Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3257: Fury of the Ancient Moon

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nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Yeah, they seem to be developing too fast, but we won't know when we go back and ask the boss?" Immediately it was considered an approved sermon. Download the complete txt /.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; So, immediately guarded with Shi Zhongyu for Chen Jiu, and there was a day's chat between Lao Tianhu and the Prophet Ma, and they called them to leave.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Although a little bit reluctant, but the things that should be done are done, the demon. Biao still sent Chen Jiu and they left without showing any strangeness.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; In this way, the fiance changed hands and changed hands, but Lao Tianhu was still caught in the drum. In fact, let alone him, even the Prophet Ma did not know at this time!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; When the group returned to the Prophet's House, the Prophet Ma inquired with concern and asked, "How about? Brother Chen Jiu, did you look after the monster fox princess?"

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Master Prophet, you seem to be asking something inappropriate!" Immediately they laughed strangely.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Oh? Didn't Princess Demon Fox fancy the Brother Chen Jiu?" The Prophet Ma was a little confused.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Master Prophet, if our boss is capable of this, then it will not be so costly for you to invite him?" He did not sell Guanzi immediately and said: "Actually with us Compared to the horse race, my boss is the real horse to succeed! "

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "The horse is successful, what do you mean?" The Prophet Ma's face could not help but feel a little stunned.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Master Prophet, don't hide it, the boss has defeated Gu Tian, ​​won the demon from her hands, and fell in love with her at first sight," Shi Zhongyu honestly explained, With pride and arrogance on their faces, it was as if they had the beauty of a beauty.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "What? How could it be so fast? You are not doing any daydreams?" The Prophet Ma was not a fool, but immediately burst into disbelief at Chen Jiu. Dancing eBook

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Master Prophet, what they said is indeed true, this is a gambling deed, which is clearly marked by Gu Tian's signature, and the road vows!" Chen Jiu went on to return calmly. Out of a contract.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "This ... this is actually true, Chen Jiu, I really look down on you, how did you do that? The monster fox princess shouldn't be such a frivolous woman!" When the Prophet Ma was shocked, of course, some interrogation was needed.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Oh, I know you must be curious. I haven't concealed things up to now, in fact, I and the demon. I have known each other for a long time, we are old friends, and she always wanted to I am really forced to marry now. As soon as I show up, can she not return to her heart immediately? "Chen Jiu smirked, probably telling the story.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "You guys are old ... no wonder, no wonder you have 10,000 unwillingness before, but you will be dumbfounded when you see her ..." At this moment, they were all suddenly realized, completely understood.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Ma Prophet, demon. 娆 I can handle it, but if there is no change in Lao Tianhu, then there will still be some trouble!" Chen Jiu could not help but complain.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Rest assured, there will be a lord of God, I don't believe he dare to force, not only will I not agree, his followers may not see it!" Ma The prophet patted his breast and assured him.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Okay, thank you, the Prophet!" Chen Jiugong was grateful. With the strong support of the Prophet Ma, he didn't need to fear anyone anymore.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Guyue, will Qingyue die and not stiffen? Chen Jiuyin was still very worried about this woman!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Chen Jiu, you ran away Gu Tian. Don't let this matter go. Let's visit Lao Tianhu more to create some opportunities for you. It is best to cook raw rice. Fan, at that time, I am afraid that there will be more people supporting your love! "The Prophet Ma grinned again.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "The Prophet Ma rest assured, I will do my best!" Chen Jiu respectfully answered, and did not rush to express anything.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; In the next few days, the Prophet Ma ran to Tianhuyuan every day. This time, it was okay twice, but more times, outsiders will inevitably notice something.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Is Tianhuyuan already secretly handed over to Tianmayuan? In fact, aside from the demon. The two old men are very temperamental.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Tianhuyuan, Chen Jiuke didn't care about it. He took the opportunity to relive the old dream, it was simply reluctant to think of it, and the beauty was open.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Outside the beautiful pavilion, there are two people guarding the door for Chen Jiu. He is enjoying the beauty inside, feeling her seemingly absent, confused. The dreamy atmosphere is simply desire. Can't stop it.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Ah, my husband, I can't do it, forgive me!" Demon. Alaska, in black, sexual, affectionate, wonderful, from time to time, it is simply the world. The most beautiful scenery.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Well, if possible, I want to take you back this time, will you come back with me?" When Chen Jiu stopped in a timely manner, he could not help asking. .

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "My husband, with your sentence, I am also willing to die!" Demon. I am naturally looking forward to it, she is now more and more inseparable from this man.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; The love is sweet, just when the two are like paint, in the ancient prophet's house, the bad wind also spread to the ears of the ancient moon.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "What? Tianmayuan is so close to Tianhuyuan? Why haven't you heard from Tianer that he has n’t been mixed with Demon. 娆 recently?" Gu Yue was puzzled, She couldn't help twisting the small waist of Liu snake, tempted. Going to Gutian Palace infinitely.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Tianer, Tianer ..." came to Gutian Palace, Gu Yue shouted softly.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Mother, I'm afraid ..." Suddenly, a unkempt, blood-stained man trembled in the arms of Gu Yue.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Ah, my God, how did you become like this?" Gu Yue looked at the man in his arms, and couldn't help looking at the pain in his face.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Mother, save me, I'm scared, that person is terrible!" Gu Tian was full of thirst. Begging, it was a real fear.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Heaven, don't be nervous, no one can hurt you at all here!" Gu Yue suddenly became very domineering, she calmed Gu Tian, ​​and it really made him emotional much better.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Mother, I can't beat him, I can't do anything in front of him, I feel I must die in his hands!" Gu Tian once again complained of grievance.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Who dares to hurt you, I will make him pay for his blood and debt!" Gu Yue was angry, and his face was full of anger.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Mother, I'm scared, I dare not remember him ..." Gu Tian suddenly clenched his head again, incoherent.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Hey, God, don't be afraid, hungry, mother-in-law!" Gu Yue, the next move, was really bold, and even fed. It gave birth to Gu Tian.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Mother ..." The moment of ancient heaven was considered to be a great ease, the breath of fright of the whole person disappeared instantly.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 'Gulugulu ...' Gutian was like a baby at this time, returning to the innocent nature, and then returned to normal, but then there was more in the eyes. A kind of greed. Greed.

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