Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2650: The most beautiful work

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Forbearing the feelings of dryness, movement and overflow, the demon and the unconscious observing the whole bridge, with her intelligent and ingenious intellect, it was a perfect plan. Covered up the past. $ ..

After finishing the bridge, in the afternoon, the demon 娆 came to Chen Jiu consciously or unintentionally, and bluntly proposed that he wanted him to help draw a picture to commemorate everyone's achievements in repairing the canal.

"Oh? This is a good idea!" Chen Jiu naturally clapped his hands in favor, and then began to paint again.

Opening rivers and repairing ditches is a natural axe of nature, but now that humans are moving like ants, they are digging huge canals. Such a project can undoubtedly be recorded in history!

A great project naturally requires great people to accomplish it. At this time, everyone in the canal, the smile on his face, the determined expression, and the unyielding spirit have all become what Chen Jiu wants to express. He painted everything little by little.

The flow of people, the spirit is commendable, and the honesty of the working people is truly reproduced. This is an admirable hardworking epic, but because of the appearance of a woman, it has masked the light of all people!

'Zi ...' Demon. Alas, she is at the very center of the picture. She has a pretty face, a fairy-like temperament, purity and beauty. Her meticulous and dedicated work is just like the heavenly Bodhisattva's compassion for people's hard work. Helping people get through the difficult times.

"Beauty, too beautiful!" After Chen Jiu painted it, he still looked at it for the first time. For the first time, he felt that the working people are the most beautiful people in the world.

"Did you finish it?" Naturally, the demon 娆 hurried to pay close attention to it, so if you look at it, you will immediately fall in love and take it in your hands, it is very precious.

"Mother Queen, what else is there to command?" Chen Jiu carefully looked at the jade in front of him. If it was not for fear of influence, he would really like to go up and hug him to comfort the working people.

"Come and have dinner together at night!" After leaving a word, the demon 娆 didn't say much, just left.

That night, Chen Jiu arrived as promised, and Caidie was naturally unwilling to pull it down, that was to come over!

Tonight's meals are relatively rich. The demon. Ye seems to treat Chen Jiu with an exception. After the two of them sat down, the demon. He didn't say much. They just poured wine and served vegetables. Chen Jiu was started.

"Well, wait for a man, it's not enough to pour wine!" Caidie was beside him, naturally unwilling to be lonely, smirking again and again.

Ignoring this, the demon. I asked Chen Jiu to eat up the meal, and she took out two paintings with a smile and put them together to ask: "Your Majesty, these two paintings are both You painted it, do you see which one is more beautiful? "

"This ..." Chen Jiu didn't understand the monster. What kind of medicine was sold in the gourd, but at this moment, he couldn't help being stupid.

Two paintings, a woman in a pair, looks like a fairy, like a bodhisattva, she works hard, and has a very good interpretation of the beauty of the working people, the simple beauty, the sincere beauty, the beauty of construction, The beauty of nature, the beauty of longing ... There are many characters in the painting, but it seems that she has done all the beauty by herself, which makes people completely ignore the others, and there is only one person in her body and mind!

Beauty, another picture, was also a very beautiful scene, but a close comparison with this picture at this time gave people a sense of slander.

Yes, a woman, at the construction site, was so uninformed. Nine days under the Milky Way, it was really unbearable to produce a kind of disgust that polluted people and created miracles.

The fruit of labor is undoubtedly the most beautiful fruit. At the moment, this woman seduces the human body, the section, the mystery, the human style, and the feeling, but it is like a piece of mouse dung. It is so intolerable and acceptable!

"Your Majesty, which one do you think is more beautiful?" Yao. Xi smiled proudly, and she wanted this effect.

"There is no doubt that this is the most beautiful!" At this time, Chen Jiu took the portrait of that labor indiscriminately and covered it with another.

"Oh? If you say that, people don't show up, and they aren't showing off. They can be better than some people?" The demon. He didn't mean anything, and asked again.

"Yes, the mood of this painting is another incomparable!" Chen Jiu nodded admiringly, without lying, he could not accept this simple painting framed by himself.

"Your Majesty, why are you so eccentric!" Cai Die was anxious, and naturally cried out, and she was unwilling to draw out her own portrait and yelled, "Have a look again, you didn't all want to Climbing to this leg doesn't come out, why do you think it's not beautiful now? "

"This ... its artistic conception cannot be found in Daya Hall, and it cannot be compared with this artistic conception!" Chen Jiu took a look, and his old face could not help but rise. Red preached.

"Well, have you heard? Some people are not able to board the Daya Hall. Even if the shameless second mouth is opened, it is born to be a foodie, and it won't do anything serious!" There is such a rare demon. Opportunities are naturally unwilling to let go, and stabbing endlessly.

"Well, you are a foodie. It wasn't me at all, it's almost you!" Cai Die was so angry that she pushed the screen away, and she even lost her courage to admit it.

"Me? I'm not as stingy as you, drooling, Caidie, shouldn't you just have such a little quality?" Yao. Xun even laughed politely.

"That's you, or how about we take it out for everyone to recognize?" Caidie played a rogue in order to be undefeated.

"You ... you are not shameful!" Sure enough, the demon and the stunner were so angry that they couldn't help it. Did they really take it out for others to watch? But even if it is not itself, it will be regarded by others as others, so if the sloppy action makes others think that it is set by themselves, wouldn't the image of their mother be completely destroyed?

Yan Zhao. Although every woman may have it, being a mother is naturally no exception, but there are certain things that you can do behind closed doors. Once you go out publicly, that ’s a huge sin. Although everyone Knowing that you were **** by a man, but there is no evidence, you are still holy. If you have this solid evidence, then you will probably have to carry the insult of the silver woman in your life, and you will never be able to wash it away!

"Do I have this? This is obviously you are shameless, okay?" Caidie pretended to be innocent, and looked at the two pictures with arrogance and laughed. "Well, look, this queen today, It ’s like a bodhisattva during the day, but at night, why is it so silvery? This must make everyone recognize your true colors! ”

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