Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3183: Shenlong comes out

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"This crazy boy really frightened me. I really thought that he had any means to reach the sky. He wanted to call me at first, but he could scare me so much. He would be worthless if he died in the future!" The evil **** had a lingering fear. After watching Chen Jiu's movement, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"This ... is this kid cheating?" Dou Shen was so anxious that his face was green, and the gap in his heart was simply too big.

"Well, I said long ago that this kid is not credible, and he was still here blindly at last, really treating us all as fools!" The Bright God also had great opinions.

"Chen Jiu, are you ... okay?" Shui Shen was not disappointed at this time, but with anxiety and worry in her face, it was okay for her to die, but she decided not to want Chen Jiu to be in trouble.

"I'm okay, this ... I just made a little stubble, don't mind, I just called the dragon to come out to help me, a dark evil god, and I will sweep you out for a while!" Chen Jiu paused for a while, suddenly sober After coming over, grinning and smirking, I was very embarrassed.

"What? You still shout, do you really treat us as a fool?" Mu Shen shook his head and teased, "Okay, since you want to shout, then you shout, you just shout your throat, then Shenlong will not hear it! "

"Have to shout, hurry up, let the water **** swear!" The Dark Evil God urged impatiently, but apparently gave Chen Jiu such a chance and wanted him to continue to slap.

"Chen Jiu, are you sure you aren't playing monkeys this time?" Dou Shen are very speechless, some can't believe it.

"No monkeys, monkeys are playing with the golden **** over there. I am playing dragons now!" Chen Jiu smiled awkwardly, and then his face full of righteousness and strict words: "Supreme supreme, heroic and invincible, across ancient and modern, omnipotent Master, the all-knowing dragon, please obey the call of your descendants' dragon-blood warriors and come out to help me destroy these evil and evil, Amen! "

"Go ... how are you like the **** of light ..." Just as the dark gods despised them, and made the **** of light blush and embarrassed to cooperate with Chen Jiu, a strange appearance emerged.

‘Roar…’ An old, quaint, long-distance, grand roar suddenly sounded. This sound wave was just howling the sky and the earth, it directly shocked everyone ’s heart.

‘Booming rumbling ...’ The chaotic time and space collapses, as if a behemoth appeared from nothingness, and its huge body straddles over it, it is a grander existence than the avenue!

Coercion, when this behemoth appeared, everyone felt inexplicably sinking, and felt a sense of breathlessness.

Giant scales, as if the sky was set on the ceiling, can not be urged; Dragon claws, as if the advent of heaven punishment, is intimidating; the huge dragon head is like the fangs born from heaven, making it impossible Look straight!

Powerful. Once the dragon appeared, the powerful gesture directly frightened half of the pseudo-gods. Rao was the dark evil god. They could not return to God for a long time.

"Haha, today I see who dares to stop me!" Chen Jiu was very satisfied with the performance of the crowd, and then he took a bold turn and jumped on the giant body, bright and dazzling.

Yeah, this dragon is definitely the top existence in the world, and there is actually a human being who can ride on him now, how glorious is it?

"This ... this is impossible!" The wooden **** was the closest, the clearest, and the most unacceptable.

"You get out of me!" Chen Jiu, driving the dragon, made a violent move, directly hitting the wooden god, and came straight to the water god.

"Chen Jiu, is this true?" Shui Shen stared at it all, dreaming.

"Can you call my husband?" Chen Jiu did not forget the smell.

"Husband ..." Shui Shen was naturally admired and died, and his face turned red.

"Wife, please go with them and wait for me in the back. I will help you destroy this dark evil god!" Chen Jiu nodded with satisfaction, and then preached to the water god.

"Husband, don't you need us to help you?" But the water **** knows the embarrassment of the dark evil gods. Although the dragon in front of him looks particularly powerful, the power of the main **** in this world is already sky-high, and it is almost impossible to kill the other party may!

"No, you are here to help me, it will only help to increase the flames of the dark evil god!" Chen Jiu shook his head and refused, then looked at the dark evil **** and reprimanded: "Dare you threaten my wife, be a shame today!"

"You ... how did you do this?" The dark evil **** could not react for a long time, but when he eased over, it was extremely reluctant to ask against the dragon: "Dear Lord Dragon, I I have no complaints with you recently, no revenge in the future, do not have to face my life? "

"Violates the master's meaning, then he must die!" Shenlong also gave his face very respect and regarded Chen Jiu as respect.

"What? Master, he is ..." The dark evil spirit was horrified, just grinning unwillingly: "Is there no possibility of reconciliation?"

"Dark evil god, you almost killed my wife, do you think I will let you go?"

"Chen Jiu, how could you be beautiful without my original calculations. You can't just remember hatred and remember kindness?" The Dark Evil God roared unwillingly.

"Well, I ’m right, I ’m sitting properly. Even without you, I can do good things sooner or later, and now you can die for me!" Chen Jiu said this sentence is actually a little guilty, but right now The enemy now, he can not care so much.

‘Boom ...’ With Chen Jiu ’s gesture, Shenlong shot against the dark evil god, and that snapping and slap, it was as if it were erupting in the mountains and rivers of Taikoo.

"You ... don't know how to lift up, then don't blame my evil **** for being ruthless!" The dark evil **** looked irrepressible, and couldn't help but grin. "Today God comes to kill God, Buddha comes to kill Buddha, everyone who dares to stop me is going to die!"

'call out! ’Facing the attack of the dragon, the Dark Evil God sacrificed a dark dome, and inside this dow, a Taoist weapon was wrapped.

'boom! ’With a heavy blow, the dragon claws slap on the dark road beads, which immediately shocked the upper one of them, and one of them was separated and floated towards the **** of light.

"Well, what a dragon, but that's all, I think you're going to die soon!" The dark evil **** was not repulsed, and immediately laughed.

"Old death? The King of the Immortals is not dead, old dragon I would not die so easily!" The dragon grinned and opened his mouth and laughed. This cloud-like appearance made the backs of the gods cool.

The King of Immortals? If it is an era with the king of immortals, isn't it the one that guards the dragon blood family and sits on an equal footing with the king of immortals?

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