Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2622: Another dream

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

">" Madam, "King Wang, you can rest assured that it was just a little earlier, isn't it? Today the kid will make you happy! "Chen Jiubei bowed his knees and suddenly changed his appearance.

The game of the "girl" king, this is a counterattack game that Chen Jiuyi likes to play. If it is enchanting, it stabs Chen Jiu, causing him to think of this game uncontrollably, and it immediately becomes a bit nasty. .

Enchanting, the pavilion 'Jade' stands, tall and beautiful, she has a graceful appearance, beautiful and clean skin, and that pure face, with a charm of enchantment and enchantment, is a man. Killer, male 'sex' animal nemesis!

Musk's "fascinating" feeling, this taste itself is particularly intoxicating and cannot be extricated. Chen Jiu is holding her close at hand, and naturally has a great impact.

The "female" king, the image and temperament of the enchanting, can fully deserve the title of the "female" king. She uttered the words "chun", which is inexplicable.

Once suffering, once loneliness, that belongs to a person's night, letting a hanging silk is simply miserable, when a man is married, and a 'woman' is married. When this man grows up, he naturally thinks most, then It's such a 'girl' creature!

At that time, there was no money, no potential, no one loved, let alone the beautiful 'female' King, just a wild 'flower' on the side of the road, also looked down on him.

Although Chen Jiu knows that not all 'female' people are like this, the real good 'female' people, Feng 'Mao's horns are too rare, and the opportunities he can encounter are almost equal to nothing. !!

Long-term loneliness is apt to cause people to have a distorted mentality. Chen Jiu was also the same at that time. Although he would be beautiful and resolve his needs, he would still be jealous of a hidden career, male. duck!

Duck man, this is a profession born for the service of 'female' people. The men and women in it not only don't have to 'spend' money, but they can also make money. It's just two birds with one stone. A thrilling dream missing.

Yeah, think about that kind of life, the beauty is done one after another, and all of them are ladies who are delicate and meaty, and the woman who still has the charm. 'Exciting' moving things!

Of course, just thinking about it means thinking about it. Not to mention that in the past life, Chen Jiu ’s personal fitness was difficult to meet the standards, without such long-term drive, and he did not allow himself to be a betrayer of 'flesh'. Being poor is not terrible. The most terrible thing is that a person loses his faith and loses persistence. Even if he gets the whole world, in fact, he will not be happy!

Most of the hanging wires are wise. They don't choose this path, but this doesn't prevent them from fantasizing about where they are, because this is completely different.

At this moment, when Chen Jiu's thoughts were imaginary, he couldn't help himself as a duck man, and wanted to experience it well!

"Oh? I'll see, how can you please me today!" The enchanted smiled, seemingly looking forward to it.

"Master Wang, let me change your clothes!" Chen Jiuyi waited at the enchanting cautiously, treating her as a strange sexual customer.

Male duck, this profession looks bright, but it is not easy to do. Most of the people who come here for consumption are mostly females with special habit. Although the portraits are not bad, the psychology is really 'yin'. Very dark!

"Okay!" Even though the enchanter found that Chen Jiu was a little different, she didn't ask much. Enjoy it. This time, she asked that she was going to have a pure enjoyment.

Fortunately, the enchanting girl didn't know, otherwise, she could not be so calm, it would be another story!

Chen Jiu's psychology is full of pleasure. In his subconscious, he has already treated the enchanting as a rich master and raised a little wife.

Wealthy people are old and have 'color', heart ',' color 'power, married a little wife, can't break even anywhere, and make people lonely, and they have to find their own fun, it's really a' gate ' Sadness.

But she came out and returned, and the little wife didn't dare to break her body. Otherwise, she wo n’t be able to ‘pay’ to the master, and she ’s over!

Going out to look for 'flowers' and asking Liu, it was impossible for him to break his body. As a moral duck, Chen Jiu naturally had to abide by the rules, that is, to serve others comfortably and not to cause any damage to the family.

Technical work, at this moment, Chen Jiu didn't feel ugly, but felt noble. For the happiness of a family, he was paying his own hard work, and in return, he deserved it. remuneration!

'Zi ...' Bright muscle 'Jade', the perfect snow body, that touch of golden 'color', reminds her of nobleness, her proud mountain, highlights her pride ... Although I have seen it many times, But Chen Jiu was obsessed with it.

"Madam King, you are so beautiful. Whoever marries you is a blessing from your last life ..." praised by Chen Jiu, holding a 'jade' hand, and 'kissing' it.

"Uh, it's a pity that some people just don't know how to cherish it!" The enchantress originally meant to blame Chen Jiu, but he was taken for granted as the rich master.

"Madam King, I will cherish you!" Chen Jiu's inch, "Kiss" toward all the enchanting, except for his mouth, he almost patronized.

Under the grace of Chen Jiu, the enchanting is naturally too beautiful to bear, especially after his last head was pierced, it even choked her as a whole and wanted to die!

"Hmm ..." After a ridiculous, Chen Jiu pursed his lips, which is undoubtedly both physically and mentally beautiful. In his opinion, he also satisfied the curiosity, tasted the taste of the rich old wife and his wife, She was comfortable waiting, and her work performance was affirmed, and a sense of accomplishment sprang up.

"Uh ..." Drunk, stunned thoughts paused, she had no thoughts, and didn't know what to say. At this moment, she only knew that she was very happy, but she didn't know that she was being treated as someone else. Little wife came here to have fun!

The game was over, and I thought about it from the United States and the United States. The enchanting looked at himself by Chen Jiu on his reading desk. In such a dignified and solemn place, he was doing such filthy things. Come.

"Enchanting, are you satisfied with what I have done?" Chen Jiu asked with a little pride. After working for a long time, if he got affirmation, they would make their hearts more beautiful.

"Well, thank you, Chen Jiu, today I will never forget it!" The enchanted nodded, full of beautiful charm.

'Bang bang ...' Suddenly, when they both remembered happiness, they slammed the door with a loud knock on the door, which made them nervous too. Needless to say, they looked at each other and guessed. Who is coming, is it too late to get dressed?

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