Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3217: Jiuquan died

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"This ... don't say anything!" Chen Jiu looked at Chen Hanxue, but shook his head. He didn't deliberately target her and let everyone go to joke.

"Your Majesty, in fact, you don't say that we also know that Sister Han Xue is so cold as usual, it seems that he doesn't need a man at all, but when it comes to being happy with you, that time is no less than us. This kind of encounter should be what you say It's boring, right? "Gan Xiangyi still let it go, and continued to laugh.

"Xiang Yi, what are you?" Chen Hanxue was embarrassed and naturally glared.

"I? I have a real temperament, and I don't hesitate at all. If I want, I'll ask your Majesty directly. What else can I do?" Gan Xiangyi was right and proud.

"Huh, I think you ’re pretty windy. Do n’t look at your innocence, but every time you see Your Majesty, you do n’t have your eyes straight, and you go crazy forever. Chen Hanxue severely accused, but it made sense.

"You ... According to what you said, then Mu Lan is also windy?" Gan Xiangyi felt a little weak, and immediately pulled up the offensive and defensive alliance.

"What does it matter to me?" Mu Lan felt very wronged, and innocent people were affected.

"You are the same as a fairy who does not eat fireworks all day, but before you come to the bottom, you are a shameless silver woman, do you dare to say that you are not a fake?" Gan Xiangyi Li pointed out and testified.

"I ... if you think so, haven't we all become fakes?" Mu Lan looked at the concubines and said, "Which one is not the last one before us!"

"Yeah, this definition is too much ..." The concubines raised their opinions one after another, and they were part of the quarrel, endlessly.

"Ah, you guys can see some action!" Chen Jiu still waited for someone to act. This successfully diverted Zhu Fei's attention and kept them from talking there.

In an ordinary big family's home, the star Taoist suddenly appeared, and it was full of anger. "Jiuquan, you scum, you are actually a silver wife and daughter. You must not stay today!"

"Tianxing, you guy really doesn't understand human nature. I take care of them while they are not at home, and let them have great bliss. What's wrong with this?" Jiuquan smiled proudly and glanced at the bright and clean fans next to him. The drunk mother and daughter preached: "If you don't believe me, ask them, are you happy with me, or with their man?"

"You ... nothing. Shameless, look for death!" The star Taoist said indiscriminately, and slashed with a stab.

"Go out and fight slowly!" Jiuquan turned into a curtain of water, leading Tianxing away.

"Mother, we ..." The mother and daughter share the same shop. The daughter just looked at her mother in a panic, and stopped talking.

"Daughter, life is like annihilation. When you can't resist, you might as well lie down and enjoy it. Our woman, born to suffer, is born today. Do n’t confess to the outside world!" The mother said with persuasion. , Also silently put on clothes.

‘Boom rumbling…’ Just as the mother and daughter packed up, Tianxing and Jiuquan also came to the void and fought frequently.

"Hey, Tianxing, I'm really bored. I helped your wife get 3,000 years of bliss. You don't have to thank me. You actually have to kill me. Do you know this is the revenge of Jiuquan?" Difficult, and quite understandable, unwilling to go against him.

"Well, if you really like that bitch, you can tell her to come and tell me, I'm resting her, you are good, but you shouldn't be carrying me for joy, this is who I am The sky is full of anger, and whenever this matter is mentioned, it is fire.

"Tianxing, I'm just playing. You think I'm serious. Besides, I can't play bad for a few days, and this is all for your wife's benefit, I am a man, I paid so much, I still Regardless, how can you be more deadly! "Jiuquan persuaded, also having his own set of fallacies and heresies.

"Nine springs, I will chop you today!" Tianxing is too lazy to say anything more. For men, the top three hatreds in life are cuckolds. You must know that this is a provocation against the dignity of a man, but wherever Bloody men cannot tolerate it!

"Kill ..." Tian Xing went mad. A knife drove the sky full of stars, splattering, and powerful, hard to resist.

"Damn, you're too tender to kill me, Jiuquan Avenue!" Jiuquan Taoist unbearable offerings came out of his avenue, and a galaxy fell from the sky to embrace him.

"Dead, the sky is falling!" The star master was not slow, and an avenue of stars and sky appeared. Numerous meteor fires hit the Jiuquan avenue through the air.

"Haha, you can't kill me!" The master of Jiuquan laughed, but found in horror that a water column suddenly spewed out of his avenue, sending him directly opposite the meteor fire and rain.

This is a bad thing. Jiuquan originally wanted to use the avenue defense. Who knew that the avenue sprayed him out and made him block the gun in front!

"Ah ... no ..." It was too late to figure out what was going on. The Taoist Master Jiuquan was smashed to death in such a lively way, that was abrupt, so that the star was stunned.

"Sure enough, as the sick and dead Tao said, it's really killing!" Tian Xing took a moment, and couldn't help raising his face full of joy. "Jiuquan, finally died. It's really comfortable to have revenge!"

"Uh, you must hurry away. After all, this Jiuquan belongs to the Inu Shrine. Let's avoid it!" No longer staying long, Tianxing left quickly.

Gaze shifted, and the eyes of everyone in the Nine-Five Peaks Hall moved away from Tianxing, only to the weak body of Shangguan. Of course, you must be yours! "

"Ah, I was just lucky enough to hear about Tianxing. In fact, I didn't have absolute confidence!" Shangguan's cowardice was still quite modest.

"Anyway, it's always God's providence. Don't be shy of the cowardly sister. I believe husbands can't wait anymore!" The concubines persuaded and laughed.

"Yeah, cowardly, come here quickly to let the husband take good care of you!" Chen Jiu naturally beckoned, and his eyes were completely intoxicated.

Slim and beautiful, with a classic charm, she seemed to be deeply constrained by ancient methods in her smile, making her seem to be a little bit convoluted and shy.

Such a beauty, such a temperament, watching her be ashamed and happy to be enjoyed by herself, is simply a great enjoyment!

It's special, but when she finally reached the Grand Bliss, she completely let go of her appearance, and even let the man who controls her get infinite pride.

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