Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2334: what is this

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What is this? Besides, you don't want me anymore. What about me, why do you care?" Yan Zi stared at Chen Jiu with a puzzlement. (Starting)

"How come I don't want you? Obviously you don't want to have a relationship with me, okay?" Chen Jiu stared again immediately.

"You say me that, how can I stay with you?" Yan Zi complained. Facing this fiance, the biggest love of her life, even though she was angry, how could she say that she gave up?

At this time, the woman actually said more, just irritated. At this time, as long as Chen Jiu talks well and coaxes Yanzi, she can actually forgive him!

"You are so silvery, how can I be with you?" Unfortunately, Chen Jiu still had a misunderstanding about Yan Ran, and he was not willing to bow his head to persuade him.

"Okay, you go!" Such things, men do not bow their heads, women are naturally not easy to commit. Cheap, stubbornly clinging, Yan Zi is resentful, but also drove up against Chen Jiu, stink man After finishing yourself, you have to scold yourself, isn't it a thing?

"Leave, of course I have to leave, but you have to remember what I said. Even if you don't want to be my woman, you are not allowed to get in touch with other men. Today's things must never happen again!" Chen Jiu serious Warned, but also left indignantly.

"You ..." Staring at the back of Chen Jiu, Yan Zi was angry, and the tears could not help falling again. "Smelly man, dead man, why don't you care about women so much?"

"Damn, I can't think of it. The tutor's son is so romantic?" Thinking of the past with Chen Jiu, Yan Zi's mouth gradually showed a happy expression again.

For a long time, Yan Zi was a girl and she also had her own love dream. The appearance of Jiu Chen undoubtedly fulfilled this dream. She wanted to marry him, but the reality of the shackles did not allow her to do so. In the end, she could only Choose to be with Chen Jiu!

I thought that in my life, such a tragedy came to an end, but I did not expect that they could turn into a person. Then this tragedy will immediately become a comedy!

"Is this God's care or God's punishment?" Yan Zizhen asked herself, in fact, she was very happy about the overlap of this relationship, but she was very angry about Chen Jiu's prank.

"Asshole, because of him, he almost died of grief. In the end, it was he who deliberately played with himself, and after the play was over, you didn't know to coax me, but you even called me silver. Waves? Am I really that cheap? Yan Zi mumbled her mouth, the more she became unhappy the more she thought about it.

"What is this? Is it the token of his love that he deliberately gave himself?" Yan Zi looked down, and she actually had a longing for Chen Jiu.

‘Oh! ’A quick glance at the thought that the small object in my hand suddenly vibrated, and when she was so numb, she quickly threw it away, very scared.

"Oh, what attacked me?" At this moment, a scene of the drama appeared, Yan Zi, who was so immortal, just dropped on the head of Yuanyuan who was admitted to the hospital. She and Shasha walked next to each other. That was to come to Yanran Courtyard, looking for Jiuchen.

"Ah, this, mine ..." Sasa and Yuanyuan could not help but look at this thing. Shame, and rush to grab it, the jade hands are holding them, can't wait to take it.

"Hey, what are you robbing, that thing I just threw out, and you hand it over to me!" Just as the two women Jiao. Shame rushed, Yan Zi suddenly came out and ordered them.

"Young Master, yours?" The two women looked at each other, and that was all in silence, and it was extremely difficult for them to hand it over.

"Yes, this is mine. Jiuchen just gave it to me. Do you know what it is?" Looking at the two women fighting, Yanzi thought they should know what it does.

"This ... Master, didn't he tell you?" Yuanyuan, they were shy and shy, it was really hard to explain.

"No, he was in a hurry just now when something happened. I didn't have time to say, I think you should know what it is?" Yan Zi asked again.

"This is a goddess artifact ..." Sasha reluctantly replied, although they were all women, they were embarrassed to die.

"Goddess artifact? What exactly is it and what effect does it have?" Yanzi was even more puzzled. She thought it was a token of love. Now it seems that she thinks more.

"Young Master, it's like this ... you should know the point between our women's legs ..." She was so embarrassed that she stayed away, but after all, Yan Zi was the young Master, so after asking so much now, the two women can't hide it anymore Yes, I have to stammer, and talk about its role.

The source of happiness, the enjoyment of the goddess, whether it is listening or speaking, the faces of the three women are all coquettish for a time. Very shy.

"What? It's the kind of obscene thing, the **** stinky man, who actually gave me this ..." After fully learning about its role, Yan Zi squeezed the thing tightly and wished to unload it. Eight yuan, extremely angry, but in the end, she was still curious: "How do you know so clearly?"

"Master, we also have it. Master gave it to us long ago, aren't you curious why we suddenly became Master's confidante? In fact, it was after Master gave us this that we were convinced by him ... "The two girls didn't hide it, and they honestly explained everything.

"What? He actually gave you this too!" Yan Zi was a little jealous for a moment, dead man, you are so downcast. No shame, what qualifications are there to blame me Yinlang?

"Master, don't be angry, Master gave you this, it is also kind. When you have used it, you will know what the real goddess feels like!" Yuanyuan they kindly comforted them.

"Do you use this every day?" Staring, Yan Zi was also unbelievable. You must know that the two women in front of her are recognized as pure and cold, and they supposedly should not be involved with such things, now they are actually It ’s also so waves, who believes to go out?

"Master, please keep us a secret!" Ding Ruo acknowledged indirectly between the two women.

"Well, I understand, I won't talk nonsense, you go down!" After Yan Zi was determined, she waved her hands and sent them off.

Huh, they can be so pure and cold, so silver waves, what's wrong with them?

Well, Yanzi dare to find some comfort in the two women, suddenly felt a lot of sighs: "what the **** does that man think? Shouldn't he really not come back?"

Women, after all, are still easy-hearted. After arguing with men, they will still be reluctant!

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