Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3261: Ancient moon

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Brother Tianhu, I know you're angry, but you can't buckle the shit?" Prophet Ma also said helplessly: "I'm just an adult, so that a lover can become a family member. I seem to do this too. Is there nothing wrong? "

"Huh, don't think I don't know. If you do this, it will only allow me to support you, but you count me and my daughter, and I will definitely not make good friends with you again!" The line was clearly drawn, and it was an excellent performance in front of Gu Yue.

"Well, how can you say anything, anyway, your daughter agrees with this little brother. I don't think everyone should break them up!" The Prophet Ma said much more lazily, but looked like Chen Jiu.

"My daughter, I'm the master. Some of my brothers helped me today. I don't believe anyone would dare to grab the daughter of the Prophet of Sky Fox!" Lao Tianhu snorted, and several prophets behind him stunned with his enemies .

"Old horse, this is the family of the Old Sky Fox. If you forcibly blend in, then don't blame us for not being in love!" The ancient prophets also pointed at the same.

Both forces were directed at the Prophet Ma for a while, and the situation seemed very unfavorable, but a middle-aged man who looked like a stone man behind him smiled suddenly. "Haha, you are trying to bully this little brother. Alright? But everyone doesn't seem to know who he is? "

"Tianshi, he won't be your illegitimate son, but even if you are an illegitimate son, don't even want to marry a demon. Hey!" The ancient prophet filled with indignation.

"No, I don't have such a powerful illegitimate child. He is just a guest we invited, but also Chen Jiu, the chairman of Yuanxian Shrine's Xixian!" Tian Shi introduced Chen Ji's identity in a high-profile.

"What? Chen Jiu ..." Although Chen Jiu's name is now as thunderous as everyone else, everyone really hasn't seen him. At this time, after being broken by Tian Shi, he couldn't help but look at it in shock.

He is handsome and handsome. Although it seems that humans and animals are harmless, he is faintly revealing an extremely powerful self-confidence, and it is even more intriguing.

When I did n’t know it at first, there was nothing, but now that I know his identity, the more I look at him, the more I am shocked. This makes everyone dare not act lightly!

"What's wrong with Chen Jiu? I don't know who is Chen Jiu, but my son's fiancee was snatched by him. Is there no one in the divine beastly temple who can decide for me?" Gu Yue watched the situation change. , Could not help crying immediately.

"This ..." Listening to Gu Yue's request, everyone was really divided into two schools of thought. One group was afraid of Chen Jiu's strength and did not want to mess with him, while the other group expressed their support for Gu Yue. There is a dragon to help, but you can't rob the people? "

"Well said, I'm honest with Chen Jiu. Although I have done some sensational things, it is really not the kind of shameless person who robs the people!" Since speaking of himself, of course Chen Jiu will not be frightened. Shi Guyue stood up.

It surprised him, but it was also expected that although the ancient moon in front of him was slightly different from Qingyue, the essence and charm were the same!

At first glance, Chen Jiu had already been identified. The ancient moon in front of him was the super silver woman Qingyue he had wanted to kill but failed.

I ca n’t wait to kill the ancient moon in front of her, but Chen Jiu Gu is afraid that she is now the wife of an ancient prophet. If such an aggressive shot is taken, it will succeed, but I am afraid it will not end, so despite the hatred, he still needs patience!

"Chen Jiu, you count my son, and use the magic tricks. The demon monsters. Hey, in front of the prophets, do you still want to get confused?" Gu Yue also did not show reproaches, and he wished that everyone would rush to the top Chen Jiu gave her a corpse for her.

"Mrs. Gu Yue, you are wrong!" Chen Jiu smiled and looked at the other person with that familiar glance. "Since ancient times, marriage has been divided into parental life and free love. I don't know if you would prefer free love. Or follow the orders of parents! "

"Of course it is free love ..." Everyone was young and everyone wanted to live their own way. Naturally, most people chose free love.

"Chen Jiu, I also support free love, but the demon. You are clearly confused and confused!" Gu Yue insisted: "If you don't believe it, you ask her, she was very good with us the other day How good! "

"Yeah, Yao. 妖 has a close relationship with Gutian. This is a thing we all know well. How could Chen Jiu like you as soon as you come here? I heard that you have a lot of wives. Is it because you have What kind of female demon art? "Everyone listened to Gu Yue's confusion, and all couldn't help but doubt it.

"What kind of magic? I only have one sincere Chen Jiu!" Chen Jiutan preached. "I met the demon Xun during the Feixian teaching, and it was already affectionate. If you don't believe it, you can look at the demon Xun. See if she is under my control? "

"Fancy words, if you've been in a relationship some time ago, why do you want to be engaged by our demon. You are clearly wanting to win love with the help of dragons, you ca n’t be lawless, right? Gu Yue growled angrily.

"That was all forced by Lao Tianhu, so helpless!" Chen Jiu explained solemnly.

"Nonsense, who in our hospital does not know that the prophet Tianhu loves monsters the most. Hey, let her be left alone as a pearl on the palm. How could the prophet Tianhu promise her marriage if she did not agree?" Gu Yue fierce Refuted.

"Yeah, God Fox loves monsters. Alas, this is something that is obvious to all!" This time, everyone was questioning Chen Jiu.

"No, this engagement was really forced by the prophet!" The demon. Can't stand Chen Jiu's injustice, and quickly got up to speak for him.

"Lao Tianhu, what the **** is going on, you can say clearly!" Then everyone looked at Lao Tianhu.

"Hey, I think you're really fascinated. You told me how good it was to Gu Tian the other day, how to marry him as a good wife for a lifetime, why now you completely change your mouth!" Lao Tianhu No doubt standing on the side of Gu Yue, he began to talk blindly with his eyes wide open.

"Damn, it really is. Chen Jiu really controlled the demon with black magic. Alas, it is unforgivable to bully us to the orc sanctuary!" Said Lao Tianhu, many prophets behind him were naturally evil. Staring at Chen Jiu, if not for fear of his strength, would have gone up and shred him!

"What a Chen Jiu, actually want to come to my beast and shrine to grab a woman, isn't this to kill our lives. Roots? What on earth do you have to dare to be so mad? I tell you, my old lady is not afraid of you. You even **** your aging mother together and see if everyone agrees? "Gu Yue shouted, and there was a faint look of anticipation and pleasure in his eyes.

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