Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3185: Hunting down evil spirits

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

The dark evil god, if he can survive an hour, then the dragon will disappear and retreat naturally. At that time, Chen Jiu will be blind if he faces alone.

Difficulties, Chen Jiu had no way. He could only make the dragon more fierce. Fight against the dark evil gods and try to kill him quickly, but he also knew that there was little hope of doing so!

The strength of the dragon has not recovered, and the dark evil **** is at its peak. To kill it, it is necessary to destroy five Taoxins and five Supreme Goddess. In this way, the probability of success is too low.

‘Booming and rumbling ...’ The dragon turned clouds and rain, and the wanton roads and gallops galloped across the world. Wherever they passed, the countless false gods were too scared to escape the fear. Some of them were directly impacted by flying.

"Get out of here, let me out of the way, I will kill the dark gods today!" Chen Jiu shouted and yelled. He controlled the dragon, and he was the most powerful dragon warrior. The gods were trembling.

‘Bang bang ...’ The dark evil god, the five fierce beasts he transformed into, are constantly being crushed and destroyed by dragons. Suffering. It ’s obvious that he wants to delay time.

Unfortunately, the dragon attack was powerful and sharp. Although he tried his best to avoid it, he couldn't escape the dragon-like attack that covered the sky.

"Escape!" The dark **** is not as powerful as Chen Jiu imagined, and he will soon be unable to support it. In the presence of a powerful dragon, he chose to escape, but how can Chen Jiu easily let him go?

‘咻…’ After another heavy blow, the Dark Evil God ’s five bodies became one, suddenly breaking through the avenue space, and quickly escaping.

"Chasing, kill me!" Chen Jiu took control of Shenlong and immediately aimed to chase the past.

"Huh, finally gone. The dragon is too powerful. How does it feel stronger than all of us combined!" The space between the dragons and the tail drifted away, which eased the faces of the magic gods.

"Yeah, this is too powerful. I don't know if the evil **** can survive!" With the drink, there are still people who care about the dark evil god.

"What? What are you talking about, alas, you are Sirius, you are such a beloved beast, you haven't escaped yet, give me your life ..." Listening to this kind of apprehension, people hesitated, immediately It is tit-for-tat.

The Dark Evil God came here, not alone. He also brought a large number of men, who were just rammed by the dragon, but just scattered the scenes of these people's chaos, until the Dark Evil escaped, and the Dragon Disappear, they still haven't responded yet!

"Ah, misunderstanding, brothers, this is a misunderstanding. Don't fight, let's go ..." The evil and pseudo-gods still have the slightest fighting spirit, and they are all those who practice the magic at once and flee.

In the palm of the road, the Tao melts the heavens and the earth, the body melts in the Tao. If they want to escape, it is really difficult to slay. Most of the evil and false gods also fled!

The evil pseudo-gods fled, but there were still many rebellious pseudo-gods and wooden gods. They did not run away. They faintly gathered beside the wooden gods, apparently wanting him to decide for everyone.

"Wood God, you still can't see the situation till now? If you are willing to make an oath on the road, I would like to ignore it!" Dou Shen said well, obviously also want to win the support of Wood God in front of him.

"Impossible, fighting God, killing the enemy is not the same, you and Chen Jiu together, I and your life can no longer intersect!" Mu Shen refused flatly.

"Wood god, what if I take charge of the temple?" The violent God who did not cover up revealed his ambition.

"Oh? Bright God is a good choice, we support Bright God!" Mu Shen suddenly laughed.

"What? You ... Fang Ye, do you want to rob me of the leadership of the sanctuary? You don't forget who saved us just now!"

"Brother Zhou, I know Chen Jiu will definitely support you, but do you think he can turn back this time? The dragon is powerful, but it is impossible for him to drive it. If he can turn back, I support you. No problem, but if he ca n’t look back, I ca n’t ignore the brothers ’love!” The Bright God did n’t stupidly leave a way for himself.

"You ... just a few of you, you want to take the leadership of my temple, obviously a little tender!" The fighting God was not convinced, very unwilling.

"Brother Zhou, now all five of us are seriously injured, but the wooden **** is intact. If you really fight with us, you will only be defeated, and we still have the golden **** unused!" The bright **** ’s confidence swelled. Preaching.

"Yes, I also support the bright god, but bright **** you quickly help me kill this demon monkey, it's too difficult to get rid of it!" Jin Shen growled, because he is still being targeted by the water monkey.

Under the magic pestle, it was awesome, it was a dizzy beaten gold god, almost several times were almost opened, it is almost dangerous!

"Don't hurt him, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" The Water God was worried that the water monkeys were embarrassing, and he hurriedly stood up to defend it.

"Oh? Water God, persuade it and let it stop, I won't hurt him!" The Light God also knows that the water monkey is terrible and doesn't want to touch the nail.

"Okay!" Shui Shen promised, but came forward to persuade him, but unfortunately, the water monkey now has a glittering bald head in his eyes, aiming there, attacking insanely, and does not seem to blow it up, That won't stop at all.

Helpless, the water **** tried for a while and failed, preaching unable to communicate with the water monkey: "He has been crazy for the time being, I am afraid it is difficult to wake up!"

"That being the case, I will shock it first, and then everyone will assist me in taking charge of the temple?" Guangming God began to open power.

"Fang Ye, I'm not dead yet!" Dou Shen reluctantly.

"Brother Zhou, your prestige has been lost. If you do n’t believe it, look at it. Now most of the main gods support me in charge. According to the rules of our hospital, you have already stepped down in advance!" Guangming God said proudly and obtained Over half the approval rate.

"Bright God, most of those who support you are under the control of the Dark Evil God. Don't treat others as guns!" Vulcan warned severely, hoping that the Bright God would retreat.

"Well, the dark evil gods deceived them at first, but after listening to my light gospel in the future, they will definitely change evil and be righteous, and this won't bother you!" The bright **** preached with confidence.

"The **** of light, the **** of light ..." the whole house shouted, and the power of the shrine was obtained by the light **** in such a way.

"Well, I hope you don't take our hospital astray!" Although the fighting gods did not taste it, the minority obeyed the majority, and they were helpless.

"Lord of Light, help me suppress the demon monkeys!" The **** of gold quickly growled again.

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