Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3138: Hard work

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"Husband, there are only a few days left. If you eat so hard, you will not threaten Jianshen!" Shaking his head, Shui Shen is extremely displeased with Chen Jiu. (, Latest chapter visit: ..

"This ..." Chen Jiuyu concluded, also preaching: "I know, but I think everything is difficult at the beginning. In the future, it should be much faster. When the wedding scene, I killed the **** with one blow, and I will be able to Shock the main gods and dare not act lightly! "

"Husband, you have a good idea, but I'm afraid it's hard to be successful at this avenue of forcing!" The Water God's approval also suggested: "If your husband has to choose the way of forcing, then I can help you. ! "

"Oh? How can you help me?" Chen Jiu asked expectantly, because he couldn't be 'forced' on this road, and was not completely sure.

"Husband, don't forget that we used to travel back in time. Although I don't know how you did it, you must have changed the history, right?" Shui Shen glared at Chen Jiu, and it was not completely unconscious.

"I ... Xiner, I love you so much, because I can't lose you!" Chen Jiu was guilty, but did not deny it.

"Husband, you don't have to blame yourself. Since I'm yours, I will only have the best ending in this life!" Shui Shen would like to preach: "My water channel is like a long time. , You can send your husband forward again for a period of time, and during this time, her husband can refining the avenue of refinement. In this case, although it may not be successful, the grasp is much greater! "

"Ah, good plan, good plan, how can I forget this thing, Xiner, you are really my good wife!" Chen Jiuyi patted the brain ‘door’ and was suddenly surprised. Read the latest chapters in full

There is no full grasp at first, but as long as you can go back and forth again, then the question of time will no longer be a problem. When it is time to pack up a god, isn't it right?

"Did I not?" Shui Run'er was jealous.

"Runer, you just got the Tao fruit, you should practice well, or don't shuttle with us in space!" Shui Shen refused Shui Runer.

"Okay, okay, I want to be strong, too, to help my husband rescue my mother-in-law!" Shui Runer didn't insist on it.

"It's not too late, let's go!" Chen Jiu could not wait, pulling the water **** to enter the watercourse.

"Okay, Runer, please be careful!" After a confession, Shui Shen took Chen Jiu straight and stepped into the long river of the watercourse again.

The watercourse flowed extremely fast, and the two people's surroundings gradually transformed into the 'color' of colorful glazing. At this time, Chen Jiu, who stood among them, gradually felt that time had not passed.

"The Tao is omnipresent, travelling time and space, eternal forever, Xiner, this time I don't need to go back to the past in reality, I just need to keep this time still!" Chen Jiu had a new decision. .

Going back to the past to change history is too expensive. Chen Jiu now just wants to refine the avenue, and the avenue itself is a great existence that travels through time and space. For example, the ancient way and the current way, as long as It's the same road, and the difference is almost negligible!

Since it is the same Tao, that refining the ancient way, that is, refining the Tao of the present, coupled with the Tao's inherent traits of ancient and modern, Chen Jiu can naturally refining directly.

"Okay, then I will keep this time still for you, you quickly start refining!" Shui Shen nodded, and said nothing.

"Xin'er, you have worked so hard!" Chen Jiu was grateful for the "Jade" hand that grasped the water god, and immediately drank the glass pipe and entered it again.

"Ah ..." His mouth opened wide and he could swallow it. Although Chen Jiu said that he had a lot of time, he did not have the slightest intention to relax.

'咻咻 ……' The space was transparent and hard to detect without color, but as Chen Jiu swallowed more and more, a string of shapes formed in front of his mouth, which seemed to be noodle-like Is being enjoyed by him.

Of course, this is not real noodles, nor is it so enjoyable. Chen Jiu took the foundation of these space roads, and the whole person also has to bear the tears of this space road.

‘Bang bang ...’ The body of Chen Jiu ’s blood, the flesh, bears the brunt of it, it ’s cracked layer by layer, and the bones will be visible soon!

"Husband ..." Shui Shen looked at Chen Jiu's devouring the avenue. She was like an ancient beast. She was shocked and more worried about his safety.

Nothing will happen, nothing will happen. The water **** silently prayed for Chen Jiu, and he was shocked with cold sweat!

The inhuman torture also brought extraordinary results. After all, Chen Jiu's tens of billions of genes were not completely used to look at. Under the action of powerful genes, he quickly controlled a piece of ego space.

The difficult situation at the beginning of everything appeared again. At the beginning, Chen Jiu only knew the password of this avenue, and did not realize the avenue, that is, he could not use its power!

However, Chen Jiuqiang swallowed the foundation of this avenue and refined it into his own power. Although this power is still weak compared with the entire large bar, the change in quantity still causes qualitative change. Chen Jiu gradually began to realize the truth of the road to egoism.

In this case, it ’s like genius awakening. It is no longer devoured, and gradually began to sit down cross-legged and realized the whole avenue!

After suffering hardly, the water **** was relieved at this time, because Chen Jiu was no longer suffering, but became peaceful with a full face.

‘咻咻 ……’ Chen Jiutuan sat and saw that each strip was thicker. The big noodles were flying past his head, and these noodle-shaped things are the foundation of the only road!

There is no limit to a boulevard. Although Chen Jiu has realized that the speed of refining has been increased many times, compared to the avenue in front of him, it is still ‘mao’.

Fortunately, time is still at present. Chen Jiu need not worry about the passage of time. He can calm down and concentrate on refining this avenue!

In this way, I don't know how long it took, the water **** seemed to be in a hurry, and saw that she suddenly offered a thermometer-like thing and shot it at Chen Jiu. "I see how much her husband's power is? "

"Zi ..." This is not a thermometer, but a dynamometer. It can test whether a person has entered the realm of a false god. When it is placed between Chen Jiu's head, the numerical value jumps quickly.

‘60 …… 70 …… 80! ‘It ’s full of expectations. When you see these values ​​jump to 80, they stop. This makes the water **** be puzzled again, what ’s going on? --6610 + dmth + 19195140->

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