Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2765: The end of the event

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Shi Zhongyu, right away, you two big bastards, I know that you are jealous of my relationship with the boss, so I have united to suppress me, but now you are leaving, I see how do you suppress me, I In the future, you have to eat with the boss, drink together, and sleep together, so you are envious ... ”Turtle steals, he can finally talk, but he was full of resentment, and it was sprinkled indiscriminately. come out.

"Rely on, turtle stealing, do you want to be a companion?" Shi Zhongyu they rolled their eyes. If your kid's mouth is closed tightly, we won't bother to stop you. What's the use of stagnation with us?

"It's the accompaniment, how do you drop it?" Turtle stealing is very arrogant, he didn't realize his mistake at all.

"Brother tortoise, you are with me, so why should our ladies go?" Fei Xianer was also funny, and asked.

"All laid off ... Ah!" Turtle stole instinctively, and suddenly he couldn't say something with a big tongue. He sweated on his forehead and felt that he was in trouble again.

"Agui, it's not that your elder brother doesn't cover you, it's just your mouth. If you don't change it, you will miss this matter sooner or later. You make it difficult for your elder brother!" Yes, Chen Jiu was educated.

"That is, how many top-level godsons have died. Can you afford this after investigating this matter?" Shi Zhongyu also said that they had a stake.

"Brother, let me plug my mouth. I swear, I won't speak for three years, okay?" The turtle stole his interest and quickly took the initiative to plug his mouth. He was really worried about telling him It's bad to miss it.

"Three years is not necessary, just think about it after going through the brain before speaking!" Chen Jiuxun taught, and it was not too difficult.

"Fu Jun, are you sure you don't want to kill any more? Now it's too late to kill. If I wait for the Faculty to hide, it will be inconvenient to kill again!" Fei Xianer finally confirmed that he was ready to make a big move.

Feixianjiao, although there is no baby, there is a Daoshan in the gate, it nourishes countless dream worlds. Although these worlds are not real, they are also living souls. Chen Jiu is not willing to let They were all extinct, so only the entire church was sunk again!

"Hey, for the imaginary big week, leave a Daoshan, the boss really worthy of them!" Impressed immediately.

"No, in the eyes of others, they may be illusory, but in my eyes, they all have vigor, ideals, and true love!" Chen Jiu shook his head firmly, preaching firmly.

"Yes, I also think they are better than some people in our world who have flesh and blood!" Shi Zhongyu also said with emotion: "In fact, what is illusory, we think they are illusory, but maybe there are still people Seeing us as unbelievable? "

"Life is like a dream, and being kind to others is actually being kind to yourself!" Turtle steals a sudden and unpredictable sentence, which makes several people look at him.

"Well, I'm not talking anymore!" The turtle stole his mouth and dared not to say any more.

A few words of intentional compliment, but thinking about his rotten mouth, everyone kept silent, and looked seriously at Fei Xianer. She stood like a true fairy in the sky, and it reflected the Fei Xianjiao. bustling!

"Finally, she will wake up, and eventually she will wake up, Fei Xian's great cause is yet to come ..." Fei Xianer was thinking sacredly, her jade finger shot only a large altar in the void. , On the altar, 'Feixian', two big characters, shining like a red sun, dazzling!

"Seal!" Fei Xian'er finally shot with both palms and punched this huge altar into the Fei Xian religion, only to see that it was expanding rapidly, even covering the entire door space.

'Booming rump ...', as you can see with the naked eye, when this altar hits the Feixian religion, it quickly shrinks, countless vitality is rolling, and all follow its figure, then It was dormant in the seal.

After a violent change in the sky, the whole Feixianism completely disappeared, and the mist invaded. Everyone felt that the space was shocked, and the familiar atmosphere was coming. Several people knew that they had returned to reality. In the world.

The dry, barren, and ruthless gale was blowing. When all the fog was gone, countless people were dumbfounded. The desirable Feixian altar was gone. In its place, it turned into a yellow sand surface. Anything surprising!

"Is it over? How is it over, are we dreaming? Fei Xian taught us not to see it yet?" Countless people were confused, naturally unwilling.

"No, I have to go to Fei Xian Jiao. I haven't got the chance yet. I can't come out like this ..." Even more angered people picked up the yellow sand on the spot, but they just picked up a piece of smoke and dust. Any gain.

"Congratulations to all the gods, you have successfully passed the assessment. Now the students of Yuanli Temple, come to gather with me ..." Then, with the words of Shen Xingyun, the other two deans also shouted, Shouted the students here.

It took a long time for the three hospitals to jointly participate in the Fei Xian Festival. At this time, it is finally time to produce results. The three of them are undoubtedly fighting hard and wanting to compete.

There are thousands of people, and there are thousands of people alive. They are scattered and scattered. Once they are active at this time, the high person will be immediately judged!

"This ... what's going on?" What made the heads of the three hospitals inexplicable was that one of the figures faintly became the head of the students of the three hospitals. This is an incredible thing that makes them unable to understand and accept. .

Chen Jiu, a demon devil who should have died, not only survived intact, but also surrounded by strong men, surrounded by beautiful women, he just became their boss, everyone must look at his face and act!

"How is it possible? How can this little hybrid be alive, and still live so comfortably, Dust, Mudongxi, Fang Liang, how many of them? How can they tolerate Chen Jiu to survive?" Dou Duofu wondered and felt himself The bald head suddenly became extremely angry again. "That's ... these women seem to be their daughters, what fun do you follow him for!"

With a blue complexion, Dou Duofu found his daughter looking around Chen Jiu and still looked flattering, it was really anxious to go up and draw a few big mouths from them. It was too shameful, are you still my daughter? How can you get so close to the demon devil?

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