Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2313: One dead

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Eh? It ’s a real fire ..." It was still doubtful, but now watching the fire really regenerate, the heavenly pride have to be convinced. {Starter}

"Yeah, that's it!" Decepticon changed his astonishing tone, and it became arrogant with a full face. "You are absolutely right to listen to me!"

"Decepticon, I didn't expect you to really have a hand, but why didn't you tell us the method just now? I have to hit you. It seems that you are born to be cheap!" Wolf Shadow Sword is very uncomfortable. To the face of the uncle down.

"I ..." Decepticon said in a guilty conscience, "I am so tired today, or should we go to another hospital for repair tomorrow?"

"No, Decepticon, today you have to help us fix it all!" A group of Tianjiao, naturally unwilling.

"This ..." Decepticon twitched, his forehead was sweating again, and this time the flames burst out, he knew he had taken a shit, and if he did it again, he would have to be killed by these people!

Although reluctant, Decepticon now has no personal freedom. He was detained by the heavenly pride and had to walk to other yards.

"Jiuchen, are you a ghost?" Yan Zi couldn't help but glance at Chen Jiu in Jiu Jiu Jiu, knowing that all these weird things had been done by him.

"Sister, don't you think it's so fun?" Chen Jiu smiled, holding Yan Zi's little jade hand, just rubbing it gently.

"Uh, you ... what are you doing, let me go!" Yan Ziyu resented, but only withdrew her hand and looked dissatisfied.

"Sister, don't you want to watch a good show?" With Chen Jiu's question, I saw that Yanzi actually appeared in the wind theater.

"Why did I come out, Jiuchen, pull me in!" Yan Zi glanced around. Fortunately, there was no one, and she couldn't help but get nervous. If anyone saw her appearing here, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble. .

"Sister, give me your hand!" When Chen Jiu talked, he raised Xiaoyu's hand.

"You ... just pull it, don't disturb, it makes people feel itchy. Itchy!" Yan Zi's heartbeat accelerated, her face flushed, her itch was actually second, and the most important thing was that of the palms. The action caused her to itch and itch there, making her unconsciously pinched. Tight, it was embarrassing.

"Sister, let's go to the theater!" Chen Jiu said nothing, and he was very proud. He enjoyed this kind of little daughter being picked by himself.

In this way, the two came to Shuichunyuan again. Here, the Decepticons gave the order without hesitation. "Hey, put Shendan into 300 capsules, yes, the top ..."

With the investment of a bunch of treasures, gas can still not be produced in the meal pond, Decepticon's face can't help but grow up, he finally shouted: "Water source, put your god's blood in ten pounds. ! "

"What? Want me to bleed ten pounds!" Shui Yuan's eyes immediately became annoyed.

"Yes, it's ten pounds. If you don't want to let it go, it won't produce gas, and I can't help it, or just let it go?" Decepticon actually didn't want to bleed, he wanted to get out of it, just Still underestimated the determination of this group of Tianjiao.

"Okay, I'm bloody!" Shuiyuan promised his teeth. "If you dare lie to me, then you're dead!"

"I ..." Decepticon was sweating, but it was sweating.

‘Wowa…’ The water source then opened up his own blood. He cultivated to be superb. Although the blood of the **** can be continuously regenerated, if it is released, it is also a very costly thing!

In the dark, Yan Zi's eyes widened again. "Jiuchen, the Decepticons are going to do such a mess, they must be killed!"

"There is no way, this guy should dare to disrespect the sister, and deserve his calamity!" Chen Jiuyi said so.

"Did you just rectify him just for me?" Yan Zi asked a little moved.

"It's not all. This guy bullied me of patents. He committed crimes with no one in sight. In fact, he deserves the punishment he deserves!" Chen Jiu said rightly and sternly, and did not do this.

"You said that after the bleeding was done, can you really give birth?" When Yan Zi felt well, she couldn't help asking again.

In the courtyard, the source of water was full of blood, and his complexion turned pale, as if a ghost had glared at the Decepticon and said, "Why hasn't a **** fire produced yet?"

"Don't worry, wait a second!" The Decepticon wiped his sweat, his gaze was really low.

"If there is no **** fire, I will burn you into jerky!" The water source took the lead, and when the heavens were intimidating, I saw the fire in the furnace of the furnace.

"Huh ... well, the **** of fire is up ..." Decepticon escaped from the death, but he fell to the ground, relieved.

"Okay, then go to the next hospital ..." If it's repeated, Decepticon finds ways to make the Tianjiao difficult. Before they assemble, they end up arranging these Tianjiao once, like now they are bleeding behind. It's basically pediatric!

The seventh yard came to the Huojiaoyuan, and Decepticon proposed to let the lighter break the hands and feet and throw it into the meal pond in order to sacrifice the **** of fire.

"What? Are you **** intentional?" The lighter was naturally furious.

"You don't want to do this, then forget it, you can't blame me without a **** of fire!" Decepticon wanted to get away, but he found a reason, but it was so irresistible.

"Okay, I'm broken!" The strong man broke his wrist, and the lighter worked for the **** of fire, and he also fought. He broke his hands and feet, and allowed the blood to flow into the tank.

The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. This time, there is no more fire, even if you wait for a long time, there is no fire!

"Decepticon, are you looking for death?" The lighter stared at it, it was intolerable.

"Report, sir, the sacred fire in our courtyard is extinguished again ..." At this moment, the founders of the founder's yard came to report that the sacred fire just ignited and went out again.

To make matters worse, the fire was burning with oil. For a time, the heavens proudly surrounded the Decepticon, and he could not wait to stare directly at him!

"I ..." Decepticon looked at the circles of Tianjiao's desperate eyes. He had no way to escape, and knew that he had made a great disaster, and there was no death!

Looking down at the meal tank below, Decepticon invested in it without hesitation. He knew that this was his only chance. Even if he died, he could not fall into the hands of this group of people, otherwise he would definitely Being tortured by them is crazy.

"Don't think about it ..." Zhu Tianjiao scolded, but it was too late. In the face of the pulp pond, none of them dare to go down to fish, and they just couldn't help it!

"Decepticon is dead, how can we make a difference to Yanran?" Most Tianjiao people started to worry again, after all, they died under their eyes, which is always inseparable from the system.

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