Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2713: To shake three

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Boss, you stone ball can really change shape!" During the brief truce, Shi Zhongyu looked at Chen Jiu's hands with envy, no doubt very thirsty.

"How? Want to try how hard you are?" Chen Jiu shoved shoving the stone ball.

"No, Boss, I just admire it, without any other thoughts!" Shi Zhongyu quickly explained, complimenting "Boss is the first hardest in the world. This is a well-known thing, who dares to compare with you, That's overpowering! "

"Have you heard that, guys, just retreat or continue to compete with us?" Chen Jiu proudly provoked to the five people with bad intentions.

"Chen Jiu, we admit that the stone ball in your hand is really powerful, but it doesn't seem to have the ability to attack long distances?" The four-eyed godson sneered and broke the stone ball's weakness.

"Really? Believe me or not and throw you to death!" Chen Jiu's throwing action really scared the four-eyed godson, and quickly ran away.

"Haha ... four-eyed chicken, don't run so fast, I haven't thrown it yet!" Chen Jiu took back the stone ball, taunting.

"You ..." The God of Four Eyes was stunned for this reason, and his face was blushing and red.

"Chen Jiu, although you are awesome, after all, you are weak and weak. Today you hand over the **** key and we can let you go for a while, but if you do n’t recognize it, then don't blame us for killing them. They These little wastes, we don't mind the first blood sacrifice! "The eternal sinister, threatened by gritting teeth.

"Boss, we are not afraid of death!" Turtles stealing them are all excited.

"Hey, seriously, I didn't get the God key. Would it be a pity that you were dead like this?" Chen Jiu sighed, telling the truth.

"What? Boss, wouldn't you fool us?" The turtle stealing them also became furious for a while, and it would be a little bit aggrieved to die like this!

"Okay, you don't need to act anymore. Unless you hand over the **** key today, you will definitely die!" Eternity is determined to be ordinary, and you must ask for it.

"Then there is nothing to say, continue the war, as long as you are not afraid of it!" Chen Jiu stared at the three seriously and yelled, "Call out the Wuhun, I can help you!"

"Okay!" Between the three, when the war horses came out of the camp, the turtle recovered, the stone man opened his head, and the powerful martial arts blessing made them one by one.

"Wangba Wuhun!" Chen Jiu shouted, and for the first time, he used this fierce leopard-like Wuhun.

"This is ..." As soon as Wang Ba Wu Hun came out, the domineering, masculine, and respectful renunciation of who gave up the world, conquered the three on the spot, causing them to cast five bodies.

"Fight for the king, let's just die!" Chen Jiu reprimanded, Wang Ba Wu soul suddenly turned into three forces, that was injected into the three little Wu soul.

‘Hou…’ The war horse is mad, the black turtle is roaring, the stone man is violent, and the abilities of the three martial spirits have suddenly increased tenfold. They are fighting and fighting, and they have no fear!

"Haha, boss, I feel that my strength has increased more than ten times, this time I am confident to break the shackles of that disaster!" Shi Zhongyu laughed happily, and the other two were also more confident and willing to fight.

"What kind of martial arts soul is this? How could it be so?" Forever, their faces were black, and they did not expect that Chen Jiu had a hole card, which was quite wrong.

"The pheasant is still a pheasant after all, and you ca n’t be a phoenix. The three of you do n’t want to hide anymore, and work together to deal with Chen Jiu, and the two of them will be handed over to us!" This is also more dignified and caring.

"Yes, don't let them see how powerful we are, really when we are all embroidered pillows, right?" Li Ming responded, provoking Chen Jiu, and wanted to try his best.

"Pay attention to his stone ball, but don't have to be afraid!" The **** of four eyes is full of warfare.

"Kill him, take the stone ball and the **** key, and let his woman try our hardness in the future!" He who hated eternity most and lost his face, no doubt became mad.

"Kill ..." a yell, the chaos started again, Mudongxi and Fang Liang, a light sword, one man manipulated the sky vine, and strangled the three of them to Shi Zhongyu.

"Miscellaneous things, Li Ming, we haven't finished yet!" Shi Zhongyu was the most unwilling, but for a while he was entangled by vines, and he couldn't escape.

After all, Fang Liang and Mu Dongxi are the chaos gods who have survived the robbery. In terms of power, they are more than better than they are immediately, but with the blessing of Wuhun, they are not now in the downwind, and the stone is daring The dare to fight was quite a headache for Fang Liang.

"The way of eternity ... the way of disaster ... the way of epic!" Eternal, Li Ming, and Bai Qi, in order to besiege Chen Jiu, also sacrificed their own power in the first time.

An eternal, avenue of time, an avenue of destruction full of disasters, and another vicissitudes, full of epic supreme avenues, the three stand on top of their own avenues, like a respected world Like a lord, that is to control the rise and fall of the world, to assert that life and death are extremely noble and glorious!

"Oh? Three people, really look down on me!" Chen Jiu smiled coldly, stepping on Xiangyun, holding a stone ball in his hand, standing in front of the three, the same sacred.

"Dao power is intertwined and smashed!" The three men did not make nonsense, they just urged the three avenues and swept over Chen Jiu from a distance.

The dragon is tail-swinging, with three powerful road forces and twists and turns, but each of them carries the power of the nebula, which is incalculable and incalculable!

‘Boom…’ Where the three paths pass, the void is annihilated, and a chaotic, deserted world is said to have been penetrated hundreds of times.

"The deity of Wandao is here, do you dare to be arrogant with all three trails?" Chen Jiu shouted the name of the stone, and was so prestigious that he shook away the three.

‘Booming rumbling ...’ Wan Dao Zun, as it is called, although it is still very weak, it is irresistible and powerful, but it is Chen Jiu who blocked the killing of the three forces!

"What? How could it be so strong?" Wan San was already mentally prepared, but still surprised.

"A few more times, I don't believe he is endless!" The unbelieving evil, at the request of the four-eyed godson, began to bombard Chen Jiu frequently.

"Three tortoises have the ability to fight!" Chen Jiu held a stone ball, slammed the avenue, and ran up against the current, forcing the three to leave.

"Damn, this boy's power is really almost infinite. Don't bother you to hide, quickly sacrifice the Debut and kill it thoroughly!" Eternally anxious, just proposed.


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