Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2721: People stay

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Although eternal time has passed, the master of the flying fairy was in the nine days and ten places of that year, it was under one person, over ten thousand people, except for the fairy king, that number can be counted by her. Such a woman is absolutely stunning and eternal To make the world unforgettable.

"Meet the leader, I'll be polite!" Although they couldn't see the features, Shi Zhongyu worshiped from the bottom of his heart.

"The guest is flat!" The voice is soft and pleasing, like the sound of a **** playing above nine days, making people sway. There is an indescribable beauty, as if you can hear such a voice, that is the happiest in the world Things are average and complacent.

"Thank you Lord Lord!" Shi Zhongyu stood up one after another, but still dare not look up.

"Several distinguished guests, can I ask, how did you get into my Fei Xianjiao?" The voice spread again, and the Fei Xianjiao asked curiously.

"Master Lord, we don't know what's going on. After we were lucky to escape, we reappeared here already. There is something offensive, and we also ask Lord Lord Hai Han!" Shi Zhongyu honestly explained.

"Oh ..." The leader of Feixian answered, but there was no sound, so he didn't say anything more.

After waiting for a while, the turtle stealing was really anxious, and Jin Yan couldn't help but said, "Master, do you know how to make things happen?"

"Huh, rest assured, since you are lucky enough to enter my Fei Xianjiao, you naturally have to ask for one each!" The Fei Xian Jiao seemed to respond angrily.

"Master Lord is angry, our brother can't speak, don't talk to him in general, we don't dare to expect too much goodness, we just want to be able to save our brother, that's enough!" Immediately said, with a clear face Courtship.

"I ..." Turtle stole that aggrieved man, and he couldn't figure out, as soon as we talked, these women got angry? Could his own name be too sensitive? Feel it? But they don't seem to know their names, do they? Depressed!

"Oh? Don't you forgive me, just ask me to treat him?" The Master of Fei Xian was surprised, and naturally looked at the figure on his back. Although it was dry and wrinkled like a dead man, it was inexplicable to her heart. A shock.

"Yes, Master Feixian, we were conceived and besieged by the Tatars. Brother disregarded the safety of life and death and ran out of life. This rescued us from Tatars and then split the space. Unfortunately, we fell into the Feixian religion. Such a heavy heart, even if it is at the expense of us, we have to save him ... "tears fell, and speaking of this, Shi Zhongyu they were really moved.

Good man, not only must have a man and a woman, brotherhood, buddy justice, this is also what they are most thirsty in their lifetime. What they want, not only Chen Jiu hopes, Shi Zhongyu is no exception!

"Teacher, can you save my brother?" Turtle worried, and finally asked again.

"A dead body has lost all its vitality, it is obviously a dead person!" The voice of the Fei Xianjiao's voice was cold, and it seemed to feel a little embarrassed.

"Tortoise steals you, don't talk!" Shi Zhongyu was angry and yelled, they found it out, and the boy was sure to say nothing.

"Master, we are willing to give birth and share life. As long as we can save our brother, we are willing to give everything!" Immediately and earnestly begged.

"Master Supreme Lord, please be kind to us, we know you are omnipotent ... Please save our brother!" Begging, Shi Zhongyu knelt down one after another.

When men are strong, they can't kneel when they are killed, but just before they move, they are willing to give up their faces for Chen Jiu, because nothing is more important than that!

"You guys ... really sincere, your elder brother has such a brother, but he did not save you for nothing!" Feixian praised with some admiration, and then she kindly preached: "Let ’s take your elder brother Stay here, you go out and wait, I will do my best to save him, but whether he can survive or not depends on his own fortune! "

"This ..." Turtle hesitated and wanted to say something, but was quickly covered by Shi Zhongyu and said, "Master Xie Jiaoren has grace, I'll wait outside!"

"Retreat!" The leader of Feixian waved his hand, Shi Zhongyu pulled the turtle to steal, and immediately put Chen Jiu down very reluctantly. After carefully laying him down, he slowly backed out.

After getting out of the hall, the turtle stole. "Hey, why are you covering my mouth? You just threw her brother so easily. What if she has any bad intentions? You are so hasty do you know?"

"Come on, Crow's mouth, it is pretty good that the leader of the house can agree, do you think we have any room for questioning the choice?" Shi Zhongyu rebuked, which is also full of truth.

"This ... even if there is no choice, but at least we have to stay and watch, right?" The Turtle stole a little unwillingly and immediately asked: "Aren't you worried?"

"How could you not worry? But my eldest brother could come here, and here is his creation. I believe the arrangement of the Lord will not be so ruthless!" Immediately sighed, but also let it be.

"You ... you are so reckless, your elder brother might be killed by you!" Turtle steals still cannot understand, very angry.

"What killed him? The master of another religion, a woman who is Bingqingyujie, how could she have any bad thoughts on her elder brother?" Shi Zhongyu justified again, disapproving.

"That is, the big brother is like that. Even if the leader of the family has not seen a man for many years, he won't let me wait for this romantic appearance. Why would he choose a bad thing for the big brother?"

"You guys ..." stared. Turtle stealing originally didn't mean that, but he was too lazy to explain the broken pot and shattered: "Who knows that there are so many men these days, and those women don't like to play with cucumbers. Who knows if there is any particular hobby of this leader, some people just prefer dead things, does this still use me? "

"You ... you lunatic, you hurry up ... Stop it?" Listening to the turtle steal saying that, Shi Zhongyu was nervous, and hurried forward to cover up the turtle steal, no longer let him talk.

"Alas, you loosen ..." The turtle turned and looked at the two brothers, very embarrassed and unwilling.

"The woe came out of our mouth. For our safety, we decided not to let you talk anymore. We don't want to be killed because of your rotten mouth. Is it also possible for you to bury the flying master?" Serious Warning, to be on the safe side, Shi Zhongyu decided to restrict the turtle stealing.

"I ..." Although Turtle Steal was unwilling, but after thinking about what he said just now, he also took a breath, and was afraid, boss, I didn't mean it!


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