Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3264: Kill Chen Jiu

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"Haha, happy, really happy ..." Just when Chen Jiuxiang was inexhaustible, all the prophets of the horses returned to Tianma Yuan, all of them were cheerful and happy. Popular [. Super many good-looking novels] -..-

"Brother, I really can't think you actually invited Chen Jiu to help out. How can those little humans dare to say anything? I am so happy to see them eating like this today ..." Many prophets lamented No doubt, I admired the horse prophet endlessly.

"Chen Jiu was able to be invited this time. Thanks to them right away, these juniors now have a higher face than us!" Prophet Ma did not take credit for it alone.

"Immediately, 'Jade' in the stone is amazing!" Sure enough, many prophets couldn't help but look at them immediately.

"Hey, it's our duty to be able to do something for everyone!" Right now they seemed to be 'moderate' humble, but their pride was all on their faces.

"Immediately, this time, don't rush to let Chen Jiu go," take the time "to talk to him, give us orcs a few lessons, and teach us how to chase girls and" girls ", so that we can Many more of your descendants! "Many prophets asked again.

"This ... let's talk to the boss then!" A glance at the orcs who were not well-dressed immediately was also a little embarrassed.

"Rest assured, we won't let him help in vain!" A group of prophets vowed a guarantee. "As long as he asks my children and grandchildren to marry a wife," women, "I will give him what I want!"

"Oh, everyone, don't worry, my Ma family's grandchildren haven't married my wife!" The Prophet Ma really reluctantly interrupted everyone. Otherwise, it would be like a matchmaker. . 800 (

"Brother, we have heard of Chen Jiu's reputation. What will happen to him when he comes? We have a celebration party in advance, so what's the matter?" A group of prophets pretended to be self-righteous.

"Chen Jiu is strong enough to reverse our unfavorable situation, but everyone thought no, the ancients were not jealous. They planned for many years, would they be willing to stay dormant like this?" The Prophet Ma was not optimistic to advise. "So it's too early for everyone to be happy, but you need to take extra precautions, and it's not too late to rejoice when things are done!"

"Yes, judging from the situation of the prophet of Tianhu now, he is completely on the ancient side. Except for Chen Jiu, the situation is not particularly optimistic for us!" Shi Zhong's "Jade" also reminded him seriously.

"This ... what the **** is going on with that old fox? Why did you stand up with the ancients?" Everyone was hesitant and naturally worried.

"Ah, now Chen Jiu is in Tianhuyuan. If he can successfully win the old Tianhu, then it is foolproof!" Prophet Ma sighed, many prophets couldn't help but look forward to being connected.

In the ancient academy, a group of prophets gathered, no doubt they were not so happy. They were all cold and the atmosphere was very heavy.

"Damn, jerk, where did this Chen Jiu come from? How did you grab my fiancee and play it for me? I hate him, I want him to die, dad, you must kill me He! "Gu Tian, ​​he was roaring and roaring, just like a lunatic.

"Ma'am, take Tianer down and calm down!" The ancient man frowned, directing to Gu Yue.

"Yes, husband, don't hurt your body, it's not worth it!" Gu Yue's obedient pulled Gu Tian away.

"Let's talk, what does Chen Jiu's sudden appearance mean?" The ancients then started a meeting in the hall.

"Brother, it's awful!" At this time, a middle-aged man with a particularly white face could not speak optimistically, and he was a loyal supporter of the ancients.

Several middle-aged prophets, such as the salt people, predecessors, yellow people, and black people, were all mainstays of the ancients. At this time, they spoke one by one, all of them were very depressed.

"Did you, we have worked so hard for so many years, just because a little Chen Jiu said that we should give up if we give up?" The ancients were undoubtedly unwilling.

"Brother, as long as we don't do anything, we can still retain our vitality, and we will still have a chance in the future, but if we do it, we will inevitably lose out like the evil **** of darkness!" The prophets retreated.

Tian Tian, ​​Gu Tian's face is full of resentment. "Mother, I want a demon. Hey, I want that bitch, I want to play." Fuck "her, please do you please me?"

"Daddy, don't be sad, mother promised you, you will definitely get what you want, play. 'Get' to that cheap. People!" 'Jade' hand gently touched Gutian's face, Guyue is straight Beloved preaching.

"Mother, is this true?" Gu Tian was surprised, and then sadly said, "Oh, unfortunately, that cheap guy has been played by others!"

"Tianer, don't worry, this 'woman' is getting more and more interesting!" Gu Yue suddenly persuaded again.

"More and more fun?" Gu Tian couldn't help but look at the ancient moon in front of him, that snow. Runnen. Full looks like it really is!

"Tianer, your eyes should be long-term!" It seemed to be sensing something. Gu Yue was annoyed, and she persuaded again: "Chen Jiu's wife is many. As long as you are a good person, your mother will grab you Let you play it all. 'Get' all over! "

"Mother, are you serious?" Gu Tian immediately looked forward, and could not help but look at Gu Yue's eyes.

"Of course it is true. When did your mother cheat you?" Gu Yue confidently preached.

"But mother, then Chen Jiu is guarded by a dragon. He is still so powerful. How can we grab his wife?" Gu Tian is not stupid, but is it why?

"Yeah, Chen Jiu is very powerful, but after all he is just one person, he dares to mess with us, and we are not easy to mess with!" Gu Yue grinned coldly.

"Mother, do you have a way to deal with him?" Gu Tian was surprised.

"Well, my God, take a good rest, and cheer up again, my mother won't let you down!" Gu Yue persuaded, then left Gu Tian and left.

The ancient palace, 婀 .Na's beautiful figure came in, Gu Yue looked at the frowning ancient prophet on the palace, but cared, "Husband, everyone is gone? Why don't you look happy?"

"Hey, Chen Jiu will not be removed, we are afraid that it will be difficult to come back!" The ancients sighed helplessly.

"Husband, a Chen Jiu, why bother for him?" Gu Yue said confidently and proudly: "He is now in Tianhuyuan, can't wait to pinch in our hands, let's find a chance ' "Don't kill him, isn't that difficult?"

"Eh? 'Get' dead Chen Jiu!" When the ancients heard it, their eyes were immediately flashing, but soon faded: "Chen Jiu has a lot of power now, and his wife alone has heard a lot. The great horn is 'color', if we 'get' him, we will inevitably cause a lot of trouble! "

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