Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3167: Doomsday

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Youlong resembles the sea, and several roads are entangled and crushed on a frozen glass tube, which makes this glass tube constantly broken and in danger.

‘Boom…’ But in this dangerous situation, there are still figures in the glass tube that may collapse at any time!

To call it warfare is actually a one-sided torture. Chen Jiu, locked in the gods with an invincible posture, let this power that can escape freely in front of the Lord God, be completely restrained and have no ability to fight back.

With one blow, the origin of the body of Jianshen was completely smashed. At the time when the water **** resisted the gods of light for Chen Jiuli, he finally got what he wanted, and he hit the goddess of Jianshen with a blow. Completely collapsed!

"Ah ..." with a scream, Ten thousand unwilling to be wronged with God, he did not expect that the magical temple and the pro will become his doomsday, and he did not even think that he was the owner of the Space Avenue of Myself, but one day It would be incredible to die in your own way.

It would n’t be too late if I knew it, and it ’s too late for God to regret it, but he knows that the Emperor Alliance has caused a big enemy, but all this is not something he can worry about, because he is completely extinct. It's up!

"What? Lord Jianshen is dead ..." Yue Gu shook. She didn't shoot at first and didn't let Vulcan take more control. If she wanted to teach Jianshen something, she would be killed directly.

"Damn, Chen Jiu, you sinner, you actually killed the God of God, our Emperor League will not let you go!" At this moment, the false gods who besieged Chen Jiu even scorned at him.

"Is the Emperor League? My ninety-five cents will not be afraid of him!" Chen Jiu experienced a brief calm, he stepped out of the frozen solo space, and faced the siege of eight people without any provocation. "Everyone coming here to marry my mother is the calculation of the Emperor League, right? Why can't he help me and want the main **** of the magic temple to block the gun? Good plan!"

"What? This is actually the imperial league's calculation? It seems that this matter is very strange!" The Dou Shen was startled, and sighed that he was fortunate to have contacted Chen Jiu, otherwise he would go up indiscriminately without asking. It is really possible to use it as a shotgun.

"Brother Zhou, are you stupid? Don't you really think that this boy can resist the Emperor League? Do you believe he is bragging here?" The bright **** laughed.

"Aunt Yue, tell me what's going on here?" Vulcan also felt a little puzzled at this time and asked harshly.

"Yes, I don't know much!" Yue Aunt also felt pressured to face the lord gods and said, "Chen Jiu did indeed set up a Nine-Five-Year-Old Fairy Club in Lapai in our hospital. The main **** is so good. Inu Shrine, Rendi League, and some casual practitioners all want to deal with him, but they can't help him all at once! "

"What? This stinky kid, is it so powerful?" Bright God, they seriously expressed suspicion and couldn't believe it.

"Aunt Yue, you have too much nonsense, don't you want to go back to the hospital?" Han Shen rebuked, obviously very dissatisfied.

"I ... I don't dare ..." Yue Gu didn't dare to respond.

"I'm a cheap girl. Aunt, can you be so good?" Vulcan couldn't believe it, and didn't feel very glorious. You must know that the forces of Rendi League make them dare not mess with them!

"Hmm, but just relying on a magpie order, pulling up the tiger's skin as a banner. Our emperor was unwilling to care about him, but he went crazy!" Deshen sneered, and suddenly broke the news again.

"What? He has a magpie in his hand!" At this moment, many main gods were all jealous, and so was the fighting god!

"Two of you, are you Emperor League? Now that you know my identity and dare to talk to me like this, then it seems that you don't want to live!" Chen Jiu frowned, but was not afraid of anything, just stared at Germany God and Han God are full of hatred.

"Haha, Chen Jiu, you come here to play with us and tell you the truth. This time you are tempted to come here. It is my plan to attack the West. Your front foot just left. It's a pity to smash it, alas, you've married so many beautiful women, now it must be in my emperor's big bed, Wan Wan, and Cheng Huan, I don't know what kind of thought you will see? " Han Shen laughed loudly and no longer covered up.

Yes, to this day, everyone's mind is mirror-like, and there is no need to hide anything anymore, because the exposure of Wuxianling is enough to make this group of gods crazy, there is no enmity and they want to take a shot, let alone the book is deep The revenge of the bright gods of them!

"Well, since I dare to come, then naturally I have done a good job, a few of you, hurry up with your imagination, otherwise, the Rendi League will not be able to protect you!" Chen Jiulan reprimanded, not irritated, calm Like water.

"Ah ... help, Master help ..." Just when the atmosphere was tense, the seemingly forgotten sky **** woke up from the coma and screamed again.

"Your son is my eighth son!" Chen Tianhe, full of hatred and pleasure, was not enough to deprive the empty gods of the five senses, but to cut off his limbs and empty his dirty organs.

"Ah ..." Between the screams, the main gods frowned again and again, the empty **** completely became an empty shelf with no features, no internal organs and limbs!

God's vitality is tenacious. Even so, he has not died and is still asking for help from his master, but he does not know that his master has been killed.

"Don't shout, your master has been beheaded by my son. You have no chance today, and you will definitely die!" Chen Tianhe finally told the goddess of despair in a good voice.

"No ... Impossible, how could my Master die? My Master is the Lord God, and I am the God of Chaos. How could it be killed by your humble father and son, this is absolutely impossible ... It ’s dreaming, it must be dreaming, no ... I want to wake up, I want to marry Yan Ran, I want to marry my beauty girl, and I wo n’t give it to Master first. I ’ll get her first, I do n’t want to Three-handed goods ... "If mad, the **** of emptiness is completely mad, because he can't bear this blow at all.

"None. Shame!" Yan Ran was beside her, although she couldn't help, she was ashamed and flushed with this remark, and she hated it.

"Empty God, in the end your life will be mine. Do you have any last words and doubts, do as much as you can!" Chen Tianhe was so shocking that he approached the empty **** again, killing him.

"Legacy and doubt?" Hesitated for a moment, the **** of sky seemed to understand, just when everyone was expecting what secrets he asked, his words made everyone scold again and again!

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