Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1025: Supreme Three

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Pah…’ Under the robbery, there was a sound of meat, not Tianlei, but it was better than Tianlei. Everyone who listened to this familiar voice could easily guess that the Supreme Master had fallen back.

"Ah ..." Then, Abe San's crazy cry came from the sky, which can not help but confirm people's speculation that he was still beaten by Chen Jiu in the hands, despite the robbery, and did not relax at all. !!

"Abominable, abominable, this is so deceiving. I strongly urge the suspension of the game. Chen Jiu is intentionally humiliating at all!" Zhuge Ma was anxious and called out, but unfortunately, no one responded to his scolding. .

Heaven and earth battlefield, since entering, then all life and death are up to the two sides of the game, other people have no right to interfere.

‘Boom rumbling…’ Tian Jie descended one after another. Everyone can vaguely see that there are actually two figures under Tian Jie, one of them is crossing the robbery and the other is passively next to the robbery waves. They are unmoved.

'Papa ...' It was even more frightening. Although Abe was already robbing, Chen Jiu didn't let him go, Tian Jie split him, his palm was still beating his face, let him The face of the Supreme Boy is gone!

"Chen Jiu, if you have the skill, you can wait for me to finish the fight!" Abe Sanqiji, the stare of Chen Jiu had some eager meaning, and he really regretted meeting such a superb opponent. .

"I'm sorry, I don't have the ability, I just like to fan you!" Chen Jiu shook his head and refused, slap up again, making Abe's stunned.

In this way, the number of robbers was accompanied by slaps, and Abe San was beaten with seven faints. Finally, the whole person turned a little dizzy and turned cyanotic.

Fortunately, the number of robbers has finally passed. Finally, a piece of essence is left in the world, and it will be immersed in Abe San's body, but Chen Jiu opened his hands and sucked it, which is to gather all the essence into himself. Nothing was left for him.

"Shameless, Chen Jiu, you are extremely shameless!" Zhuge Ma was so angry that it was the fiercest call in a while.

"Chen Jiu, I fight with you!" Abe San couldn't bear it anymore, he went crazy and burst out!

‘Boom ...’ A huge earthquake, like a nuclear bomb explosion, was a cloud of blood rising, and its vast power blew around the entire battlefield of heaven and earth.

After the smoke had dispersed, gasping and panting, Abe San, who was greatly injured, finally escaped the restraint of Chen Jiu, which could not help but reveal infinite comfort on his face.

"Abe San, I see how many times you can explode, come here for me!" A powerful figure, covered with chaotic ancient armor, he stood in front of Abe San calmly, and that was Zhang Zhang and took it to him go with.

"What? Damn, Chen Jiu, I don't have time to play with you, Supreme Three Lives!" Abe Sange was furious. After the swallowing of an elixir, his vitality erupted, and his figure seemed to be instantly connected. Like the past life of a long river, a great ancient **** of chaos descended on him.

‘Boom…’ After the advent of the ancient god, Abe was simply extremely powerful. He waved his hands, destroyed history, and eliminated time and space. That was to wipe out all existence and cross ancient and modern!

"A little doorway, streamer phantom, killing gods against time!" Faced with this strange and extreme attack, Chen Jiu's counterattack no doubt shocked the audience again.

A palm continued to be taken, but it seemed as if it had passed through ancient times in an instant, it was intermittent, and directly took the body of the ancient god!

‘His! ‘Chen Jiu ’s palm shattered the ancient god. At the same time, Abe ’s figure flew upside down, vomiting blood and being seriously wounded. It ’s impossible.

"What else can I do, I will make you die today!" Chen Jiuwei's figure stared down at Abe San, with unparalleled demeanor, dominating the world, making everyone obliged to serve.

"Extreme three lives are invincible!" Abe did not stay, suddenly exploded again, increased his power tenfold, and his wide palms split, which is simply the division of heaven and earth, which can shake the sun and the moon.

"Compared with me? It's just a loss of self-control, a frustration, and a roll back!" Chen Jiu sneered, a burst of power lines flickered on his body, which caused him to increase his strength by a factor of 100, and he was just as powerful as a **** and a god. !!

‘Boom ...’ Unsurprisingly, Abe was hit again with a single palm, which was a heavy cough of blood and infinite pity.

"You ... what the **** are you? My Abe San has more than 100 million genes and is the true son of God. His strength has reached the realm of Qiankun. How can you be more powerful than me? "Abe San couldn't help it, and questioned in desperation.

"What's 100 million?" To tell you the truth, my number of genes has reached 250 million, and your proud talent is in front of me, even the fart is not counted! "Chen Jiuyu was amazing, even He announced in the public some of his hole cards and vowed to gain a foothold in the temple.

"What, 250 million, it seems that we have never had such a genius in our sanctuary!" Sure enough, countless elderly people below were shocked and dumbfounded, looking at Chen Jiu's eyes, very different.

"What? There are so many. If I kill you and extract your genes, my achievements will be limitless!" In shock, Abe San's eyes could not help becoming more vicious.

A person has a limited number of genes, and it is not easy for anyone to extract genes. The stronger a person is, the more effective genes he has awakened. There is no doubt that there will be a great deal of self-picking for such a person. help!

"Really? Do you think you can kill me?" Chen Jiuyi laughed.

"Hum, shiver in the next life of the Supreme Master!" Abe's confidence suddenly rose sharply, and that was another trick of his own.

'Boom ...' This time through the passage of time, an immense deity, as if the height of the entire world, appeared, his face is unclear, but his eyes can look through the future generations, see the present, the kind of pupil Every time you look at someone, you can easily understand all your secrets, which is simply terrible!

"What is this? Could it be that your later generations can have this achievement, standing in the universe and becoming a supreme powerhouse?" Chen Jiu was shocked, and could not help but startled a little.

"Of course, in the war of the gods, the supreme **** fell down, and I inherited his mantle. In the future, I will definitely become the new supreme god. The whole world, but the gods, will be dominated by me, Chen Jiu, You can die in my hands, that's your pride! "Abe San, who was extremely confident and conceited, cleared everything to Chen Jiu and tried to shock him with the name of the Supreme God.

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