Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3150: Soul of water god

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Okay, Xiner, now that you have this realization, then I want your soul today, and with your true communion, you will never be separated forever!" Chen Jiu looked at the water god's obsession, and he was not a wife immediately Mom agreed. -

‘Zi ...’ The soul villain stepped out and met with the water **** in front of the two. This soul villain is clearly a small version of them.

This kind of thing is no stranger to the ‘cross’ of the soul, so under the guidance of Chen Jiu, the water **** finally merged with him and exploded into a mist of ‘mix’ and chaos ’.

The mist of love is a special state. In this state, two people can maintain that sense of bliss for a long time, magnify the sense of enjoyment that the creation **** can have, and magnify it by many times. !!

The "fine" God is detached and the mind is strengthened. This state itself is likely to be the God of Creation born to enhance his deity, to survive the solitude of the void, the instinct of endless time, but it is now inherited by humans , But those who can carry forward the bright, few have.

Chen Jiu, he is a genius and a lucky man. By coincidence, he was able to produce bliss in his soul and be compatible with other people.

Wonderful and endless, just when the two forget time and only remember happiness, their strength actually increased at this moment.

Chen Jiu, 40 billion genes have started to grow again. The spiral prints that can be seen in the mist of 'mixed, chaotic, and misty' are the images produced by his genes that are too powerful.

‘Boom rumbling…’ The gene is so, but the ‘fine’ **** storm in the soul is rising at the same time, the nebula is changing, ‘hybrid’ is chaotic and harvesting, and many new ‘fine’ **** planets are constantly formed!

As the source increases, the 'fine' **** increases, and the corresponding combat power naturally increases invisibly. 800

Everything is developing on the bright side. After Chen Jiu this time blended in, he looked at the wonderful **** the opposite side and was pleasantly surprised!

Strength. At this time when strength was most needed, Chen Jiu didn't expect that the water **** was so excellent that he could bring him such a huge improvement.

"Husband, you are too powerful, so that I have made such a big improvement?" It is even more surprising than Chen Jiu, that is the **** of water, after all, Chen Jiu ’s 40 billion genes are also powerful and perfect, and it is by no means bragging. from.

"Xin'er, how did you tell what I was going to say?" Chen Jiu laughed, but found himself somewhat helpless. After discovering that this intermingling, the gene reached 45 billion, and the strength of the "fine" God even reached 700 trillion, and the combat power has reached 7 trillion trillion!

"Husband, thank you, you have taken me one step further in the evolution of life. I believe that my Tao heart will soon grow more perfect!" Water God said briefly, but also completely immersed in joy.

"Xin'er, if that's the case, then you hurry up and cultivate. I don't think it's too early for the day, and I should go back, or they'll be in a hurry!" Chen Jiu said with good intentions.

"Oh, I still ca n’t forget the two villains who have gone crazy with others. It seems that your man is really a born‘ flower ’heart ghost!” Shui Shenxiao has complained, but he is no different from Chen Jiu.

At the beginning of the moonlight, it took a lot of time for the two to blend together, at least it made the Huo Que children anxious.

Changjiu Temple, the little cheeks of Huo Queer swelled up, but just complained to Shui Runer, "Yuner, your mother is really so, knowing that we are newly married, she still pulled Chen Jiu away. He came back. Is this the rhythm that wants us to be living widows? "

"Okay, I was flipped yesterday, and now my legs and feet are not going well. I thought about it so soon. I said Huo Queer, I scolded you for being cheap. People think that is really suitable?" Shui Runer naturally knew the beauty of her mother, and she also agreed with it.

"What? You scolded me again? I said Shui Runer, I didn't provoke you this time, did you dare to scold me, thinking that I was bullied?" Huojier was anxious, and immediately aimed.

"What's wrong with you? My mother taught her husband to cultivate, that's the business, you mean. You don't talk about cultivation, but you still want to haunt her husband every day. Shouldn't you be scolded?" Forgiving, continue to count down.

"You are the out-of-the-box groceries. Yesterday, I didn't know who was stunned. An endless ..." Huo Que retorted recklessly.

"Huo Queer, this is in my house. Don't you dare to pretend to be dead?" Shui Runer bullied.

"Well, do you think I live in your home very rarely? If it weren't for my husband here, I would have left ..." Huo Queer scolded.

"Go? Okay, you go, I will not stop you!" Shui Run'er pointed at the door.

"You, okay, I'll just go, I don't want to be mad at you here, I still have to go back to find my husband when I go back!" After all, Huo Queer was a little uncomfortable in the water temple, so angry. Naturally want to leave.

"I'm sorry, my husband is very busy, that's not going to find you!" Shui Run'er sneered behind him, proud of himself.

"Well, there is nothing good in your water shrine. Aunt‘ milk ’and‘ milk ’are back!” Princess Huoqueer had a bad temper and went away.

'boom! "Unfortunately, as soon as the 'door' was opened, he ran into a figure on the face. It was very annoyed." Which slave doesn't have long eyes. Are all the people in the water temple blind? "

"Qie, what's the matter? I've taken a gun 'medicine', how can I touch someone to bomb someone?" Chen Jiu looked at her in puzzlement and was very concerned.

"Husband, you are finally back, wow, she bullied me ..." Seeing Chen Jiu, Huo Queer just saw a savior, and immediately burst into his arms and cried.

‘Chicken’, ‘hair’, and garlic are a trivial matter, but this is in the water temple. The fire bird is really a bit jealous.

After understanding the events, Chen Jiuzhi comforted and said, "Well, Chier, I will try to come back sooner, and you do n’t have to worry about it. In the future, this temple is our home, and it does not belong to the scope of the Water God Temple. You can exercise your rights here as much as possible, and no one else can interfere with you! "

"Really? Husband, you have to know that you are at most here also a‘ door ’,‘ woman ’!” Huo Queer looked at Chen Jiu with suspicion, and really felt that he did n’t have such a big right to speak.

"What's wrong with the" door "girl?" The "door" girl can also be the master. Don't say that the water **** is not here today, even if the water **** is here, I dare to say so! Straightforwardly.

"Shui Runer, have you heard that? This is my home from now on, and you don't want to drive me away!" Huo Queer was also impressed by Chen Jiu, and it was showing off. --24865 + d80ok0bo + 19677060->

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