Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3026: Zu Yin Fuze

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"The king of the earth is the immortal ... every generation from generation to generation, common to all the nations ..." Just when many main gods breed malice and want to make an immortal's idea, a huge chanting suddenly sounded in the air.

‘Booming…’ Accompanying these recitation voices, as well as the huge billowing sounds, countless magnificent mountains and rivers, rich palaces, even appeared from the void, shaking the world!

In the palaces of mountains and rivers, the images of thousands of ethnic groups appeared, and they were worshipping and chanting, and the sound wave came to everyone's ears as real.

"What's this?" Not only the students were dumbfounded, but the main gods also gave up the claim of Wuxian Ling. Instead, they looked at this weird scourge!

"This is the imperial dynasty!" Chen Jiu had the honour to see the one-sided palace of the imperial king, and suddenly recognized the palace headed by it. It was the imperial palace, and the countless magnificent mountains and rivers around him were naturally the king under his rule. Dirt.

"What? Isn't Shier the descendant of King Wuxian? How could she directly use the entire dynasty to shock her?" Mu Lan couldn't understand, and couldn't help but worry.

"It's strange, the King of Immortals is indeed the first master. It can affect Tianjie, and use his own will to motivate the younger generation. This is absolutely as high as the sky!" Chen Jiu was shocked, but also Have to have endless admiration for this master.

"Uncontrollable by the heavens and the earth, set the number of robbery by yourself?" Mu Lan was shocked beyond words when she understood.

'Zi ...' is even more shocking, but it just happened. I saw that Zhu Shi ’s personality was condensed, and the dynasty was counted. But the next moment, she was directly shrouded in the light of the palace. Inhaled in the air!

‘Boom rumbling ...’ The main hall shook, without any hazards, and the mighty tianjie was shrinking, which effectively blocked the approach of outsiders.

‘嚓 click! ”A sudden thunder sounded like the anger of the fairy king. The whole palace was full of color, and only one scream was heard, and then there was no sound.

"Fu Jun, this is a misconduct with the Lord God, but this day's robber is really powerful. The king of the immortals will protect the descendants, and they will not let them be killed when they cross the robber!" Fei Xianer's voice passed to Chen Jiu's quiet Answering doubts in his ears.

"This way, then I can rest assured, there is an invincible old ancestor, and it really is extraordinary!" Chen Jiu could not help but feel envious.

"Don't you have to rob and inherit directly under the asylum?" Mu Lan's gaze was so bleak that she finally let go of the worry.

"Yeah, Laner, you have just made it. You can go back to rest!" Chen Jiu was relieved, and she quickly retrieved Wu Xianling and sent Mu Lan into Jiulongjie.

"Fu Jun, wait a minute!" Mu Lan stopped Chen Jiu at this time.

"Oh? Do you have anything else?" Chen Jiu asked in puzzlement.

"Fu Jun, I'm giving you trouble. You punish me, no matter how you punish me, but you can't want me!" Mu Lan looked at Chen Jiu with a look of plea, and blamed himself.

"Laner, are you talking about what you just said? Yes, you did have a mistake, but you didn't expect the consequences to be so serious, didn't you? I know you are an unintentional mistake. As husband and wife, we should be tolerant to each other. I ca n’t hold on to this little mistake, and never let it go? You know, I love you! ”Chen Jiuzheng's education seduced Mu Lan very much.

"Fu Jun, thank you, thank you for being so good to me, but I am wrong is wrong. If I am not punished, it will make me very disturbed. Please be punished for me!" Mu Lan thanked, It is still necessary to take the initiative to ask for punishment.

"But I have nothing to punish you?" Chen Jiuting said helplessly.

"Fu Jun, are you still thinking about it, right?" Mu Lan grieved and grieved, "After the elder sister successfully crossed the gang just now, you took her away. But you and I just ignored it, and you said yes Take care of my fault, but you always blame me, right? "

"This ... do you want to be knocked out too? Laner, I'm not worried about the main gods, and I'm a bit worried about your mood, so I'm not like that!" Lu, many of the main gods are not planning. Not to mention, Mu Lan is also in a bad mood, he really didn't have that mind at this time.

However, Chen Jiu doesn't have that thought, which does not mean that Mu Lan will not have it. She is now like a little girl who has done wrong. She wants to admit her wrong and needs to be re-approved!

As a woman, the biggest way to make up for her fault is to give herself up, and doing so will also make her feel that she is still recognized and useful, and her body and mind will be happy again.

"This is a punishment. You don't have to worry about my mood. If you don't punish me, then I will feel like I'm useless!" Mu Lanjiao. With shame, she now feels guilty and sad, This man is badly needed to help her out.

"Well, Shi'er will not be in danger for the time being. Since you have to punish this, then I will punish you well and let you remember for a long time!" Chen Jiu looked at Mu Lan so insistently and couldn't help it. She's gone.

As a man, the most expressive way of expressing your love is to practice it with your body. It's like if you marry a wife and say you love her every day, but you still can't move her. Then she ca n’t be crazy? If you make her unconscious every day, even if you say a few words I love you, then she will also feel extremely happy!

"Thank you, thank you husband, I am willing to accept any punishment from you!" Mu Lan thanked him, and immediately knelt in front of Chen Jiu.

"Well, then come and serve me well!" Chen Jiu was no longer polite at this time, pretending to be fierce, fierce, full. Meeting Mu Lan's requirements, at least to make her psychological better.

'Zizi ...' Then, the female demon who broke the world was loyal and loyal. Waiting for a man, the pair of kneeling in front of him, the appearance of Venino, if anyone saw it, it was She can't be compared with the image of Nine Days Killing. Could it be the same person?

In fact, this is of course the same person, no doubt, only to see Mu Lan willingly accepted Chen Jiu's concubine. After being polluted, he was even stabbed by his war gun!

"Ah ..." With a scream, the rifle was so deeply stabbed that Mu Lan Huarong was overshadowed, and the whole person was shaking. Shaking, as if he had encountered something more terrible than the disaster, couldn't hold it. .

"Thank you, husband ..." But at this moment, Mu Lan was in tears. What she showed was not pain, but full of happiness and ease. The guilt and self-blame were just gone. what's going on?

Uh, you can see that the students here must be the iron powder of the small disk. Now the two group numbers and WeChat signals are announced, so that everyone can directly recommend the small disk book friends group 63991489 Small disk book friends group 229608141 WeChat gggxiaopan

By the way, everyone has good-looking beauty images, and feel that they meet the characteristics of the heroine in the book, you can send them to me. I will choose to share them with everyone. In addition, if you do n’t understand the emotional problems, you can also give some suggestions to the small disk Everyone is happy!

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