Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2684: Canal repair

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

The beauty is in front, Chen Jiuzhi couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged her, and instantly felt that the whole person was happy and comforted a lot, a person, after all, is not complete. Only men and women have a life together, then it is called real life .

There is no clue about Fei Xianjiao. Chen Jiu was a little upset at this time, but at this time the whole person was warm and it seemed that he was no longer upset about these things!

"Uh, Your Majesty, are you back?" Yoyo woke up, and Caidie looked up at the man with a full face of admiration.

"Well, go out and look at the Emperor!" Chen Jiu nodded, and suddenly found that Caidie's little jade was not honest. He could not help but persuade, "Caidie, don't make trouble, I have something to tell you!"

"They didn't make any noise, they just looked at your standards!" Cai Die grabbed it, but she didn't let go, but she didn't move anymore.

"It's all this time, you are still superstitious that your standards are not met?" Chen Jiu was very speechless.

"That is of course. Don't you let people pay close attention to you. One person has standards in hand and the other has a body. If you don't take care of this, then it's your man's problem!" Seems pretty reasonable.

"The things that matter most are mainly don't give me a chance!" Chen Jiu frowned, preaching positively.

"Your Majesty, look at your anger so early in the morning, let's have a little wine to nourish it!" Caidie did not listen to the advice, and has her own set of rules of conduct.

"Drinking? Isn't it getting drier and drier?" Chen Jiu was annoyed.

"Your Majesty, this is the wine you've always wanted to drink!" Cai Die mysteriously took out a large jug, very proud.

"What? Didn't you say that this wine is gone?" Chen Jiu immediately saw the wine, and he immediately became interested because it nourishes and nurtures him and gives him a sense of extraordinary comfort.

"It's been brewed a bit more recently!" Said with some guilty conscience, she immediately said, "Come open your mouth, I'll give you some more drinks!"

"Okay ..." Chen Jiu was not polite. He opened his mouth wide and drank a few sips directly. He felt that his body and mind were refreshing. The little temper he had just disappeared.

"Why? The effect of this wine to dry is good, right?" Feeling that Jiu Jiu's standard has been lowered, Caidie is very proud. Our third magic weapon, small wine in hand, is designed to prevent men from derailing!

"Caidie, I told you something, can't you be angry!" Chen Jiuhe and his wife did not forget the business.

"What's the matter?" Caidie disapproved.

"I'm going to explore the Great Wilderness again, it is likely to be far away from this world, but I want to pass the throne to the enchanting before leaving ..." Chen Jiu solemnly stated his intention.

"What? That fox spirit made her an emperor. Wouldn't it have caused more trouble for the world? Absolutely not!" Caidie really opposed it.

"Caidie, you should understand that she has the highest reputation, and no one is more suitable than her!"

"That's not enough, a **** woman, He Dehe can accept our hard work, Chen Jiu, can't you ruin the happiness of the people of Dazhou because of the bitter relationship with her!" Caidie Anyway, life and life do not agree, and more of them are jealous.

Wouldn't it be more endless if she was made the Queen? Anyway, she doesn't like the enchanting, and wants to suppress it all the time!

"What kind of flesh is innocent between us!" Chen Jiuruo blushed, and couldn't help rushing to explain.

"Innocent can go in here behind?" Cai Die retorted, not tastefully.

"Isn't it that you asked me to find her ..." Chen Jiu put all the responsibilities on Caidie.

"But I didn't let you ..." Caidie continued to be weird, and the two of them quarreled.

"I'll go in, what else can you do?" Chen Jiu was anxious again, and went directly to Caidie, and really held her up, opened her mouth, and couldn't speak for a long time.

"How can you ...!" Caidie reacted shortly afterwards, and she was blamed for a while.

"I still want to be like that!" Said Chen Jiu, and he kissed Caidie, confronted her, and communicated with each other.

Husbands and wives have no overnight resentment, which is actually what they are now. They quarreled because of trivia during the day, and have not been able to communicate with each other. But at night, they have conducted in-depth communication and exchange with each other. Have a feeling of understanding each other, then it becomes much easier to communicate again later!

During the day, after in-depth communication and persuasion with Caidie, that night, she did not know whether she really understood Chen Jiu's intentions or was unable to resist, anyway, the meaning of opposition was not so fierce anymore.

Although things on the side of Caidie were not completely settled, anyway, there was a good start. Chen Jiu went on to get dressed, and left the hall again, and convened Jiang Taigong and their several ministers.

"What? Your Majesty, you're going to abdicate, how can you do that?" Jiang Taigong's all objections to Chen Jiu's abdication and couldn't understand.

"I wasn't really a big Zhou ..." After Chen Jiuhao's explanation for a while, they finally made Jiang Taigong understand, but they were still full of awe and perseverance.

"Your Majesty, if you want to leave, we can't stop it, but you have to pass on to the queen. After all, she is a female stream, and she is born in the wild ... This is really hard to convince!" , But still quite cynical.

"I know, but the enchanting is now the most prestigious ..." Chen Jiu nodded, why not have some personal feelings in it? In fact, this is really true to Caidie, he just remembers the feelings of others.

In the end, under the insistence of Chen Jiu, Jiang Taigong did not say anything anymore, and they said in succession that they would help her well and work together for the benefit of Da Zhou.

"Well, I hope you don't violate Yang Fengyin, otherwise, don't blame me!" Chen Jiu nodded, and naturally saw that some of them were not really convinced. After all, in a patriarchal society, let a woman come Being the master of the house is really out of tradition.

The palace of the imperial palace, however, gathered the right to control the world. When Chen Jiu was enchanting, and the color butterfly was raised, she did not let Chen Jiu disappointed, and her reputation continued to increase. Eventually it was repaired. After the entire canal was successfully drained, the country's economy reached a new milestone.

The whole country is jubilant, and the Royal Palace is also full of enthusiasm, lined up for hundreds of miles, in order to welcome the return of the mother-in-law!

"It's not a small show, but it gave you the whole world, but you lost your favorite person. How do you see how happy you are?" Caidie is not tasteful, and naturally she is hiding in the welcome team.

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