Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3259: See nothing

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nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Hey, don't worry, if you want to get people, then you have to set up a note!" Gu Yue once again pushed Lao Tianhu at a critical moment. Read the latest chapter in full.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "What? I have to write a paper?" Old Tianhu couldn't help feeling a little unhappy at this moment.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Yeah, unless you are really sincere to others, then write a word for what you are afraid of?" Gu Yue grumbled again.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "What the **** do you want me to write?" God Fox still asked a little puzzled.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Just say that you will definitely stand on our side, and you will marry the demon. 娆 to our ancient academy sincerely!" Gu Yue put forward conditional preaching.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Don't you make me turn to the ancient prophets?" God Frow frowned, no doubt very dissatisfied.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Master, the wife of the ancients, you have played, even if you stand with him, is it right?" Gu Yue is hooked. Enchanted. Lane.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "I ..." The old Fox spoke for a while. Exciting, I can't wait to enjoy the wonderful tenderness of the ancient moon.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Sir, Gu Yue likes you and wants to be with you all the time. If you don't agree with it, how will they get your Tianhuyuan in the future!" Gu Yue murmured, but just pursed her lips, and grabbed at the key place of Lao Tianhu.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Ah, I write!" At this moment, Lao Tianhu was completely defeated. He looked at Gu Yue's wonderful face, and wanted to get her with his mind full of words. Documentary matters?

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; In this way, under the temptation of Gu Yue, Lao Tianhu really wrote a note, and when Gu Yue closed it satisfactorily, he immediately checked it with his hands. God fox entangled. Endless wonderful things happened, all happened!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Ah, Yueer ..." Old Tianhu, during this period, he naturally got great bliss that is hard to come by in life, watching the intoxicated appearance of the wonderful man Tianxianyuyan, he I could n’t help but sighed. “The ancient prophet was really blessed. There is a woman like you, if you can have a wife like you in my life, how good?”

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Giggle, sir, don't you think it's more fulfilling to steal someone else's wife like this?" Gu Yue explained with a smile. (800 Novel Network W.800Book.Net provides Txt free download)

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Haha, yeah, even though this is a little daunting, it is extremely happy!" God Fox suddenly laughed happily again.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "That is, for your men, the wife is worse than the wife, the wife is better to steal, then the ancient prophets are not as good to you as others!" Gu Yue's heart for men is just plain. Palm, and it is precisely by virtue of this advantage that she sat down step by step to where she is now.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; A woman who seems to be a humble little girl, but now it is a figure who has virtually impaired the two powers of the human beast temple!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Troubled in the middle of the night, Gu Yue got dressed and returned quietly.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; The ancient academy, Gu Yue just returned to his place of residence, and was immediately blocked by a domineering bronze figure. "So late, where have you been?"

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Ah, my husband, please be the master of me!" Gu Yue immediately cried when she saw the ancients.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "What? Could someone bully you?" The ancients were anxious, and immediately a little bit angry. "Who the **** is it? I'll kill him!"

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Her husband, don't worry, someone is not bullying me, but someone is bullying us!" Of course, Gu Yue will not tell her own style. Liu Yun, she knows that men are all It is a domineering animal. Even if she does not use it, it is particularly important to occupy the woman's psychology, so she dare not reveal her silvery nature in front of the ancients.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Bullying God, what the **** is going on?" The ancients couldn't help wondering.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Husband, this is the case, the Prophet did not know where to find a young man, and he actually designed to frame us, and he just stole his fiancee from his hands. It ’s easy to get a wedding, it ’s a vain ... ”Crying, Gu Yueduan talked.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "What? Old horse, he was so brazen against us, really looking for death!" The ancients immediately became fire.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "My husband, this time I visited the Tianhuyuan this night, the old Tianhu still kept his promise, and actually wrote us a promise, and the demon. The little woman is empathy Don't fall in love! "Gu Yue explained, and couldn't help but sigh:" If it doesn't matter, this woman is just a generation of water and sex! "

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Well, what idea can a little daughter have? As long as the old fox doesn't have a second heart, this matter must be justified. If not, then where do our faces go The ancient prophet was preaching unwilling to let go.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "My husband, I don't know what you plan to do?" Gu Yue naturally hurriedly asked.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Well, with this guarantee, Old Sky Fox can't say anything, and tomorrow we will take someone to force him to the palace, let him continue to perform the matter of marrying a girl, it is best to have the demon. Come here, once the cave is in place, isn't it nailed down? "The ancients preached proudly.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Husband, you are really terrific, my son is unhappy during this time, waiting for him to play. After playing with that **** woman, he will be happy again!" Gu Yue admired his face Looks, it is even more exciting to the ancients.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Haha, the son is happy, but his father can't ignore it, right?" The ancients laughed and gave a bad look.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "My husband is the biggest hero, and he deserves the greatest reward!" Gu Yue grinned, only kneeling in front of the ancients, offering his loyalty.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Hey, Shutan, Yueer, my wife has a lot, but you are absolutely number one when it comes to appearance and kung fu. When you come to me, I am like them No interest at all! "The ancient prophet looked at the wonderful person in front of him admirably, and couldn't help but enjoy it for a while.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; But if the ancient prophets were to know that this woman had just climbed out of another old man, then I do n’t know what to think?

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Seeing is invisible, many things in this world may not be so clear at all!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; In the early morning of the next day, the ancient prophets did not let Gu Yue down, but gathered more than a dozen friends, with the mother and son of Gu Yue, and came to Tianhuyuan with great momentum.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Oh? Can't help it finally? Brothers come over!" Prophet Ma is a guest in Tianhuyuan. When he felt the momentum of these people, he also roared, Many figures gathered quickly.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "This ... everyone is angry!" Lao Tianhu looked at the situation seriously, and couldn't help rushing to make a sound. Many of his followers also rushed over.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; It was just an ordinary day. In a short time, it became a gathering of the prophets. In a short time, there were dozens of prophets from the three parties, and many prophets were joining one after another. Get in!

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