Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2506: Grievances of past lives

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\ "Oh? Is anyone going to rob? It ’s a godsend, go!" "Chen Jiu could not wait, and immediately hurried over.

Nowadays, we must realize the way of Tianjie and face it in the face of Tianjie. That is the biggest shortcut. If anyone crosses the gang, Chen Jiu does not want to miss it now!

The distance of ten thousand miles is within a blink of an eye.It is regrettable.The thunder in front of me is like a majestic giant mountain, which is several times stronger than the last time.

\ "Oh, obediently, what kind of genius is crossing the robbery, this is better than Ah Gui!" Chen Jiu sighed, not only without fear, but rejoicing.

\ "Such a big calamity, hacking also hacks him!" "The Gravity Son rushed over, and could not help but rolled his eyes, it was very wrong.

\ "You are waiting here, I went in! \" Chen Jiu paused for a moment, turning into a flash of lightning and thunder, and suddenly went into the thunderstorm and realized.

‘Zizi…’ turned into the light of thunder, and Chen Jiu was migrating in the sky. The first time, it did not cause the violentness of the sky, and it also made him believe that his path was feasible.

'Boom rumbling ...' Divided into heaven, thunder, fire, water, light ... a series of energy dumps. It leaks down, and it is more vast and vast than last time. Chen Jiu has experienced in the changes, not only for these The changes in energy are more thorough, and the grasp of them is more complete!

The change of rules, the transformation of energy, and the more sophisticated (long) {wind} literature (cf) (wx), but when Chen Jiuzhi was satisfied, the sky was raging, but it was divided left and right.

On the side of Tianjie, Chen Jiu was flooded by Lei Yang, grinded, and he felt that the things below him were even more unconscious, and wanted to fight against the sky.

'Zi ...' At this moment, a huge thrust pushed Chen Jiu to the other side. Here, many Mercedes-Benz competing for light and shadow rushed in the undercurrent.Their goals are one place. Gloomy Tianquan.

‘Porm! ‘The light and shadow of Chen Jiu ’s incarnation, because it is more powerful and faster, he rushed into this shade first. In the spring, he really felt an extraordinary change.

The combination and transformation of yin and yang formed a new life form, and this life form has simple wisdom!

\ "This is the way of yin and yang!" Chen Jiu instantly understood, but soon, his eyes were full of murderous spirits, and with the thunder of the thunder, he let down and killed Xiangdu Robber.

\ "The power of life! \" This crossing of the robbers was extremely fierce. It was unexpected for Chen Jiudu. Just as he was approaching with a bunch of light and shadow, countless thorns spiked from the ground. It was born here, like a group dance and chaos, and inserted into the light and shadow, shattering them all into the current.

'boom! ‘Chen Jiu was not shattered, but because it was not his own attack, he was kicked back on the spot and returned to the sky.

\ "Ah, a little weird! \" It was obvious that the robbers were also surprised, but there was no suspicion.

‘Oh! ‘After returning to Tianjie, the whole Tianjie has changed again. This time, it has condensed a knife, but it is nothing else. It is exactly what Chen Jiu owns as the sword of martial arts god!

‘Zi ...’ The sword of the king of swords is condensed, and Chen Jiu is also full of energy. For the structure of the sword, he became more aware of it for a while.

\ "Kill! \" The Emperor Wu's sword became manifest when he emptied it, and fiercely slashed at the robber, hitting the starburst sun, and the king of heaven and earth.

\ "Huh, life's troubles! \" It looks like disdain to cross the robbery, and continues to attract countless vine plants, these plants, rising from the sky, are entangled in layers, and they can even unload the sword The edge is very sharp.

\ "A good man to cross the robbery, this should be the magic temple, who is it?" Chen Jiu was surprised, but also looked carefully. Although he found some clues, he really couldn't guess his identity.

'Boom ...' Knife and Rattan. Between the moments, Chen Jiu's head suddenly trembled, and he later realized that the dark mist that had been dormant began to permeate, and a will of the King of Wu appeared through, as if to Exterminate everything!

\ "What's the matter? Could this person have no enemies against the King of War in the last life? It actually caused these dark mist riots!" "Chen Jiu was shocked and quickly made guesses and judgments." "In this case, it would be even more impossible to let He succeeded! \ "

\ "Kill! \" In the black mist, a strong will transmitted through it, invaded the blade of the sword of the King of Warlords, and shocked slightly, even breaking the vine, which was extremely powerful.

\ "Zhu District a broken knife, what can I do? Eyes of life!" "The robber sneered, not afraid. With his reprimand, the broken vines gave birth to strange ones. Eyeballs.

"Zi ..." These eyeballs stared at the sword of the King of Warlords one after another, who had the power of constant time and space, even locked the sword again, making him unable to move!

\ "Good strong! \" Although Chen Jiu didn't fight directly, he knew it was an extremely difficult opponent.

'Roar! ’At this time, the will under the black mist was angry, and it even spawned from Chen Jiu's body, forming an image of the king of war.

\ "What? Even the King of War came out, but it was useless, continue to settle down for me!" "Drink the man and drink again, more eyes looked at the King of War.

\ "Huh! \" Slightly reprimanded, like the voice of heaven and earth, and the anger of the king of war. Instead of being settled, he opened his hands and drew countless sources of strength from the calamity. .

‘Zizi! ’With the power of these scourges, the body of the King of War seems to live. [,! ], When the air manifested!

\ "Kill ... \" Then, the king of swords waved with a knife, it was just like cutting the world. When the air first cut the numerous vines, the scary eyeballs burst all over the place.

\ "Foreign causes, future fruits, King Wu, I still remember your unwillingness, but even if you come back, you can do whatever you want. This world is long gone, you are already rotten and you can no longer return! \ "There is no fear of crossing the robbery, but sighing inscrutablely.

\ "Kill! \" Wu Wang didn't say anything. When the sword was cut, the Ray-Ray movie contains not only countless martial arts waves, but also the anger of natural punishment!

\ "Useless, I have gone through thousands of vicissitudes, and once again come back to borrow money, and the day punishment, it has long been useless to me! \" Du Jieren sighed softly, and then shot a palm to the sky.

'boom! 'This palm is like a pillar of the sky, rising against the sky, and has the power of the sky.It collided with the sword of the king of the king, and it was not damaged, and it also repelled the sword and the king of the king. image.

\ "Perverted guy! \" Chen Jiu faced the two. They were shocked and couldn't add more. He was thinking, if he shot, would he be his opponent?

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