Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2382: With barriers

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Dressed as Meng Xingchen, and was misunderstood by Chen Jiu, in fact, Meng Ru Hua was quite wrong. In order to prevent Chen Jiu from discovering it, she buried her face deeply, which was really difficult for her.

When will Chen Jiu not come, Zhiruhua actually passed yesterday, she did n’t want to be so happy anymore, but helpless, if she did n’t, Chen Jiuyi would not be able to see her, so she would be forced I didn't wait for her, and if I talked to her, wouldn't I have all dressed up?

At that time, if you let him master this master, he pretends to be a dream star, and agrees with him here, where can he keep his old face?

Black, silky long legs, suspender pants, fans. When people are fragrant, their hips are raised high, even if they do nothing, then it is a superb cannon rack that can make any man want to hold it. fire.

But now, on this gun rack, the gun is still being burned, which is even more difficult!

"This little shit. Goods, do you want to be so wavey?" Chen Jiu was so angry, he just thought, "Well, you are a dream star, aren't you wavey?" I'll break your wave hole, and see if you are not so wave in the future!

"Ah ..." Mengru Huajiao shouted, after all, she had achieved her wish, but then she quickly stopped.

"Yeah, why not!" When Chen Jiu was mad, he was fighting together in a big fight. It is conceivable that if dreams were spent like this, how much suffering and happiness it would have suffered.

It ’s like yesterday, but after all, it ’s melon, and the uncomfortable feeling has n’t invaded, but the huge happiness struck, still making Dream Ruhua a little unbearable.

Happiness fainted, and then woke up happily. This was the most difficult time in her life. For such things, she was scared and reluctant. She was entangled and very happy!

For men and women, it's not a thing to pass for a while, but it's really happening. This thing is poisonous. It can make people want. If you can't, you can't get rid of it.

Big beautiful women, pretty widows, often go out of their way because they can't bear the needs of this body, and this thing abounds in everything, and it's haode right to release the dependency of this kind of thing!

I have n’t even experienced it before, but now I ’ve experienced it. Although I felt a little daunted when I was bearing it, Mengruhua came back without hesitation. In some ways, Mengxing ’s strategy was correct.

Once the big fish and big meat are used to dreaming like a flower, she suddenly cut off her food, and I'm afraid she can't hold it anymore!

Both the teacher and the apprentice, Meng Ruhua is ashamed to admit it, Meng Xingchen is afraid to tell the truth, afraid of being blame, and she is now waiting for Meng Ruhua to surrender actively.

After so much torment for nearly a night, Chen Jiu fell asleep again, gently pushed him away, with a look of tiredness and happiness on his face, dreamily looked at this man with love and hate, and did not dare to stay long Yes, he hastily left.

After dawn, Meng Xing awoke. She didn't get benefits last night, and naturally she was still lingering with Chen Jiu for an end.

In this way, Chen Jiu has been misunderstood even more. This cheap man was paralyzed yesterday. He was so paralyzed that he has such a great momentum today? OK, I won't believe it!

For this kind of thing, Chen Jiu firmly believes that he is invincible, and he vowed to punish Hao Xingchen with a lot of hade, and make a big deal.

The ridiculous Tang incident lasted for seven days. Chen Jiu was careless and borrowed alcohol to relieve his sorrow, but he didn't find out that he was doing it before and after. It turned out to be two women!

In fact, this can't be completely blamed on Chen Jiu. He has anger in his heart, plus a little wine, and the bodies of the two men, such as Meng Ru Hua and Meng Xing Chen, are so similar, plus she is wearing the black silk of Meng Xing Chen. Under his misunderstanding, he didn't want to look at Meng Xingchen's face at all, which made the ridiculous Tang continue.

It's enough to say that Chen Jiu is careless, but there are two women who don't want to break this relationship first. It is relatively harmonious to accompany Chen Jiuran all day!

For seven days, this has been the case. Even the most beautiful woman has lost her emotional support. Chen Jiu is a bit boring. Therefore, on the eighth day, he did not go to the Star Hall.

"Damn stinky man, don't say anything if you don't come!" Meng Ruhua naturally complained, tilted her beauty. She waited all night for her hips, but no one was petting her. Fortunately, this really made her extremely frustrated.

Although lost, in order not to be found, Meng Ruhua left in advance, waiting for Meng Xing to wake up, she was undoubtedly disappointed!

Chen Jiu, even if he lost two daughters, he still has many concubines to be happy. He returned to the Nine-Five Peaks, urged cultivation, and restored the morale of the Nine-Five Peaks. It was gradually recovered from the gloom.

Such a day or two is okay, so four or five days have passed, which makes Meng Xingchen and Meng Ruhua unable to sit still, wanting that, but ashamed to say it, it is really hard to die.

Finally, on the sixth day, Meng Ruhua couldn't bear it. "Xing Chen, I heard that Chen Jiu was out of customs. Why don't you go over and look at him these days. If you're free, let him come and sit with us!"

"Master, do you go with me!" Meng Xingchen directly suggested and preached.

"Well, let's go together!" Meng Ruhua thought for a while, and also missed Chen Jiu, so she passed with her.

In the Nine-Five Peaks, Chen Jiu glanced at the pair of masters and apprentices, but just told them lightly. For the time being, the Nine-Five Peaks have nothing to help them. If they are all right, don't run away here!

"What? You actually drove us away?" For a while, both women died and were aggrieved. Your kid did a lot of work in the past few days, and now I'm tired of talking about boredom. How can there be such a cheap thing?

"As Master Hua, you also have a peak to work on. You don't seem to have to rely on me, right?" Chen Jiu looked at the aggrieved look of Meng Ruhua, and questioned a little bit.

"Who wants to lie here with you, we are just kindly coming to help, if you are not rare, we can't go yet!" Daughters of the family, dreams and flowers also love face, then immediately went angry.

"Chen Jiu, what did I do wrong?" Meng Xingchen glared angrily at Chen Jiu, really wondering why he was so cold to himself suddenly, what did he find?

"You didn't do anything wrong, but I've been very busy lately!" Chen Jiu said something and didn't want to say it clearly, so as not to embarrass the two of them.

"Okay, then you're busy, I won't bother you!" Silently looked at Chen Jiu, Meng Xing shed two lines of tears. She did not press anything, but left silently.

Although she does n’t know why, she has already been two people, and this must be lifted as soon as possible. There is no way for one person, and Mengxing can only turn to Meng Ruhua for help!

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