Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2451: Chase by victory

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One hundred thousand soldiers, eating a pair of pig ears and a pig nose, this is really very poor, but fortunately, there is a large pot of soup to share.

As thin as cicada wings, these meats were divided into 100,000 portions by the magic of the seven immortals, and they were wrapped in a little broth respectively, and they were delivered to Zhou Jiajun's mouth when they were empty!

\ "Shit, don't let me see, tell me when they're done eating! \" Cai Die had never seen a scene of eating human flesh, and she was so scared that she was buried in the arms of Chen Jiu, and she didn't want to give up He is always standing on his own.

‘Zi Zi…’ The mouth is melted, and the soup is in it. One hundred thousand soldiers swallow them all in one bite, and some people are still thinking about it, they just do n’t feel enough!

\ "Xie Xia was sympathetic to me and I waited. I waited for the army to be firm and ready to kill the enemy!" "After the seven immortals took the lead, they took the lead and thanked Chen Jiu directly.

‘Boom rumbling ...’ One hundred thousand sergeants, after eating human flesh, one by one, they are like tigers coming out of the cage, which is bloodthirsty and remnant. Violence, a powerful radon breeding, makes them look terrible one by one!

The momentum is there, but the army soul has not yet been raised. Chen Jiu knows that it is also anxious. He then waved his hands and ordered: "" Break out a million male lions, and build my great power! "

\ "Kill ..." One hundred thousand soldiers, changed from the paralysis in the beginning. Soft, all became desperate Saburo, and rushed to a million male lions without fear of death.

\ "This ... run away! \" A million male lions have long been broken by Chen Jiuzhen. Now how dare they fight, under the impact of a hundred thousand soldiers, they fled and fled in an instant, just for life!

\ "Don't kill! \" Chen Jiu shouted again, trembling for thousands of miles.

\ "Ah, I surrender, we surrender!" Most of the millions of male lions fell to their knees the first time, with occasional rebels, who were torn by the 100,000 Legions and died by death.

The seemingly impossible battle, so under the leadership of Chen Jiu, the counterattack effect was perfectly produced, and this shocking scene was even more exciting for people of all races. Came forward.

\ "Is it over? Bad guy, why don't you call others? \" Caidie is faint, and looked up from Chen Jiu's arms.

\ "I look at you so intoxicated, I can't bear to call you!" Chen Jiu said with kindness.

\ "What? Don't talk about it well, who is intoxicated, and what else I have intoxicated! \" Cai Die sighed and refused to admit it, she did feel very comfortable just now, as if she had found the support of life. Let her get drunk.

\ "Your Majesty, we have something to say ... \" At this time, some people of the clan shouted and wanted to meet Chen Jiu.

\ "Oh? Caidie, are you interested in seeing me over? \" Chen Jiu then invited Caidie.

\ "Go, of course. As a mother, can I not preside over the big picture?" Of course, Cai Die refused to pull down, but she just left Chen Jiu's arms.

In this way, the two came to the clan like the Emperor and the Immortal who saved the world, and met the representatives.

\ "Thank Your Majesty, Lord Mother ..." After the ceremony, these representatives even told their intentions, that is, they intend to rely on Chen Jiu, only to get a fair treatment.

\ "This is no problem, during the big week, no matter how expensive or cheap!" Chen Jiu was fully guaranteed, and he drank seven immortals, discussed with them in detail, and determined the territory and the date of the attack.

\ "Your Majesty, if all these races are captured, the territory will be too large! \" At last, Qixian couldn't help but be shocked and felt that he couldn't have sex.

\ "This ... It is really difficult to guard if you take advantage of greed!" "Chen Jiu couldn't help frowning, some were difficult to decide.

\ "Maternal mother Kai En, our races, living under the Heavenly King, it is as hot as water ... \" Representatives of all ethnic groups have turned to the color butterflies, which is really pathetic.

\ "Your Majesty, our army has now defeated a million male lions, and the momentum is very strong. If you do not take advantage of this opportunity to siege the city, then once you react to the King of Heaven, you will definitely send an army to conquer! "Cai Die couldn't bear it, she thought about it, and said it quite reasonably: \" The source of the army must be from the tribes. If we keep the tribes, we can break the root of the King of Heaven! \ " "

\ "Uh, queen, I didn't expect you to analyze it so thoroughly, it really made me look at me!" "Chen Jiu couldn't help but glanced at it in surprise, and said with relief: \" If so, then According to the mother ’s words, from now on, we will take advantage of the chase and attack the big businessmen! \ "

\ "Your Majesty, I'll wait for the clan to make every effort to cooperate! \" The representatives of the clan, all looked forward to laughing, and this good day is finally looking forward.

\ "Your Majesty, the enemy troops have already finished their landing. A total of 10,000 die-hards and 990,000 Iron Lions can be used! \" At this time, Zhou Fa was also happier. Fen came over to sue.

\ "Okay, so, with this million male lions, we divided our troops in eight ways, breaking the sky, and saving the people in the aquatic fiery heat! \" Chen Jiu nodded, he divided the million male lions into eight. He and Qixian led a team respectively, and they fell to the realm of the King of Heaven!

\ "Your Majesty, please let the army move slowly. Let's go to the clan first and cooperate with Your Majesty's Siege! \" Representatives of the various clans are calling for each other and want to contribute to Chen Jiu.

\ "Okay, let's move forward slowly! \" Chen Jiu promised that the clans left some people to guide them, and the others hurried back to the clan report.

‘Booming…’ Millions of male lions are uplifted, like a torrent of steel, walking on the ground, shaking the ground, all the beasts avoid it!

Zhou Jiajun, by itself, has no army soul, but it is natural. [,! ] After the army melted, a new army soul gradually grew out, it no longer has the evil that it used to be. Evil, it turns into the soul of justice.

Vase City, this is the first stop where Chen Jiujun came.The guarding general saw the male iron lion and thought that the eighteen gods would return in victory. So he opened the gate and welcomed Chen Jiu into the city. .

However, I want to know that after Chen Jiu entered the city, it was almost that the general almost did not succumb to death, but he was also very knowledgeable and took the initiative to surrender!

The soldiers did not have a blood blade, and the first city took it down.Then Chen Jiu took a break in the city, and the soldiers divided into eight roads. Starting from the city, they pushed forward toward Dashang.

Chasing after the victory, it really caught Da Shang a surprise, many cities often have not responded yet, they have been attacked by Chen Jiu and they pressed down!

Even breaking the Eight Cities without any effort, Chen Jiu couldn't help but feel a little bit surprised, thinking that the King of Heaven was just an embroidered pillow.

\ "Report, Your Majesty, send a fairy for help!" But at this moment, a column of red wolf smoke rose in the distance, which signaled that Faxian encountered difficulties.

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