Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2339: Bury the hatchet

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"What? Are you all his?" Listening to Yan Zi's words, Yan Ran was really taken aback, and then complained: "What a stinky boy, actually got on the ship first and then filled the ticket, no wonder it was so supportive! "

"Mother, I'm sorry you bother me!" Yan Zi's cheeky face couldn't help but look very embarrassed. {Starter}

"It's okay, as long as you can be good, I don't have to worry about more!" Shaking his head, Yan Ran immediately stood up and said, "There are so many wives, isn't his body broken?"

"This ..." Yan Zi was even more ashamed. She didn't expect the other person to ask such a hidden matter. Regarding Chen Jiu's ability, she really admired it.

"Okay, look at your shame, I know he should not be bad!" Yan Ran didn't make Yan Zi too embarrassed, and then went out. "You wait here, I'll take that kid Call over! "

"Thank you mother!" Yanzi glanced gratefully. Her body and mind had already been occupied by Chen Jiu. If he could return to her side, she would still be willing to disregard it.

Outside the courtyard, Chen Jiu and their father and son just sat down and talked for a few moments. When they saw Yan Ran came out directly, they couldn't help but be surprised.

"Mother, isn't it easy to talk?" Chen Jiu was really worried. She must have hated herself for such a girl.

"Jiuer, you look down on your mother too much. For this little thing, there is a guarantee from your mother. Zier has forgiven you, but you must not make her angry again, understand?" Yan Ran said proudly. Up.

"Really? She really forgives me?" With doubt, Chen Jiu followed.

"Chen Jiu, we just have a little thing. Why are you still shocking your mother? We have something to say!" Shocked Chen Jiu. As soon as she entered the room, Yan Zi posted it.

"Oh, this ..." Chen Jiu'er knew naturally that Yan Zi hadn't said anything, and hurriedly said, "I'm not worried that you won't forgive me!"

"Well, the past things are over. Today our family is rare to get together and have a good reunion dinner!" Yan Ran persuaded then, a rare relief.

"A family?" Yan Zi looked at Chen Tianhe puzzled, thinking he was just a servant.

"Call dad, Zier, this is our dad!" Chen Jiu introduced solemnly.

"Ah, dad is on, please accept my daughter's worship!" Yan Zi was shocked, and quickly worshiped, unable to help but feel happy for Yan Ran.

"Please get up, Zier, Dad hasn't prepared any gifts, just send you a word, this kid will have to pay close attention, otherwise he can easily get messy!" Chen Tianhe politely, again The number fell to Chen Jiu.

"Dad, let's have a meal!" Chen Jiu's eyes were so happy that the family had a reunion dinner together.

When the full moon was empty, I toasted and drank until late at night. Because Yanran came out privately, she couldn't stay longer, so she went back all night.

"Husband, it's cold at night, let's go back to the house!" At this time, there were two of them left, Yan Zi looked at Jiao directly. She gave a shy look and persuaded.

"Okay!" Chen Jiu looked at the drunken cheeks of the jade person, and was beautiful.

In this way, after the two returned to the room, Chen Jiu looked straight at Yan Zi and remained motionless!

"Husband, is it difficult to have flowers on people's faces?" Yan Zi was also looked a little embarrassed.

"Yan Zi, my mother is gone. I think we have something to say, it's better to say it!" Chen Jiu couldn't help but asked directly: "Are you really forgiving me?"

"Husband, can't you please your performance now?" Yan Zi was just shy and didn't say much.

"Yanzi, I deceived you before and after, and scolded you so much, you really don't care?" Chen Jiu was a little guilty.

"Husband, are you worried that I will forgive you pretending to count you in the future? Am I Yan Zi in your heart, is that the kind of villain?" Yan Zi also piqued her mouth, red. Tender . Tender, very pleasant.

"Of course this is not, but I'm ashamed of you. You forgave me so easily. I can't believe it!" Chen Jiu shook his head and said his doubts "You want to say that you deliberately perfunctory my mother, I'm quite convinced that now you treat me so well, and I can't adapt to it! "

"Chen Jiu, let me ask you, am I still in your heart, isn't I a scumbag?" Settled, Yan Zi suddenly acted positively.

"No, no, Yanzi, that was my bastard, my belly was chicken, I can't stand you abandoning me, so I was blinded by hatred, and please forgive me!" Chen Jiu shook his head immediately, Apologize sincerely.

"Chen Jiu, it seems you really figured it out!" Listening to Chen Jiu, Yan Zi was heartily relieved, and then she said, "Are you really angry with me?"

"No longer, you keep the promise, that's a good thing, but it's me, playing with different identities before and after. Playing with you, causing great physical and mental trauma, I'm sorry for you!" Chen Jiuyi regretted himself Blame.

"No, you are not sorry for me. Instead, you have brought me a lot of romantic care. I should also thank you. If you did n’t do this, I might have been so full of my life. You opened my heart , I truly realized the charm of love, my life, because you are truly full and happy, this is the happiness from the soul! "Yan Zi was shy and looked at Chen Jiu silently, but also grateful.

Husbands and wives need such mutual gratitude. Because of each other, their lives are full of happiness. As long as this gratitude persists, then they will always stay together and never give up!

"Zi'er, so you forgive me for my **** behavior?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but be surprised.

"Why are you still called Zier!" Yan Ziyu complained, her little daughter's affection was clear.

"Wife, it's getting late, let's go to bed early!" Chen Jiu knew, and even hugged the Jade people all at once, that was ambiguous preaching.

"Well, you may not be so fierce today, or else you have to be destroyed by you!" Yan Zi promised, reminding worriedly.

"Really? But you didn't say that at the time!" Chen Jiu laughed mischievously.

"Oh, husband, people don't follow me, you are not allowed to make fun of them!"

"I want you!" I couldn't help it anymore, and Chen Jiu's mouth imprinted, and Yan Zi was immediately pushed down. At this time, no words can compare with that intense movement!

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