Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3235: Unshakable

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"Rendi, come and have a drink after the wedding. You can't go without this wedding!" Rendi originally wanted to leave. Who knew that the ancestor of the dog **** called him again, which made him laugh with a fake smile. Walked over. (800). Updates are fast.

"Inu god, we have known each other for many years, let's have a drink!" Rendi came to the inu god's ancestor, but toasted.

"It's easy to say, the Emperor's wine must be drunk!" After drinking the ancestor of the dog god, he couldn't help but preach again: "Er. Emperor, you look at Jingxin marrying this kid, is there really nothing in your heart?"

"My love to Jingxin God is only my sister's love. Don't tarnish my reputation here anymore!" The Emperor was unwilling to let the dog **** ancestors look at the joke.

"Well, I did n’t believe this before, but I do n’t know Rendi ’s true hobby until today. I used to go out every month to play the autumn wind and play. No one can compare to you! "The ancestor of the dog **** sighed in compliment again.

"This ... it's okay!" Rendi glanced at the prince and did not refute it, because a bad reputation is better than a clueless man!

False feelings, the two of them chatted with each other, and after a while Chen Jiulun toasted a circle of wine, the wedding party was over.

The Emperor League, the Inu Shrine, and the Tiger Tigers stepped away first, but there were only a lot of Buddhist monks left, but they were unwilling to leave and were unwilling to leave.

"The president wants a 'dong' room. Why don't you go to me for a little gathering?" On the one hand, Niumang is not stupid. Naturally, everyone wants to attract them.

"Okay, let's meet again in the past!" Many Taoists naturally agreed.

The Emperor League, as soon as the Emperor came back, called the prince into the dark face, staring at him without saying a word, very scary. txt complete download

"Emperor, today is my recklessness, and I asked the emperor to plead guilt!" The prince quickly knelt down and pleaded.

"Huh, you wouldn't pick something nice to talk about? You have to go and play. Can you make" thousands "of thousands of women" talents? What kind of wild species are you talking about? It's not shameful? " The prince, if he didn't know he was kind, would have been soaring.

"Emperor, I was mainly confused, so I deliberately exaggerated it!" The Prince also regretted it for a while.

"Okay, I will use my mind more in the future. Don't provoke Chen Jiu for the time being, do you understand?" Rendi frowned.

"Yes, Emperor, is Chen Jiuzhen so powerful?" The prince agreed, but he was very unwilling. "Why don't even the Emperor want him?"

"Of course not, if I use the avenue to crush, I can still win him, but I have no confidence in killing him, and he still has the Dragon Dragon card, so we should not be against him for the time being!" Rendi solemnly preached.

"Emperor, I see. Today that inu shrine is provoking us. It's abominable!" The prince hated and couldn't help spitting all his energy on the inu shrine.

Inu Shrine, the innocent ancestor of the rare joy, just laughed and was very smooth.

"Our ancestors, isn't it too cheap for Chen Jiu today?" Inoue they were a little bit unpleasant.

"You idiots, who have the mind of others, might as well spend more" flowers "on the" female "people. You must know that these" female "people are emotional animals. You do n’t capture their hearts. How? The people who can really get them? "The ancestors of the dog gods stared at Inoue and scolded them:" Do n’t you understand today? Jingxin has fallen in love with Chen Jiu sincerely. This is not something I can wait for. Destroyed! "

"But ancestors, that wife Chen Jiu is so beautiful and so much, aren't you jealous?" Inoue they resigned.

"Eye-red? Is it useful? I'm so" forced "today, his face is all green, but he doesn't dare to blaze, which shows that Chen Jiu was enough to make him afraid, and they didn't dare to take it. We shot it. Is there a way? "The dog **** ancestor preached seriously:" In the future, you must never go out and deal with Chen Jiu, and give the Emperor League a shot! "

"Yes!" Inoue had to take orders.

"Hey, this kid can refine other people's avenues? Fortunately, I have united the Tao heart!" The ancestor of the dog **** then sighed again. , This trip is worth it, haha ​​"

In the Tiger Academy, the tiger master is also helpless. "This is a great deal. I can't shake it anymore. You will be honest in the future. Otherwise, I won't be able to protect you!"

"Yes!" Ye Li, the owner, nodded in disappointment, knowing that the Tigers were dead!

At the peak of the Nineth Five-Year Plan, Chen Jiu's wedding was a great victory. It once again deterred several major forces in the temple and laid down the majesty of the Nineth Five-Year Evil Fair.

‘Flower’ red willow and green. Although it ’s not the first time in the harem, it ’s not the first time, but anyway, it ’s a day when Chen Jiu officially marries Jingxin. This ‘flower’ candle in the ‘dong’ room is naturally indispensable.

"Your Majesty, why don't you ask the sisters to come together!" Jingxin stood up to Chen Jiu, pure and kind, ‘fine’ is absolutely beautiful.

"No ... Xiner, today I belong to you alone, please call my husband or husband!" Chen Jiu shook his head, and came forward and embraced Jingxin.

"Husband ... but this way, the sisters won't blame me, right?" Jingxin was still a little worried, because Mu Lan was miserable the last time.

"It's okay. After our‘ dong ’house, I still have some practice. I want to ask Xiner for your help!” Chen Jiu shook his head and reminded him again.

"Ah, what do you need from my husband?" Jingxin was curious.

"Xin Er, I'm so angry with Emperor today, are you angry?" Chen Jiu asked quietly again.

"What am I angry about? Husband, don't you still doubt that I have anything to do with Emperor?" Jing Xin explained immediately.

"No, I just asked casually, Xiner, I love you ..." Chen Jiu expressed her affectionately, but 'kissed' to Jingxin, and the two of them were entangled together for a while. It is extremely happy.

"Ah, husband, okay, don't‘ get on ’, do n’t you have anything else? If you‘ get on ’again, I ’m going to faint!” Jingxin was incessantly begging for mercy for a while.

"Okay, then I'll talk about my business first!" Chen Jiu nodded, but she did not leave Jingxin, she flipped over her and preached, "You still remember to remind me last time. Are you familiar with the "mixed" chaos? "

"Remember, do you still want to ripen your husband?" Jingxin didn't understand.

"No, this time it's not the ripening of Tao fruit, but the second most important thing in practicing Wandao magic!" Chen Jiu shook his head, preaching in 'color'.

Although he did not have a formal 'fighting' against the Emperor, this also allowed him to see the power of the Emperor, and also realized his shortcomings. Before returning to the magic temple, he must increase his strength again to deal with the unknown Risk, after all, dragons are not everything!

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