Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1389: Pretty good

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With a blushing face, Luo Yi could not have imagined that at the moment when he was about to die, when despair of life, Ai crazy actually pushed her to Chen Jiu.

‘Chen Jiu ’s Woman’, I do n’t know why, Luo Yi was not angry when she heard such words, but also had some expectations and cowardice!

Looking at the two men silently, she really didn't know what to say, but she knew that her crisis was basically over.

"Master, why isn't it good?" Ai-Chan asked incomprehensibly.

"Hey, you don't know. The magical temple sent the fighting son down to kill Chen Jiu. When he returns, he will be attacked by them!" He said his guess speculatively. .

"What? How is that good? My lord, let's hurry to save Chen Jiu!" Ai crazy suddenly worried.

"This ... I'm afraid it's too late to go now, but rest assured, my brother is not so easy to kill!" Thinking about Chen Jiu's ability, his recklessness eased again and stared at Loy again. " Let's talk about her now! "

"She ... what else is there for her?" Ai Feng was anxious, and quickly persuaded: "Luo Yi was the dean of Chen Jiu before. The two of them have been in private for a long time. My lord, what I said The sentence is true! "

"Oh? My brother really is not mortal, even such a proud woman can win? But she is not in a good situation, and she is desperate, what is going on?" Brute still had some doubts.

"Hey, the young couple quarreled, and Chen Jiu was too good. She was engaged to my daughter. This Luo Yi is jealous, and she will be forced to die. Do you say this is not a joke?" Ai crazy quickly learned a lesson. .

"Oh, that's the case? Fortunately, I didn't take a shot. Otherwise, how could I be worthy of my brother?" It was pretty hard, but I finally understood it. It was Zhang Zhang, and he shot at Luo Yi fiercely.

"Master, what are you doing?" Imad was shocked, and when he thought he was going out of his way, a fire broke out. After the explosion, the soul fire deep in Luo Yi's eyes finally went out.

"Master Xie's life-saving grace!" Ai crazy understood and quickly thanked him.

"Anyway, since it's my brother's woman, I naturally can't let her do anything!" The reckless but glared at Luo Yi and advised: "Men, the three wives and four widows are normal, look at me, play There are hundreds of beauties. My brother is really affectionate, and you should cherish it! "

"I ..." Luo Yi dumbfounded, she had no such relationship with Chen Jiu, what made her say?

"Well, don't say anything, prepare something, and don't live here. Come with me to the Imperial Palace and rescue my brother!" Brute preached with carelessness, and took Loy. .

"Sir, let Loy live here for a while!" Ai-mad was reluctant at this moment.

"Naughty, how can this be done?" Brute suddenly scolded him. "Now my brother is on the verge of death. If this woman is not his care, what good is it?"

To be fair, it's Ling Ran, which makes Ai crazy dumb, but he is quite capable and has his own Xiao Jiu Jiu. He is a three-legged stand. When he is worried about the battle against Chen Jiu, he is also worried about the emptiness of Chen Jiu Draw in.

Now that she helped her get the fire in the backyard, she will undoubtedly also be grateful to Chen Jiu, who is closer to herself, and has a wishful thinking in her stubborn heart, which is firm about taking Loy away. Do not move.

"Hey, what are you still doing? As a Chen Jiu's woman, are you totally disregarding his life and death?" Looking at Luo Yi, he was still hesitant and very angry.

"I ..." Luo Yi concluded, she really didn't know what to do. She thought about refuting, but there was no way to say it, because in this way, she would not believe in brutality, but love. The madness of the madness will soon be eliminated, and if she is recklessly played with, she will be even more unacceptable.

"Well, sister, let's get ready. We help you. You have something to bring. As women, we have to be more considerate of men so that they can hurt us well!" I heard that it was Chen Jiu The women, these women, could not help but treat her a lot, and faintly stagnated.

"Don't touch me, I will prepare for myself!" Luo Yi was annoyed, and waved her hand, she had to reload the student who had just been released, so as to follow the brute force, it was ready to go to the palace.

"Let's go together too!" Some people were uneasy, and Iclan also asked for them.

"Okay, you don't need to go there to get in the way. I'm quite willing to take someone there. Don't you worry?" Quite simply rejected such a request.

"Okay, okay, then you must be careful when you go here!" Quite helpless, took a deep look at the bright Luoyi in the sky, he knew that he might lose her forever.

Maybe, I never owned her from beginning to end, those wonderful things, but just a dream of myself, can never come true!

He walked and walked very cleanly. A female student didn't leave himself. He loved to smell the familiar fragrance in the air. He was helpless.

"Very hard-working son, unparalleled in the world, the world is overwhelming, the overlord of Qiankun ..." Qi Qi's coquettish sounds, one after another ringing in the sky, the end is attracting Loy, and his eyes are full of dissatisfaction.

With a hundred superb women in the center of them, sitting in a sacred horse and limousine, with immense power and unparalleled brilliance, they were so arrogant that they thought they were very windy, and they went quickly to Jiulian Mountain.

Jiulianshan Emperor's Palace, the sacred palace is not present, has completely turned into pieces of ruins. The 'Boom Rumble' battle is still going on. The figure of Chen Jiu is still being beaten by two people, and it is difficult to truly resist.

‘咻咻 轰轰…’ But at this time, Chen Jiuhe was no longer so passive. Although the emptiness boy could not fight, he had gradually occupied some advantages for the fighting boy!

"Give me your life!" Suddenly, Chen Jiu found a chance. It was the iron hand grasping, and he grabbed the neck of the fight, lifted him out, and passed through the heavens.

"Ah, save me!" Fighting was impossible, he really didn't expect Chen Jiu to progress so fast, that was to rush for help.

"Kill!" The Emperor Emperor struck out with a single edge, and the sky broke, Xingyue Shen Lun hit Chen Jiu's brows fiercely!

"Here!" Chen Jiu moved horizontally, quickly blocking the battle in front of him, trying to use him to block his gun.

"Hateful!" Naturally, it is impossible to really hit the battle, and the Emperor's recruits changed their position once again, but Chen Jiu was not vegetarian. He continued to take the fight and block the blade. After repeating this a few times, he was letting the Emperor Void begin. of.

"Brother, I brought your woman back to you ..." Just in the emptiness and anxious eyes, the sound of a trembling sound rang out in the air, distracting Chen Jiu!

"Dead!" Taking advantage of it, a blade of emptiness struck out, centering his waist.

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