Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2362: Myth Star

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Dean, did you hear that? These people are going to grab my woman. You still care about it, don't you let them ignore the law like this?" Chen yelled loudly in the face of the arrogance of the seven people. As soon as this happened, Shen Xingyun didn't even show his face, and he was a little bit upset. (Starting)

"Ha ha, Shen Xingyun's waste, even if he is here, do you dare to say‘ no ’to us?” Inoue cart laughed at it and degraded the current dean as much as possible.

"Dean, they call you a waste, don't you have any reaction?" Chen provoked again.

"Shout, little, even if you shout your throat, he wouldn't dare to deal with you. Like when we were in a storm, the little one was not weaned, haha ​​..." The seven of them were crazy, not at all The look of today's dean really made the classmates angry.

Of course, the most indignant is undoubtedly the dean of the present deity. There is no doubt that in the depths of the sanctuary, there is a starry sky shrine that is weather-strength and known as a girl killer. That is qi. His face turned blue, his old mouth muttered high!

"Oh, my brother, don't be angry, I'm so angry that no one will do it for me!" A Jiao Mei girl, who was concerned and persuaded to Shen Xingyun.

"Sister, they have damaged my face so much, how could I still stand it?" Shen Xingyun was very dissatisfied, and that was when he looked at the head of the shrine and said, "Master, you always let me manage God. Hospital, but if this continues, how can I still manage it face to face? "

"Well, Xingyun, these are junior battles. How do you let me manage it?" A gentle voice sounded, sitting on the head of the golden seat, a young man, tall and tall Bloomberg's is just like a giant, which makes people dare not underestimate.

Shen Xingtian, the master of the mythological academy, is also a master god. He can get everyone's approval, and he naturally has an outstanding place!

"You still don't care? I tell you, just now they bullied Wufeng and we didn't control it, then Chen Fangming just remembered that we hated us. Now, if we still don't care, how can we make him work in the future?" Shen Xingyun was anxious and ashamed. : "Like I promised to cover him at the beginning, something happened now, we dare not show up. What kind of dean is this?"

"Xing Yun, before you told me, you just said that I should restrict the Lord God, and now the Lord God has not yet shot, what do I control?" Shen Xingtian said indifferently: "If the five peaks of it This little wind and little wave can't stand it, so how can we take the big responsibility? "

"But ..." Shen Xingyun stared. In the eyes of the superior, there may be only a ruthless test, but he looked at Chen very much and regarded him as his friend.

"Sister, it ’s good to help others, but you have to do what you can. You see that there are not many talented people in our mythological institute. Now you and I are here. You are willing to let the sister compare with that group of beasts. Do you fight? "Youyou pity, the only beautiful girl posing pathetic.

"Ah ..." After looking at the sister and weighing the fighting powers of both sides, Shen Xingyun sighed helplessly.

I want to help, but the Lord God is really inconvenient to shoot, and the power of the gods below, the mythological institute is too weak, so that they ca n’t help, they can only stare, let Wufeng be bullied!

"Well, brother, this person has no fear at all. He will be fine. Besides, there are so many beautiful women in the first house. We can't look down on him!" Can't help but console.

"Sister, he has so many wives, don't you still think of his ideas?" Shen Xingyun smelled an ominous charm.

"Go, don't you think of Sister as someone. Sister is the kind of woman who robs her husband? Sister is just curious!" She took a sip and was interested in the female face.

"But your women like us men, and they usually start with curiosity!" Shen Xingyun preached deeply.

"Who does the sister like? It's not up to you to take care of it!" With a white eye, the girl was too lazy to take care of her.

"Small, please ask for blessing, not that I don't help you, but I really can't afford to lose that person!" Shen Xingyun sighed slightly, and also knew it bitterly.

If the strength is poor, even if you go out, it is also a part of being abused by people. If you are beaten a half to death, will the dean's face be lost?

Before Wufeng, I screamed a few words, Chen still didn't see Shenxingyun outcrop, he simply said no more. "Forget it, since the dean does not come out, then I will preside over the court and kill you. Things, uphold the justice of the temple! "

"Kill us? It's just you, haha, this is really the biggest joke in the world, young, are you disheartened?" A group of people taunted again.

"Several beasts, don't say I bully you, let's do whatever you can!" Chen scolded, his purpose has been achieved, no need to talk nonsense anymore!

"Destroy you, I'll be enough!" Inoue's stroller stepped out and told him: "You beat my child that day, you killed him today, and you must kill your life today!"

"Oh? You are his father, no wonder he is so garbage, it turned out to be you!" Chen stared, with a stern irony.

"Dare you scold our family as garbage? Give me death!" The sentence on the Inoue cart clearly understood, and immediately it was roaring with rage: "Invincible chariot, crush!"

'Booming ...' A gold-steel two-wheeled chariot suddenly appeared in the air, pushed by an inoue cart, and crushed it over Chen, wherever it passed, the void broke, the order was chaotic, and the law Not saved.

"Uh, this is the way you use your stroller!" Chen Hanyan felt that he wanted to be crooked. This was his cart, but he wanted to be another cart!

No wonder the Inoue stroller is glorified by the posture of the stroller. It turned out that he pushed the cart up, so brave and invincible, almost unstoppable.

"Haha, hit you!" Pushing his chariot, Inoue's face was full of madness. He was watching, Chen was already dead.

"Hey, it's destined to be just a cart!" Chen sighed at this moment, and the whole man leaped forward and laughed: "It's a pity that someone carts, but no one rides, I'll take a ride on your tank "Enjoy your coachman's skills!"

‘Boom! ‘Like the repression of Shenshan, after Chen ’s body stood on the chariot, he immediately stopped it. The inoue cart was hit by this, and the tiger's mouth cracked, and he was so sweaty.

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