Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2355: Arrive at the temple

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Shier, you have a smirk on your face, what do you think of a ghost idea?" Chen was really curious. (Starting)

"Follow me and you'll know right away!" Chen pulled out with joy, and came to the street, at this time a luxurious box carriage stopped in front of them.

"Eh? This is the surprise you gave me. Would you like me to ride a carriage?" Chen shook his head, and couldn't help but think that it was nothing special.

"Why? You don't want to sit. You know that this is the most luxurious carriage. Only high-ranking and talented people can take it!" Zhu Shi liked it very much. He pulled Chen and walked up, and turned to the groom and ordered: "Drive, go out from Ximen and keep going!"

"Okay!" The carriage promised, and immediately pulled the horse in front, letting the carriage go to the street crowd. Due to the large number of people, the carriage went slower.

"Husband, you can see that this car will deform!" With a slight smile, Zhu Shi even lifted the canopy and opened it up. As long as people stand at this time, they can see people coming and going in the entire street. It's very convenient to sell it!

"Well, yes, this carriage is a bit interesting, so watching the people's livelihood in this way is a pleasure!" Chen Jian gradually realized a wonderful thing, and sighed.

"Husband, the greater fun has just begun!" Zhu Shiyan smiled, her figure slipped.

"Well, Shier, why did you go down?" When Chen puzzled his head, he saw the scene that made him excited.

Zhu Shi, who was beautiful and noble at this time, was just a Miss Xianjia, and she even took the initiative to kneel in front of her, so close to her.

"Husband, isn't it comfortable to enjoy this way?" Zhu Shidiao smiled. She didn't let Chen down. She just snuggled in, let go of his strength, and started supreme service!

"Ah, Shier, you are great!" How could Chen be uncomfortable? He looked at all beings, people's livelihood, and no one in the crowd could compare with Zhu Shi.

At this time, such a beauty even kneeled in front of herself and gave herself the highest enjoyment. In such a comparison, the sense of happiness was spontaneous and very beautiful!

What is happiness? When everyone can't eat enough, you can eat it. That's called happiness. For some time, happiness is like this.

Chen, traveling on the street in a luxurious carriage, and still enjoying the devotion of beauty, such ridiculous and ridiculous things, in his opinion, are the talents of wealthy wealthy men In business, he did not expect that he would have such a fallen day.

Beauty is really beautiful. The more and more beautiful it is, Chen just can't control it. He closed his eyes and looked down at Zhu Shi ’s full-faced sky, and he felt full.

In this way, Chen Suan accepted the great gift that Zhu Shi brought to him, that was all the way out of the city, and he was beautiful seven or eight times!

"Well, you can go back, this carriage doesn't need you to rush!" After leaving the city, Zhu Shi directly sent the groom away, and she snuggled in Chen's arms at this time, just begging Says: "Husband, will you spend more days with me, okay?"

"Okay, everything is as you wish!" Chen also nodded in these few days, he nodded, the two of them were crazy, it seems that it has just begun.

An ordinary road leading to the Yuanli Temple, a wonderful scene has appeared since then. A luxurious carriage, without a groom, is running at a constant speed, without stopping!

The windows were tightly closed and dangling, and I didn't know what was happening inside.

A few days later, when approaching Yuanli Shrine, the carriage finally stopped slowly.

Outside the carriage, people flow, but inside the carriage, it is alive. It is fragrant and faint, and you can see a pair of men and women inside. It is completely frank. Seeing each other honestly, the beauty of Merlot is in progress!

Exquisite and beautiful, beautiful and unparalleled, she is beautiful and noble, it is just a fairy in the sky, which makes people unimaginable, and she can do such inferior things.

"Ah, husband, no, people really can't!" Zhu Shijiao shouted, and the whole man was riding down on Chen's body, and let the shamelessness be revealed.

"No, you have been moving, I think you still can!" Chen Tiao smiled, playing with both hands, no doubt full. Full!

Che. Zhen, although not a car, the luxury of this carriage is also equivalent to a car. With the bumps, he will get a physical one, which can not be realized in the past life.

Che. Zhenmei is not beautiful, it depends on whether the beauty is good enough, and Zhu Shi is the best choice regardless of his status or appearance, so Chen Mei is a mess!

"Ah, husband!" In the middle of Zhu Shi's movements, she finally lost all her strength, fell down, and became drunk and unconscious. She was too tired and too happy.

"Shier, have you been full these days, and which mouth is not full? I will continue to feed you!" Chen Deyi couldn't help asking again.

"Uh, good husband, everyone is full. Now they are not hungry all over. You let people sleep, and they will go back to you!" Zhu Shi seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping, lying in this man's On the body, that's really full.

Zhu Shi is full, but I do n’t know, a woman is suffering because of Chen!

Like Huafeng, Mengruhua is dressed in obsessed. Human flesh. Silk, her beautiful posture, walking back and forth in the hall, but a person is dry. Red face, tangled cheeks. Shame.

"What to do, what should I do? I can't think of it. Kong Zhi actually convinced himself to Chen as his little wife. How could he have talked to her if he hadn't treated him well?" Talking to myself, I didn't even remember the various conversations with Kong Zhi.

She had some interest in Chen at first. After Kong Zhi's exaggeration, she was even more energetic. She was really thinking of Chen!

A kind of unrequited love blossoms, dreams like flowers want Chen, but she does not have a valid reason, very embarrassed.

"It's still a good star, she can still enjoy Chen's big thing ..." Thinking about it, Mengruhua couldn't help but think of Chen's big thing that often makes bad. This thing is an existence that she wants to get, but has never been able to get. She certainly couldn't let go.

Yes, she is not old anymore, Meng Ruhua is more proficient in beauty, and has a need for self-control for men and women. Now, she is faintly empathizing, and she naturally wants to be loved by men!

"No, I can't help it!" So thinking about it, Mengruhua just couldn't help it, and walked towards the bedroom with her beautiful legs, what would she do?

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