Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2739: bright future

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Yeah, it can crush everything, but it is also a great opportunity. Maybe my road cloud has evolved again, but it depends on it!" Chen Jiu nodded, but instead of being afraid, he was full of happiness. Strenuously.

Dadao Cloud, the amount is large enough, but it still fails to condense into a rule that runs through the heavens and the earth. This is where Chen Jiu regrets. At this time, he can see the true way of heaven punishment. He is confident that Dadao cloud has transformed again and becomes a real avenue form!

‘Boom…’ In speaking, the vastness and boundlessness, the long and long road of heaven punishment, directly lowered a thunderbolt, and slashed straight to the top of Chen Jiu's head.

"Break!" There was a thunderbolt. Chen Jiu really didn't care too much. He held his fist, and as soon as he touched the thunderbolt, he regretted it.

‘Zi ...’ He was smoking all over, and at this moment he even lost his consciousness, his body was numb, and the six senses were lost, somehow.

"Fu Jun, Fu Jun, wake up soon ..." Once again, consciousness returned, and Chen Jiu heard only the shout of Fei Xianer's worry.

Opening his eyes stupidly, Chen Jiu couldn't help but startled with cold sweat after seeing the surroundings again.

Fortunately, there is no death. This is Chen Jiuqing's first sense of consciousness. Her body is stiff, her skin is completely electrofocused, her muscles and bones are damaged, and her internal organs are even darker!

This blow was not a trivial matter, and it almost cost Chen Jiu's life. He gratefully looked to his right hand and found that if it had not held 10,000 stone **** there and sucked most of the power, he would have to be beaten. Extermination is impossible.

"Grass, it's too cruel. What kind of thunderbolt is this, and it doesn't make people live?" Chen Jiu couldn't help it, and it was an empty curse.

"Fu Jun, that's the God of Thunder God, you can kill even the Lord God, you don't care too much!" Fei Xianer explained, and was shocked by Chen Jiu.

"I rely on, I will not be a chaos god, will I not drop such extinct goddess of thunder?" Chen Jiu stared at him, unjustly cursing the injustice, very unhappy.

"Fu Jun, the way of practicing the punishment of nature belongs to the taboo way. This is the collision of facing the sky. How can this day punish you?" Fei Xianer was helpless.

"What? Xianer, you don't have confidence in me?" Chen Jiu was unhappy.

"Fu Jun, don't get me wrong. If I don't have confidence in you, I will persuade you to give up. Now I haven't persuade you. I believe you can do what people can't do and create your own miracle!" Fei Xianer quickly complimented Road: "If the husband wants to surpass the king of the immortals, if this ability is not available, it will not work!"

"Oh? Do you also believe that I can surpass the King of Immortals?" Chen Jiu could not help but feel complacent after listening to the good words.

"Fu Jun, in fact, the true Fei Xian Master is probably still alive. If you can surpass the King of the Immortals, she will certainly not escape your palm. Are you sorry that you did not enjoy the fun of developing me? Maybe in another one Xianer, can you realize your dream? "Fei Xianer did not know for what purpose, but at this time broke the news to Chen Jiu.

"What? You mean the true Feixian Mistress. She was still alive?" Chen Jiuyi couldn't help but pause.

"Yes, the skull of this stubble body is not there. The real consciousness of the Feixian Master is not expected to dissipate, husband, if you want to get her approval and get her Jiao. Body, it is not possible to go beyond the king of the immortals. Yes, you must know that she is not as deceived as others! "Fei Xianer said solemnly, and his meaning was undoubtedly extremely hooked.

"Another flying fairy? Is it exactly the same as you?" Chen Jiu's eyes immediately became shining evil. Evil, you must know that he has been looking forward to the identical twin beauty.

"Fu Jun, work hard, as long as you surpass the King of the Immortals, then I and the other Fei Xian master will kneel in front of you at the same time, let your favor. Fortunately!" Fei Xianer painted a future, A bright future that men cannot refuse.

"This ... Xianer, don't make a joke, how can such a thing, let alone I'm not that kind of person ..." Chen Jiu could not help but feel a little embarrassed, thinking wildly.

With that kind of substantial relationship with Fei Xianer, if you see the real Fei Xianer, look at them with the same temperament and appearance, and then think about your happiness with Fei Xianer at night, then you have to face this new woman What kind of mood will it be?

Unable to understand, Chen Jiu did not have this lucky life and could marry one of a pair of twins. He naturally did not know what kind of mind their husbands would see their sisters after they married.

Would you like to do it? Chen Jiu couldn't help but he was a bit evil. Evil!

"Ah, husband, be careful!" Fei Xianer suddenly screamed again, because another **** thunder split.

‘Zihong ...’ Chen Jiu was thinking about the beautiful things, but he could n’t respond in time, no doubt he suffered another one, and his whole muscles were half dry, which was miserable.

"I trust, tigers don't show their might, do you treat me as a sick cat?" Chen Jiu was angry, no matter for the beautiful future created by Fei Xianer, or for himself, he must do his best to deal with the calamity.

'Guru ...' Chen Jiu first drank some scourge liquid. These things are the most effective for thunder robbing. After recovering 80%, he even held up the respect of Wandao and regarded it as high. Your own lightning rod and umbrella.

'Booming ...' Tiandao Shenlei is getting more and more chopped down. It could have been extinct even by the main god, but with the nourishment of the thunder robbery and the absorption of 10,000 stone balls, it makes Chen Jiu very Okay.

Not only did he hold it down, Chen Jiu intentionally or unintentionally wrapped his own avenue with clouds. He wrapped himself, constantly absorbing the God of Thunder God, and also accepted the trial of the punishment of Heaven!

The sound of clouds is rolling. After all, the avenue cloud is just a path drawn by Chen Jiu. It is far from the true way of heaven punishment. After experiencing a **** thunder, it has extinct from a scale of 100 kilometers to a size of about 10 kilometers. And this range is still decreasing.

‘Boom ...’ At this time, the way of heaven punishment no longer lowered the **** thunder, a vague phantom came down, it was just like its extension version, exterminating everything and destroying everything.

"This ... success or failure may be here, but I won't give in. Come up with me, Lord of Mando, Daoyun!" Chen Jiu was surprised, but retired, holding the stone ball and wrapping In the avenue cloud, he slammed into this phantom fiercely.

"Fu Jun ... Don't be reckless ..." Fei Xianer shouted worriedly, but couldn't help Chen Jiu's figure at all, and he slammed into this phantom without hesitation.


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