Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 192: Ten thousand dead sea

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Okay, hold me tight, Lian'er, don't worry." Chen Jiu was ordered, his hands could not help but tighten again.

"Senior, can you hug me, my heart beats so hard" Zhao Lianer then made another request ashamed.

"Up, this ..." Chen Jiu hesitated, feeling a piece of water. The tender little hand took his big hand and placed it in a circle. Soft and beautiful. Ting Shan. Peaks, that kind of cotton. Crisp The feeling that makes Chen Jiu a lifetime

"Er, Lian'er, this is not so good." Chen Jiu was shocked, but could not help but be firmer.

"Senior, you can help Lianer, okay, Lianer is scared." Zhao Lianer's voice trembled slightly, shaking, as if she was really scared, making Chen Jiu wonder.

"Well, then I'll hold you on top" Chen Jiu helpless, had to agree to the incense. Yan's request, one by one, he covered the two mountains of Zhao Lian'er. Pressed tightly on the peak. Go on, infinitely cool. :)

"Uh, senior, thank you, Lian'er is much better" Zhao Lian'er was grateful, and felt extremely boundless. Furious and happy, as the big-bellied Tianma walked, wobbled, and took this opportunity, her fragrant. Full. Beauty, buttocks, started hissing gently.

Zhao Lian'er was doing his own small movements, God was unaware of the ghosts, and was alone and happy, and Chen Jiu did not hold back at this time, his big hand was still shaking, and gently pinching. Playing.

This pair of men and women each think about beauty, but because of the disparity in status, they can't really sing their hearts, and it is really difficult for them to be so secretive and cheerful.

As the big-bellied Tianma moved around, Zhao Lian'er finally felt like playing. In this corpse pile, there was a sudden convulsion. He held Chen Jiu's big hand tightly and it was completely refreshed. Exploded.

A stream of warmth hit the whole body from below, Zhao Lian'er couldn't help lightly, groaning, infinitely fascinated. Fascinated.

I ca n’t remember how many times this is cool music, but Zhao Lianer knows that it must be no less than ten times. She is in bliss and can't help but be a little scared

Her dignified ethereal fairy is infinitely pure. She is pure and extraordinary, but now she is sinking. She is fascinated by the love of men and women. In love, it is difficult to get infatuated. If people know it, how can it be good?

In particular, Zhao Lian'er felt that he had an uncontrollable addiction. He became addicted and felt a faint worry for a while. If he left his seniors in the future, would he not be able to adapt at all?

Chaos thoughts made Zhao Lianer tangled, and she could not help but urgently needed Chen Jiu's comfort.

"Lianer, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." In the big belly, the black lights were blind and there were corpses everywhere. Chen Jiu felt suddenly held down and grabbed it. Tightly, thought that Zhao Lian'er had found his wrongdoing Ask him to settle the bill, that is very guilty

"What did the senior apologize for?" Zhao Lian'er was coquettish. The voice was charming. "I don't seem to blame the senior, right?"

"Uh, but I ..." Chen Jiu said, instinctively pinching, and it made Zhao Lianer crisp for a while.

"Senior, don't worry, this is what I let you catch, you hold it, I feel so safe, as long as you don't have evil intentions, you don't need to apologize to me," Zhao Lian'er said kindly.

"Lianer, don't you look down on the seniors too much, the seniors have lived so long, what a strong wind. The waves haven't been experienced, the two saints. The female peak, how can I make the seniors lose my heart and fall?" Chen Jiu Immediately, he was brave and courageous.

"Well, I knew the seniors were good people." Nodded, Zhao Lianer couldn't help saying more.

For Chen Jiu, she only thought of him as a good memory.Now she doesn't intend to confess his feelings with her. She just thinks that this is enough. If you make any excessive actions, it will be too much.

In this way, in the sway of the big belly, a pair of men and women, one pretending to be holy and holy, and one pretending to be good-looking, took advantage of each other to play and walked step by step towards the middle of the ice field.

‘Boom rumbling ...’ I do n’t know how to play. How many times, when the sky shakes again, when Zhao Lianer sees the light again, she feels she has no energy at all.

Chen Jiu was a lot better at this time. Opening his eyes and seeing, he suddenly burst into cold sweat.

Mass graves are full of dead bodies, incomplete ones, and beyond recognition ... the whole area is hundreds of miles, completely filled with dead people and blood.

Stinky blood, soaked with countless corpses, men and women, young and old, demon Warcraft, livestock. Livestock, dense, everything

‘Booming…’ In the sky, the monsters WoW constantly dumped the dead bodies collected around. Chen Jiu felt that he would have to be buried in the sea of ​​dead within a day.

"How many dead people are there?" Chen Jiu looked at the huge bowl hole above his head, as if sitting in a well to watch the sky. He secretly guessed that all the bodies were below, but how many of them?

After a thoughtful inspection, Chen Jiu suddenly took a cool breath, underground, and under the blood and water corpse, there was still a vast space to deepen, let alone say that it reached tens of thousands of meters.

With such a large straight diameter and such deep potholes, all the dead bodies are piled up. Chen Jiu can't estimate, how many talents can be filled in the end?

"Hey ... why are there so many dead people, there are tens of millions of people to talk about?" Waking up from the extremely cool, Zhao Lian'er could not stand the scene of purgatory-like scenes on the spot, vomiting again and again

"Roar, boys, hurry up, filled with the dead sea of ​​10,000 people, the Lord Blood Dragon can be sanctified. At that time, follow the Lord Blood Dragon, we will be fragrant and drink spicy ..." In the sky, it looks like a sir A Taishanli ape was cheering and cheering there, very hard.

‘Boom rumbling ...’ The blood and flesh of the corpses were piled in, and the blood was horrible and brutal.

"Lianer, please enter my Baoding first, and take a break for a while, okay?" Chen Jiu looked at Zhao Lian'er and was really intolerable of the cripples here. I can't help but persuade again kindly.

"Well," Zhao Lianer couldn't take it anymore, but she nodded in agreement.

'Zi ...' Guanghua flashed, Zhao Lianer was taken up by Tenglong Baoding with Chen Jiu, while he was lying in the corpse group, showing his white teeth, and speaking with a terrible smile: "I'm rich. But got rich "

"Many fellow humans, don't blame me for being bloodless, but for my ability now, I really can't save you. You still obediently contributed to me. When I come to the world, I will definitely create a peace. "Repay your children and grandchildren." Chen Jiu silently sacrificed countless heroic souls, and felt infinitely sad for their death.

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