Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1541: Learn to love

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Never mind, Sister, do you still be unreasonable? Do you have to choke me to death? If this is the case, I don't want your girlfriend!" Chen Jiu suddenly reluctantly got up.

"Chen Jiu, Shimei can't satisfy you alone. I can take the time to troubleshoot it for you, isn't this the head office?" Glancing angrily, the lonely uncle still spoke amazingly.

"What? Sister, are you sure you are not joking?" In the doubtful eyes of Chen Jiu, loneliness was blushing and shy infinitely.

The reason for this decision is that Lonely Wanderer also has her own little Jiu Jiu. She does not completely disapprove Chen Jiu in her heart, so she cannot just rejoice by herself and not return Chen Jiu's!

Lonely uncle is unwilling to be a burden on Chen Jiu. If he only came to serve himself and he could not let him do his best, then he was equivalent to a customer who did not pay, which made her unacceptable.

In a short time, when he had a sense of freshness, he was okay to say that once he lost this freshness, he would have to devote himself to the embrace of Zhu Shi. At that time, if he felt regretful again, It's late!

Although Lonely 不 does not talk about feelings, it does not mean that she is stupid. Especially when a woman is jealous and grabs a man to love it, she has a natural instinct, so she is determined that it is impossible to let Chen Jiu out of vain.

"Sister, what are you thinking about? Speak!" Chen Jiuzhi couldn't wait to get up. "You said that you would help me troubleshoot. Wouldn't it be fooling me?"

"I ... how could it be you!" With one glance, he said lonely and shamefully: "Chen Jiu, as long as you promise me, I will have more pity for the younger sister, I can actually help you troubleshoot!"

"Oh? That sister, I promised you, you start now, I can't wait!" Chen Jiu anxiously urged.

"What's the monkey anxious, others haven't slowed down yet!" Lonely cymbal was even more embarrassed.

"Sister, you're cool, but I'm not cool yet, I wonder how you plan to make me cool today?" Chen Jiu smiled proudly.

"Huh, that's not enough, how else do you want to drop?" Lonely babble said, turning around and facing Chen Jiu, grasping with both hands, began to move.

"Well, comfortable ..." Chen Jiu didn't say more, but lay back comfortably and watched the beauties playing with themselves without blinking, which made her feel more refreshed.

"Don't keep staring at others, it's embarrassing, eh ..." 嗔 Guaiguai, Lonely, spit out Xiangxiang in time, and gave Chen Jiu more enjoyment.

‘Zizi…’ After so many visits, Chen Jiuzhi was so drunk that he squinted with intoxication and was satisfied.

"You guys, don't just say it on your lips. Since you are satisfied, why don't you talk below?" Lonely blame, she's already a man.

"Sister, you have this action every day, I already have resistance below, you want to let it speak today, I'm afraid you have to change another action!" Chen Jiu was reminded by evil, the reason why He has other purposes.

"Another move? How do you change it?" Lonely Aunt was a little puzzled.

"This ... Sister, don't you get angry if I say it?" Chen Jiu hesitated, staring at the pair of huge beautiful peaks in front.

"Ah ... what on earth do you have a bad idea for?" Lonely uncle seemed to realize it, and hurriedly guarded the front.

"Ma'am, it's like this, look at you so big here, and I'm so big here, it's better to hold it, and act like this, how about it?" Chen Jiu was a bit crazy, and immediately proposed himself Evil advice.

"What? You lunatic, don't think about it, your man is really not a good thing, and you will be ashamed of the law. Insult us!" Lonely **** was instantly anxious, red, and said nothing.

"Okay, okay, I don't even agree with the master sister. When I come back, I let the little sister play like this for me, but unfortunately her Xiaofeng is really uninteresting, alas ..." Chen Jiu could not help but be disappointed again.

"Hey, can you ... can you be normal?" Lonely pursed angrily, she now thinks these men are really abominable.

"Sister, this is love. Interesting, okay? If we don't play tricks, then you think about it, I just go in and sow the seeds and come out. What kind of happiness is there for such a lover?" Chen Jiuzheng is positive Persuaded.

"I can't vomit ivory out of the dog's mouth. Your men are so eloquent. Chen Jiu, can I help you so that you can let it go?" After speaking for a long time, I was still alone and compromised, without it, Because this man is now recognized by her, and her heart actually wants the other party to recognize her, so she must make some achievements. Since she has to be passionate and interesting, then she ca n’t worry about so much. She does n’t understand love, but Slowly learning how to love!

"Of course, Ma'am, are you sure you can help me?" Chen Jiu didn't think it would be so easy, it was immediately excited and excited.

"Well, don't be so excited. You haven't done it before someone else has played!" Unconsciously threw a wink at Chen Jiu, and loneliness was an extra rare feeling.

"Sister, I find that I really like you more and more!" Chen Jiuzhi preached somewhat unbearably.

"Did you like to toss me?" I said lonely. Then I was stunned and stabbed my clothes down. Two beautiful peaks were just caught by Chen Jiu. It hasn't been released for a long time now, now This grilling was almost completely revealed, especially the central ditch, which was even more intoxicating!

"Master, please kneel down!" Chen Jiu then reminded: "Kneeling is more convenient!"

"Well, you guys just like to bury our women, forget it, this time it's up to you!" It's all here, and there is no reason for loneliness to refuse. It is indeed more convenient to kneel in today's situation. .

In this way, the lonely girl posted on her knees and squeezed slightly, feeling the thing between Meifeng, her mood could not help but sway, and produced an unspeakable feeling!

"Well, Ma'am!" At this moment, Chen Jiu enjoyed the infinite realm. Looking at the current scene, he felt the tenderness there, and he almost couldn't bear it.

"Chen Jiu, it doesn't seem to move so much?" After a few tentative moves, loneliness and embarrassment arose again.

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