Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2409: Lord of Mando

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Master, this thing is so heavy!" Chen Jiu looked at Hongzu and finally said that this stone was also quickly taken out, and wanted to hear what was wonderful about it.

"Chen Jiu, you should also feel its extraordinary, isn't it?" Hongzu looked at the stone and couldn't help asking again.

"Well, yeah, I really can't see it through. At the moment I am practicing, the things that can see me must not be anything!" Chen Jiu nodded with a drink room, and could not help but feel a bit ashamed, these Tianji is crazy with the female renmen, and really hasn't studied it well.

"Chen Jiu, although our main **** is majoring in the power of the avenue, most of them will also sacrifice their own destiny, do you understand?" Hongzu went on to say, "This thing, I hope you will sacrifice it Develop your own Taoism! "

"Oh? What qualifications does it have for my future Tao?" Chen Jiu doubted, I really can't see what haode this stone has. Besides, if it is so good, why won't Hongzu himself use it?

"When I found it that year, I already had my own Taoist tool. If it was abandoned and rebuilt, it would be impossible!" Hongzu seemed to see Chen Jiu's doubts, and then he explained and said, "This stone is mine. Found at the source of many avenues, it should be a strange stone nourished by Wanqian Avenue. Such a thing is simply unavailable. If it is allowed to grow, it will likely become the honor of Wandao in the future! "

"Respect of Wan Dao? Such a metamorphosis. Then, once you get it, isn't it invincible once you get sacrifice?" Chen Jiu was shocked and couldn't help doubting again.

"Ah ..." Hongzu also said a little embarrassedly at this time: "To be honest, I have tried to sacrifice this thing, but our attributes do not match. If I sacrifice forcibly, it will only destroy it. Natural divine power, so it doesn't work for me, do you understand? "

"Then what natural divine power does it have?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but ask, "The name of the Supreme Master cannot always be called for nothing!"

"Well, that's natural!" Nodding, Hongzu continued, "You enter your own strength and try!"

"Okay!" Chen Jiu also wanted to try the singularity of the stone. He immediately input his own strong elementary power. Anyway, he has the battle of the sky and can be infinitely fissionable, but he doesn't need to worry about the lack of elementary power.

'boom! ’After inputting a large amount of Yuanli, the whole stone suddenly became heavier, but Chen Jiu was still able to hold it. He continued to transport Yuanli and did not believe it could continue to be heavy!

'Longlong ...' Strange things happened. With the input of Chen Jiu's strength, the volume of this stone has not changed, but it has been increasing weight. At the end, Chen Jiu can't help but rise. With cold sweat, some can't hold it anymore.

"I'll help you!" Hong Zu gently held the handrail, which helped Chen Jiu to hold the stone, so that Chen Jiu could calmly experiment.

"I'm going to see where is its limit?" Chen Jiu was also energized, Hongzu just looked at it with a smile and didn't stop anything.

'Booming ...' As a result, the stone continuously increased its strength, but because it was too heavy, it eventually formed a huge magnetic field, which directly distorted the void, and this world space could not bear its existence. .

Pressing yourself directly into the chaos and chaos of the void, what is this concept? Chen Jiu has never seen such a stone, but it has obviously not yet reached the limit. Chen Jiu continues to input strength!

‘Zizi…’ along the twisted space-time magnetic field, gradually appeared around the stone ball, and that was interacting with it.

"Chen Jiu, are you familiar with this kind of light and shadow?" Hongzu just asked with a smile.

"Uh, this thing is a bit like the power of the road!" Chen Jiuyi couldn't help but be shocked. "This stone can communicate with the road?"

"You continue to watch again!" Hongzu reminded, Chen Jiu continued to deliver the power, which was also due to him, and came over as another godson, and was tired of crawling.

‘Zizi…’ Then, more magical things happened, one by one, all the light and shadow, suddenly appeared in the void, they were distorted by the magnetic field, and finally connected into the stone ball.

Glorious, after connecting thousands of lights and shadows, the whole gray stone ball becomes transparent, and countless kinds of light nurture and nourish in it, it seems that there is something extraordinary to be born. Very awe and expectation!

"Chen Jiu, your practice is really extraordinary, and it can make Wan Dao come out. If you nourish the stone ball, maybe you can really sacrifice the respect of Wan Dao!" Hong Zu looked at Chen Jiu and made it. The vision was also shocked.

"Connecting Wandao, even this ability can be called against the sky!" Chen Jiuzhen regretted inexplicably, lifting the stone ball alone.

The scene of 'Zi ...' is brilliant and peerless. A ball of light shines brightly into the sky, like a peacock opens its screen, forming a piece of colored light and shadow in the void. It is a avenue of heaven and earth, which is the supreme realm that only the Lord God can reach.

The veneration of Mando is not merely a manifestation. This stone is like the ancestor of Mando. It can drive them to their own use. How bad can it be?

But even more against the sky, under this stone ball, there was actually a person who held it in the hands of the sky, which is called a peerless fairy!

"Well, with these 10,000 supports, you can lift it by yourself!" Looking at Chen Jiu with relief, Hongzu reminded again: "Take time to sacrifice it in the future, then Sooner or later it will become your tool! "

"I see. Thank you, Master!" Chen Jiuqing held this stone, constantly conveying Yuanli, and could slightly perceive the origin of many avenues through it. He faintly felt that this stone may well be his future. The essence of the avenue of the heavens.

"Well, let's close it first!" In Hongzu's persuasion room, Chen Jiu also closed up in time, and with the closing up, the entire Shiqiu Ancient Room once again restored the ordinaryness of the past.

"Master, how else can this stone be used?" Chen Jiu asked with delighted eyes.

"You can be content. Even me can't make everything happen. If you smash it down, who can stop it except the Lord God?" Hongzu couldn't help but glance at it. Sermon, don't be too greedy!

"Hey, thank you, Master, for other usefulness, let me explore it myself!" Chen Jiu smiled stupidly, and put away the stone with satisfaction, no more trouble for Hongzu.

"Okay, I've already told you everything, you go back and get ready to go!" Hong Zu waved his hands, and he sent Chen Jiu away.

Thanks to Lianlian's resignation, Chen Jiu returned to the Nine-Five Peaks, and he drooled again. Is this too beautiful?

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