Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3011: Also have acquaintances

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Take care all the way!" In the insistence of Jingxin, Chen Jiu took Caidie, and finally said goodbye to her and left Zizhu Garden together.

"Ah, finally it's time to rest!" After watching Jiu Jiu and they left their sight, Jingxin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and fell down on a bamboo chair by himself. She seemed to think of something embarrassing in general, and she immediately turned her face into a glamour.

Yes, Jingxin, as she relaxes, she ca n’t believe the life she has been living in these days. Is she herself? If it weren't for the last point of stubbornness, she might not even have a holy soul now?

"However, it's really comfortable and fascinating. Love, this man is really not ordinary!" To himself, although he was ashamed for his own behavior, Jingxin obviously didn't regret doing it. Make such a choice.

"Abominable, this stinky man, too fierce these days, making myself a little swollen!" Between the pure thoughts, Yushou slipped there unconsciously, a clever one, just let her curse again .

"Er, although she is pure, she seems to be missing something in her heart. I miss him so much!" Jingxin obviously can't forget Chen Jiu, and she wants to be so beautiful again.

"Damn, Jingxin, how can you become such a silver woman, isn't that the feeling, can't you hold back for a few days!" Jingxin ~ feeling the needs inside the body. Unacceptable grievances started.

Women, themselves, are particularly contradictory, especially women like Jingxin now, which is in a great contradiction.

"This almost killed herself. What would happen if the soul and soul were melted together?" Jingxin began to think again, anyway, she was a holy God, and suddenly became a man with a brain. Woman.

For this change in herself, Jingxin was very unacceptable, but no matter how she blamed herself, she always lingered in Chen Jiu, very helpless!

"Hey, when will I be able to tolerate him again and accept his nourishment? Nourishment ..." Unable to let go, she was bound to call him back again.

At the Zizhuyuankou, Chen Jiu and Caidie appeared here together, so the two aunts were quite surprised. Congratulations again and again, "Sister, it is unexpected that your man is so big, and he has been recognized by Master. It's gratifying! "

"Sister, I still have it today thanks to the two sisters who put him in at first. This is a little gift, no respect!" Caidieke set off and handed out two immortals.

"Ah, Shimei, this is too expensive!" Although the two aunts were embarrassed, they quickly came over.

"Sister, please take it down. When we come back in the future, we will rely on the sisters for help!" Caidie said with good intentions.

"In this case, we would like to thank Sister Sister, congratulations Sister Sister find a Ruyi Langjun, from now on can lead a happy life!" The two Tao aunts took the gift, congratulations again.

"Sister, let's go!" Caidie said goodbye to the two aunts and left with Chen Jiu.

"Hmm, what is the beauty of Caidie, isn't it that she found a rich master and went out to be a little wife to others, what can I show off!" As soon as Caidie left, the two Daugus changed their faces immediately.

"That is, look at her scenery now, when the time is fresh, this man will not take care of you. Women who have not heard of Jiuwufeng have a group of **** dogs, Caidie, your future destiny It's no exception! "The two noble aunts were out of breath on the same nostril, obviously jealous of Caidie.

Fortunately, the colorful butterflies have gone far, otherwise they would have to come back and grab their own gifts if they heard that they were so doomed!

At the moment, the colorful butterflies are sweetly cuddling and holding Chen Jiu, the two slowly walked out of the Zizhu Garden and walked like a walk outside. They were very loving.

"Caidie, do you really want to go back with me? Aren't you afraid to face those sisters?" Chen Jiu asked with some worry, it was considered to make Caidie mentally prepared in advance.

"It's okay, I have acquaintances with them, and I'm not afraid they bully me!" Caidie was proud of raising her head, and the words she spoke made him surprised.

"Do you have acquaintances?" Chen Jiuting was surprised.

"Well, you will know this when you arrive. Husband, are you particularly sorry that you have not received the Master ’s soul this time?" Caidie sold a key, and caring asked about the others.

"Oh, I ’m not so sorry. I can meet again with Jingxin again, and I ’m very satisfied with her approval. It ’s enough!" Chen Jiu-nian and Jingxin, this relationship finally renewed the front, Although it is not yet open, he is very grateful to think about the tenderness and mystery of the three holy places in Jingxin!

"Fu Jun, you can rest assured that it won't take me a few times. I will seduce the Master. I will seduce the water and let her take the initiative to blend with your soul and truly be your woman!" Caidie wanted to promote this beauty .

"Caidie, in fact, you don't need to do this, it's not good to force it like this!" Chen Jiu shook his head and persuaded with a good voice.

"Come on, husband, if you don't want to, you will make her alive every day after the Master rejects you, so fierce and cruel?" Cai Die couldn't hear it, and Chen Jiu dumbfounded a word. speechless.

"I ... Caidie, am I too greedy?" Chen Jiu was also ashamed, unable to refute.

"No, it ’s not that you are greedy, but that the Master is false and clear. A woman like her is holy and used to it. She may be too embarrassed at once. You, husband, do n’t worry, she will follow us sooner or later. "Cai Die supports Chen Jiuman physically and mentally.

"Caidie, thank you!" Chen Jiu was really grateful for this one. It is really a man's greatest blessing to meet such a woman who thinks for herself.

"It's okay, when I don't believe it, plus Master's suffocation, we two teachers and apprentices will not be able to fight that little fox. Beaver!" Cai Die immediately grunted her teeth, and this look could not help but let Chen Jiu It ’s been a long time, and I did n’t dare to talk anymore. I just quickened my pace. Do n’t mess with her for the time being!

After the Nine-Five Peaks approached again, Chen Jiu looked at the colorful butterflies around him. In fact, he was still a little hesitant, but thinking about the chaos in his bosom, he still walked up to the jade with enough energy.

"Chen Jiu, wait for a while!" But at this moment, another one called out to Chen Jiu, who was she?

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