Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2344: Thundered

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Boy, even if you are a bit able, but it is useless at all. Our Zhu family has family rules and will never marry outsiders. You will die with that heart!" After being beaten, these people are still embarrassed Hard-core, unwilling to be convinced. (Starting)

"What? Without intermarriage with other people, is it self-produced and sold in your clan? No wonder you are a group of people who grow older and more frustrated. It turns out that they are close relatives getting married!"

"We don't have close relatives, we have regulations, five generations are not allowed to marry!" Anxious red eyes, these people immediately explained again.

"Oh, I care if you can marry or not. I fell in love with Zhu Shi. I already took a pledge from the Alliance. Today, I must take her away. Otherwise, I will wash the blood of Zhujiazhen!" Relentless, stepped on these people one after another.

‘噗噗…’ Everyone keeps vomiting blood, and the situation is terrible. It ’s unbearable to others, but they are afraid of Chen Jiu ’s majesty.

"Stop, sinner!" With a heavy applause, the three old Zhu family finally came out with the support of everyone.

"Oh? Three Lao Zhu, I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Seeing Zheng Zong appeared, Chen Jiu simply left from these people. It was not his original intention to abuse them, but he just wanted to force San Lao faster. That's it.

"Niezi, at first it was for the plea of ​​Yuanli Shenyuan's courtship that we spared your life, but you knocked on the door today without knowing what to do, I think you really have to do everything!" Zhu Tufu mouthed Heiya, reprimanded Chen Jiu with dissatisfaction.

"You have one defeat, you don't deserve to talk to me!" Chen Jiu directly despised it, and treated his body with his own way.

"You ..." Zhu Tufu was so angry and depressed.

"Boy, do you know that your behavior today is already hard to forgive?" Zhu Tiandi gritted his teeth and stared at Chen Jiu very angry.

"Zhu Tiandi, the other day you blocked me with Jiuxianlei and forcibly took away Zhu Shi. This is the bane you planted. Today you must bear all the guilt!" Chen Jiusheng was shocking, but also tit-for-tat.

"The biggest bane is that I didn't get rid of you myself at the time!" Zhu Tiandi preached gloomily.

"No ... your bane lies in your disrespect for free love, but also a person. Why should you be superior?" Chen Jiu put forward different opinions.

"Why? King Wuxian had unified the gods and ordered thousands of people. If I didn't dare to obey, then I was his descendant, so I would be superior!" Zhu Tiandi preached proudly.

"A joke, no matter what orders people have, my Dragonblood family never listened to his orders, and he was not capable of conquering us!" Chen Jiu was also unconvinced.

"What? You belong to the Dragonblood family!" Zhu Tiandi couldn't help but startled.

"Yes, but no matter what family I am, you look down on people and hinder free love, this is not right!" Chen Jiu shouted severely.

"Boy, even if you belong to the Dragon Blood family, then Zhu Shi cannot follow you. She is now the maiden in our clan, and bears the heavy responsibility of guiding the entire clan to prosperity. It is impossible for you. Zhu Tiandi solemnly preached.

"I don't care about any maiden or maiden, anyway, she is my wife, and I will take it away!" Chen Jiu was unwilling to listen to these and ignored them.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense to him, just take down and slaughter!" Zhu Tufu suggested dissatisfied.

"Okay, die!" Zhu Tiandi was also planning to take action, and immediately glared at the fierce eyes, a large hand waved, and a vacant **** thunder, fiercely smashed to the top of Chen Jiu's head.

"Roar!" Facing this **** thunder that once made Chen Jiu unable to fight back, he opened his mouth and screamed, it was directly sucked into the viscera and digested.

"What? You dare to devour my **** thunder!" Zhu Tiandi couldn't help but be stunned. Knowing that a person's dirty organs are the most vulnerable. If even he can withstand the attack of **** thunder, then this person must be strong To what extent?

"Give it back to you!" Chen Jiuyi laughed, opened his mouth again, and exquisitely trained thunder, spit out directly from his mouth, roaring towards Zhu Tiandi like a thunder dragon.

"Joke, how dare you compare with the elder brother ..." Zhu Tufu hadn't had time to be happy. Zhu Tiandi's scream made him creepy.

"Ah ..." Zhu Tiandi, claiming to be invincible in playing with mines, but was also penetrated by this overbearing **** mine today, which was scorched black and smoked, and one that was not blocked by the face fell directly to the ground and changed Become black charcoal pumping. Twitch.

"This ... Wu Xianleijue is not his opponent, is this brother a retribution?" Zhu Wuli couldn't help but be ashamed. He still remembered the appearance of Chen Jiu when he was smashed into coke.

"The mayor was downed by thunder, God, how is this possible!" A group of Zhu family members were even more shocked than to accept.

"Where's Zhu Shi?" After Chen Jiuyi succeeded, he approached step by step, with prestige and arrogance.

"You ... boy, don't think about it ... Ah!" Zhu Tufu hadn't finished speaking yet, Chen Jiu spit out a thunderbolt, and directly gave him electricity to coke.

"I'll ask again, where is Zhu Shi? If you don't tell me, then I will ruin your Zhujia town!" Chen Jiu's eyes were full of threats.

"Stop anger, little brother, you anger!" At this time, Zhu Weili realized the seriousness of the matter and couldn't help but rush out to persuade him. "You can rest assured, Zhu Shi is better now, she is better than ever, you do n’t want her to be in the future Remember to hate you? "

"Tell me, where is she?" Chen Jiu bluntly asked, quite anxious.

"It took a few days to succeed in the transformation in Houshan, and was being taught by our ancestors!" Those who dare not neglect, Zhu Wuli immediately explained.

"That being the case, take me over to ask for someone!" Without saying a word, Chen Jiufei grasped Zhu Wuli and flew back to the mountain directly.

"Oh my God, it's too arrogant. Come to my Zhujiazhen to grab someone, and hit the ancestor. Can you say that he can succeed?" A group of young people, jealous, all talked up.

"The ancestor is unfathomable. He must have gone there without going back!" Some elderly people preached with conviction.

Flying thousands of miles, this is the back of the mountain in Zhujia Town, where there is no one here, it can be described as extremely desolate and remote!

"The ancestors have already escaped from the world, so they have stayed away from Zhujiazhen and submerged in the deep mountains. If it was not Shier's talents, they would not have alarmed them!" It seems that Chen Jiu's doubts were seen, Zhu Wuli detailed Explain it.

"Oh? Let me ask you, is there a **** in them?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but ask with a drum in his heart.

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