Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1133: Supreme Artifact

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Thai King, go up if you want to, don't worry, the more men there are, the more Yue Yue likes it!" The other elders sullenly glanced, and immediately let the King of Thailand pounce on them. .

Four men, one woman, this scene was completely Qingyue being stabbed by them. In general, as the object of this bullying, she was full of comfort and satisfaction, the look of emotions, really Seeing people, mouth. Dry tongue. Dry.

With such a mess, Qingyue's clothes were gone, and the snow and skin on her body were pinched red. It was extremely moist and more beautiful!

"It's so beautiful, I can't stand it!" All Jiuyang God was like a mad bull, all with eyes and fire, and immediately removed all his coverings.

"Well, so powerful!" Qingyue smelled the smell of Zhiyang, and he jumped up happily, so he knelt down in front of Shi Lao, one with one hand, and his mouth suddenly bite two. This The appearance of vice loyalty really made the four elders very happy and proud.

"Qingyue, you are really sensible, your level is really too high, you can rest assured, as long as you serve us well, we will surely cover you!" Enjoy endlessly, Jiuyang God will not forget to exaggerate Qingyue.

The scene of the silver chaos continued. Qingyue was one enemy and four. This was just a pediatrics for her. The more than 300 Supreme Elders were not her opponents. The nine Jiuyang Allahs were four of them, even now Yang is rich. But I'm afraid she can't help but suck.

"Fuck, cheap, mother, how can you be cheap like this? Cheap?" Staying in the dark, the emperor looks really hot. Take three feet "Why so many men can play. Fool you, but I don't can?"

"Damn, don't you look down on me? Well, I'll show you, my strength is unparalleled. I will sooner or later replace my dad and become your man!" Between the jealousy and jealousy of the heavens, the psychology was distorted. !!

A glaring glance, Tianzi left with confidence. "Mother, you wait, I must get you!"

In the Qiankun treasure house, the emperor returned, this time he went directly to an arsenal, where he has countless artifacts, which is the essence of the Qiankun Temple. It is extraordinary.

‘Oh! ‘A knife, densely patterned, screaming, trembled, and hung on the shelf, waiting for someone to collect it!

"Huh, what a great artifact!" Tianzi glanced relentlessly, and that was immediately walked away.

‘Pala la…’ In the arsenal, all kinds of weapons were hung upside down, as if someone was coming, and they were all shaking, hoping to be picked, and seeing the sun again.

‘Oh! ‘A sword, full of sharpness, suddenly shot from Jiutian, majestic and strong, arrogant to Jiutian, and the emperor was utterly happy, and that was immediately holding it in his hand, a gentle wave, time and space cracked, and heaven and earth collapsed!

"A good sword turned out to be a weapon of God's strength!" Tianzi stroked the sword, put it down in his hands, and looked up casually.

'boom! ’Then, Tianzi threw out the soldiers in his hands without hesitation, and rushed away without any distress!

‘Boom rumbling…’ This is a quartet of Baoding, who swallows the clouds and mists, determines the void, its bronze color, and the carving of an extremely majestic divine dragon, highlighting its extraordinaryness.

"Okay, okay, this tripod contains great divinity. It is expected that it was also cast by the artifacts of the gods at that time. Only such a weapon can be worthy of the supreme identity of my heavenly son!" Observing Baoding, Tianziyue The more I like it, the blood in my body is boiling.

"After receiving this tripod, it must have great wonderfulness to stimulate his own bloodline!" Tianzi pondered, it was a direct shot!

A blood arrow shot out, trying to dissolve into this Fang Ding, but a dragon emerged in it, but it was against the collection of the emperor.

"A good dragon, can't you feel the dragon gene in my body?" Tianzi once again spit out a blood spit, and it really has the supreme dragon spirit!

In this way, Shenlong surrendered, Fang Ding was successfully collected by the emperor, he took it into himself, and laughed endlessly "Haha, it is a four-pole **** tripod, great!"

"What? In this treasure house, there are even supreme artifacts!" After exchanging with Fang Ding's Dragon Soul for a while, Tianzi was overjoyed and shot at another place quickly.

‘Buzz ...’ A broken tower, resounding without wind, shook in the void, and was extremely extraordinary at the end!

"This is ... the Supreme God's Supreme Tower, and there are even as many as ten floors!" The emperor was very pleased and smiled when he saw this tower. I got ten floors in one fell swoop. From now on, the temple will become its own back garden! "

"Well, Chen Jiu, you better not die this time, I still want you to see how strong I am, to see how I took your woman away from you, and then play around with them Let them be happy till they die! "Tianzi laughed wildly, getting more proud.

‘Close! ’Tianzi once again shot and sacrificed himself with his essence and blood, and it took him a while to work, which made the ten towers mastered by him!

"Uh, ten kinds of magical powers, wonderful and useful, but it is not appropriate to practice now, it is important to continue to collect other divine treasures!" Tianzi did not take advantage of greed, but continued to collect other magical treasures.

A great harvest, once giving Tianzi some time, then his rapid growth is an inevitable thing, Chen Jiu will have to deal with him in the future, he must grow up as soon as possible!

The Temple of Heaven and Heaven of Jiulian Mountain is a huge temple, relatively complete, vicissitudes of ancient times, but a treasured temple residence handed down from the glorious era of the gods.

With the twelve emperors, with inexplicable awe, Chen Jiu and they entered into it, preparing to explore the possible treasure in it.

Guanghua flowed, Qiankun Tiange was not without defense. When Chen Jiu was just stepping on the ground, the entire temple was overflowing with ancient **** light. A light-transmitting mask covered the temple to keep it from being disturbed!

"Huh, the ancient seals wanted to stop me too, did you look down on me too much?" Chen Jiu reprimanded, with divine majestic outbursts, he punched his hand with a fist of destruction, under the black light erosion, the mask broke. Unable to stop his front.

"Go!" Chen Jiu took a sigh and took the twelve concubines into the first temple directly to find out!

‘Zi ...’ The glorious temple, beautiful and immaculate, is like the house where the gods live, full of divinity and dignity.

"Uh, so poor?" Chen Jiu looked around and couldn't help but feel unhappy.

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