Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2716: Jedi Reversal

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Don't ..." Watching Jiuchen Chen slam into the body, Shenjing Lingli hit his head, and was about to be extinct by the headshot. Shi Zhongyu and the three of them were all desperate and completely choked. & ..

"Haha, take a good look at it, and watch how your big brother, who is desperate for life, turns into a blood flower and withers in the sky!" Kane, Fang Liang and Mu Dongxi are rare to take advantage of the opportunity to attack, and also appreciate the battle , Unwilling to give up such a wonderful scene!

"Dead!" Between the three of them, the beam of light was stronger, the **** crystal was like the sword of heavenly sword, thousands of dust wires were drilled into the body, and from the inside to the outside, they wanted to exterminate Chen Jiu. fast.

With a miserable smile, under the blow of the three masters, they are confident to kill Chen Jiu!

"Roar ..." But at this time, Chen Jiu suddenly became mad, his mouth widened, and a loud roar like a real dragon and tiger, the sound wave oscillated, forming a wave of waves, the end was effective to stop Attack of three people.

At this moment, Chen Jiu's brain suddenly filled with a surge of blood, this blood, like a cloud like mist, soaring into the sky, instantly solidified his body, the whole momentum It is even more like this, that is intolerable!

"Get off!" With a wave of Chen Jiuzhen's arm, the force was incredible, ‘Bang Bang! ‘Three hard blows, Duan was fierce and knocked the three masters out.

"This ... this is impossible!" Bai Qi stared at the eyes of Chen Jiu, bathed in blood, but the coercion and strength like the Lord God erupted. It was unthinkable and unacceptable.

"Boss ..." Shi Zhongyu woke up from despair, and all of them were uplifted again!

"Well, back to the light, burning his own blood, how long can he persist?" Mu Dongxi watched tirelessly, still not optimistic about Chen Jiu.

Yes, a powerful burst of blood suddenly burst out from weakness. Whoever thinks this is reflected back, not for long!

"That's the case, don't fight with him first, it's best to consume him to death!" Bai Qi suddenly felt as if they could not help but smile insidiously again.

"I'm sorry, you are still the three great chaos gods. I used to think you could sit with me on equal terms, but now it looks like it's just three villains!" Chen Jiu scolded, his **** eyes, resentful.

Just now, he did experience a near-death, but at the last moment, the dragon possessed and infused powerful blood, which made him temporarily get rid of the control of the epic mirror, and gained freedom and strength!

Jiulong Jie, as he grew, Chen Jiu used it less and less. Being able to push him to such a point is really driving him into a desperate situation. For the few people in front of him, his murderous act was undoubtedly moved. I hate it.

"Whatever you want to say, anyway, our adults do n’t care about villains, that ’s why they do n’t care about a dead person!” Proudly, eternally, they do n’t think that Chen Jiu can turn out any waves. Top That's more than a short time!

"His cheeks are thick!" Chen Jiu roared, carrying the stone ball fiercely, and smashed into eternity.

"Give me!" Bai Qi tried to do the same, and he wanted to hold Chen Jiu's figure again and murder, but this time, Chen Jiu was bathed in strong blood. This epic light cannot even be worn Through his body, that is of no use to him!

"No good, flash!" Bai Qi's scream was too late, and he was ready for eternity. He wanted to do a trick with Chen Jiu. Who knew that his mirror was completely ineffective, which really caught him off guard.

'Boom ...' It was late, that was fast. This blow by Chen Jiu severely smashed down, and the eternal body, together with the **** crystal, smashed the avenue. It did not appear for a long time. come out!

"All to death!" Chen Jiuyi succeeded and did not stop, and continued to smash away towards Bai with the respect of Wandao. His mirror, he was very resentful.

"Niezi, how dare you!" Bai Qi resigned, greeted with a mirror, and a monstrous epic torrent rushed out, but this could not stop Chen Jiu's sharpness.

‘Boom ...’ Bai Qi, like a shooting star, was also smashed out by Chen Jiu, coughing up blood and looking pale.

"What?" Li Ming was shocked, but Chen Jiu didn't give him the time to react. He didn't even breathe, and then smashed at him.

‘Boom ...’ The avenue was penetrated, and the dust was broken by as many pieces as Li Ming could not match, and his chest collapsed!

"Ah, the boss is mighty!" Shi Zhongyu was so confident that they were fighting in all directions, and they were extremely ugly in the face of Mudong West.

'Booming ...' In this way, there was a great reversal in the battle. From the moment of death, Chen Jiu suddenly became alive and well, and became a true invincible God of War. He stood in the sky, Which way to hit, which way to break, the three avenues were penetrated by him, and the three masters were also beaten with blood, the foundation of the road was damaged, and the Taoist wailed!

Strong, at this moment, Chen Jiu is really too strong. After so many tricks, they will also breathe coolly forever, creating an impulse to escape.

"Four-eyed chicken, tadpole, **** of plague, you three waste things, ye you are also the most powerful **** son of Yuanli Temple, Tianjiao, now besieging me alone, are you afraid to step back?" Chen Jiuling rebuked, The thunder was so loud that it made the three masters dull.

"You ..." Dumbfounded, the three masters were overwhelmed by Chen Jiu, and they really dare not fight with him!

"Since you are not here, I will find you!" Chen Jiuyi smiled, and Volley took a step, but it was this step that exposed his shortcomings.

'puff! ‘A blood column spurted out, and on one of Chen Jiu ’s calves, the blood was fading away, and it became skinny, and it was mottled and lost vitality.

"Haha, can't stand it, stinky boy, dare to be proud of us, don't you take a pee and look at you, what do you think?" Watching Chen Jiu's body deteriorate, the three finally managed to hold back that. This impulse to run away, and then become proud again, arrogant and extraordinary.

"Brother, don't care about us, you go quickly ..." Shi Zhongyu they couldn't help worrying too much. As long as they could get away at this time, there would still be a chance for revenge in the future!

"Sure enough, as expected, where can he go if he is injured like this? Today he is dead. At that time, his body will be the cornerstone for us to go to supreme glory!" Mu Dongxi's eyes The golden-skinned man seems to have seen his own future, stepping on Chen Jiu's body, Guangzong Yaozu, and becoming the most admired **** son of the magic temple!

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