soul technique. Such a technique fell into Zhu Xiao's hands, it was undoubtedly a violent move of heavenly objects, and he didn't know how to use it.

But now in the hands of Meng Fan, a terrifying light appeared in his eyes. Cultivating the soul is undoubtedly able to make Meng Fan an undefeated trump card.

With a move of his palm, Meng Fan couldn't wait to open the scroll, but found that there was no text on the scroll, but a piece of jade with symbols.

"what is this?"

Meng Fan's expression froze and asked curiously.

"Please, this is a stone monument like the clutches of a big seal. After your soul is incorporated, he will naturally pass on information to you!"

Ruo Shuiyi coldly hummed and said, the method does not spread to the six ears, such a soul technique is extremely precious, but the strong directly fixes the memory in the scroll.

Meng Fan gave a dry laugh and moved his mental power into the scroll in the next moment.

In an instant, Meng Fan's whole body shook, and his spirit entered the scroll in an instant. As far as his eyes can be, it seems to be in a white world, and the surrounding area is deserted.

In the next moment, the two characters fell into Meng Fan's sea of ​​knowledge, and the gods changed!

The sound fell, like a wild beast roaring, and suddenly the soul including Meng Fan was followed by a shock. A figure sat cross-legged in front of him. He was an ancient old man, not moving, and at the same time an ancient message began. Melt into Meng Fan's sea of ​​knowledge.

Bearing this ancient message between Consciousness Sea, Meng Fan sat cross-legged, motionless for an hour, and as time passed, Meng Fan's eyes slowly opened.

The whole body was suddenly wet with sweat, and a faint feeling of fatigue came from his face.

To bear such information, the consumption of mental power is definitely not small.

Touching his nose, there was an unconcealable shock on Meng Fan's small face. Although this magical transformation method has been integrated in his mind, it is definitely not that easy to cultivate.

You know, according to the record of the master of God Transformation, the method of Transforming God is to inherit a powerful sect. It seems to come from a powerful sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, named Soul Sect. There are three exercises in this method. This is only the first article.

And this first article alone requires the cultivator to operate with his soul, forcibly tearing his own soul and then reuniting, tearing and merging continuously, and finally until the soul is cultivated to a degree of tenacity that can tear and merge at any time.

The pain of tearing the soul!

Thinking of this, the corners of Meng Fan's mouth also split. Although this method of divine transformation has the power to restore, it is also extremely difficult to practice. In addition to enduring unbearable pain, a careless person will become an idiot.

Damn, it's really challenging!

Muttered softly, but in the next moment Meng Fan sat cross-legged, his eyes closed tightly, and the spiritual power in his body was circulated in accordance with the Shenzhang technique in the next moment.

Even though the difficulty is not small, for Meng Fan, he can only go retrograde. If he wants to cultivate, he must endure the suffering that ordinary people cannot bear.

The moonlight entered the room, and Meng Fan’s figure remained motionless, but between the air and sea, the mental power was constantly revolving, gathering, and tearing, turning from one adult mental power into two, and then into four... …

For a full day, all Meng Fan stayed in the room, accompanied by the pain of such tearing, and at the same time a powerful mental force continued to increase, suppressing the surroundings in a vague manner, and an inexplicable pressure spread.

In the middle of the night of the second day, Meng Fan finally opened his eyes, and in the next moment a wave of mental power emanated from the sea of ​​consciousness, one changed to two, two changed to four, four changed to six... until finally it evolved. Out of eight spiritual powers!

You know, Meng Fan's previous mental power attack method was only to concentrate a little bit and hit hard.

However, the eight spiritual powers currently controlled are divided into eight, which can attack in different directions with Meng Fan's mind, which is enough to change and have infinite power!

Such an enemy, even an ordinary soul-refining powerhouse, is definitely not his opponent!

With a grin, Meng Fan silently felt this mental power, naturally knowing that such a pain was not in vain.

At the next moment, the vitality in the body also followed, causing Meng Fan's whole body to shake. This was...a sign of a breakthrough!

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