Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1606: Huge benefit

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What? Chen Jiu, no, you must not leave your disgusting thing in my body, I don't want your Yuanyang, I only got stung by a dog, I lost my vitality, I will make up for myself Come here! "Ruyi seemed to realize Chen Jiu's intention, which was once again strongly opposed.

"Ruyi, don't you feel blushing when you say this?" Chen Jiu laughed aloud.

"I blush? Why should I blush?" Ruyi was very incomprehensible.

"Ruyi, my things are already in your body, aren't they?" Chen Jiu accused: "You have eaten my food long ago, you can't deny it?"

"I ..." Ruyi's face sullen and couldn't help but preach: "That's different, Chen Jiu, this isn't working!"

"You can't say no, I want to stay and see how you can treat me?" Chen Jiu didn't listen at all, that was to start moving again.

"Ah, you ... it's really necrotic!" Under the attack of Chen Jiu, Ruyi simply couldn't resist, and fell again.

Yeti is white, tender, and beautiful. Ruyi, her veritable supreme goddess, the deputy dean of Yuanli Shrine, has a high position and is immaculate.

The body is exquisite, graceful, and tall. It is particularly outstanding in beauty and special temperament. The kind of charm that blends with nature is just like the crystallization of heaven and earth. The pearl of the world is bright and shining!

"Uh ... I'm going to die again!" Ruyi Jiaoyan, the intoxicating blush all over her body, added a sense of elegance to her nobility. Looking at her like this, Chen Jiu finally moved, Can't stand it anymore.

"Ruyi, I am coming!" Chen Jiu shouted, hoping to surprise the beauty.

"What? Don't ... don't get in there, pull it out quickly, don't ... there will be children!" Ruyi yelled, but to no avail, because these words were more likely to arouse the man's happiness. He burst into a river.

"Ah ..." Chen Jiuzhong was quickly released, and with his release, a strong Yuanyang rushed. When he hit, Ruyi also moved a little and drunk completely.

At this moment, different from just now, Ruyi feels a warm current, that is rushing into his own threshold, making himself feel a lot more happy in space!

Warm, warm, like a newborn baby. Bath in the sun, unrestrained, happy and natural, sweet and happy.

"Comfortable!" After Chen Jiu-long, he couldn't help but exclaim with a big sigh, "Ruyi, you still don't want to, what else can you say?"

"You ... you dare to sow seeds in my body, I will not let you go!" Ruyi angrily said, "Even if I am pregnant, I will strangle it!"

"Are you a really poisonous woman, don't you even want to let go of your parents and children?" Chen Jiu scolded displeasedly.

"Well, even if it has my blood, but that's your seed, of course I don't!" Ru Yiqi resentful.

"What a bad woman, do you want to keep the bottom and continue to accompany Yinle?" Chen Jiu accused again.

"Nonsense, Chen Jiu, I have always been innocent. If you had not forced me into filth, how could I become like this?" Ruyi reprimanded.

"Really? Then how do I feel that you have a small mouth open and are constantly swallowing me? Isn't it your natural instinct to be silver?" Chen Jiu then began to doubt greatly.

It was extremely comfortable. This was the special feeling that Ruyi gave him. There was no hole in the sky below her, and the swallowing of that strange mouth was special for him to enjoy, but this was a change that he could feel after his release!

"Nonsense, I don't!" Ruyi naturally would not admit anything, and was very ashamed.

"If you don't believe it, feel it carefully, and say that you don't want my Yuanyang, but look at how much you eat below?" Chen Jiu immediately testified.

"I ..." Ruyi was annoyed, and she couldn't help but feel it for a minute. This feeling, she suddenly said nothing. "How could this be?"

In fact, as Chen Jiu said, the palace inside himself was so eager to get his Yuan Yang, who was resurrected autonomously, and that was constantly swallowing up!

Shame can't face, and Ruyi can't forgive her body at this time, is she born with a silvery and shameless woman?

"Ruyi, can you still pretend this time?" Chen Jiu looked at Ruyi's knot and asked proudly.

"I didn't pretend, I didn't need to pretend!" Ruyi reluctantly retorted.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, as long as you promise my slave, I will feed you in the future, how about it?" Chen Jiu said again.

"Don't even think about it!" Ruyi naturally didn't follow.

"Then don't blame me for being polite!" Chen Jiu said, and continued to move, until now, Ruyi's beauty has only just been developed, and enjoyment in the future is still behind!

"Well, you animal, this kind of feeling!" The following actively swallowed Chen Jiu, and the feeling it brought was even more extraordinary. Ruyi just felt that he was almost collapsed, which he couldn't bear.

In this way, Yuanyang and Yuan Yin converged, and they gradually adopted the one-sided approach to supplement and gradually evolved into a harmonious double repair.

‘Booming…’ The surging elementary forces flow and the genes are complementary. Since they are all strangers, their mutual benefits are huge.

According to legend, human beings are the children of the master, but they have many branches and leaves. Humans have lost the power of their genes. As long as all the excellent genes of humans are brought together, they can be reborn!

In fact, the reproduction of human beings is actually recasting the master, inheriting excellent genes, and spreading from generation to generation, the master will eventually be born again, but this time is not countable. After all, there are too many people. Combined, it's almost impossible.

"Damn, I don't want to repair with you, I don't want it!" Ruyi was still resisting, but her words were crisp and soft, and sounded more like coquettish.

"What a beauty!" Wanton. Favorite. Fortunately, the beauty, Chen Jiuzhong was refreshed again. After flying once, the whole person crawled on the beauty, infinite pleasure.

"You ... why did you get in again!" Ruyi was annoyed, and the whole person was rolling her eyes, so beautiful.

"Come again ..." Chen Jiu is almost a tired machine. After a short stay, he can fight again!

"Crazy!" During Ruyi's curse, Shen Lun went down, feeling the rapid growth of her own genes, and she was really uncontrollable.

Growth will eventually come to an end. After everything calms down, Ruyi can't stand the boundless joy. "Chen Jiu, stop, okay?"

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