Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3283: Flower maid

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Gu Yue's dark soldiers were not moving. When the plot was calculated, Chen Jiu's side was really impenetrable and worried.

"Husband, why did you suddenly stop, why are you absent these days, wouldn't you be thinking of a woman?" A pretty shadow turned back resentfully, looking at the man who was driving behind him, straight Very dissatisfied.

Demon. Aya, pure eyes, beautiful figure, sex. Feeling unparalleled, but charming and difficult to control, it is said that a man should be crazy for such a woman, how can he be like Chen Jiu So distracted at a critical moment?

"Hey, I'm right to tell you, I really think about that woman!" Chen Jiu sighed and didn't hide it.

"What? Husband, how are you doing this, what kind of woman is actually more attractive than others!" The demon Yao Xun couldn't help feeling even more dissatisfied.

"Danger, don't get angry, in fact, I'm thinking of Gu Yue!" Chen Jiu did not conceal in comfort.

"What? It would be the fox spirit, haven't you said that you don't share with her? Husbands are all liars, and while they are telling lies, they also want to get that **** ...." Do not give up.

"No, it's not like that, you listen to me ...” "Chen Jiu tried to explain, but he couldn't get the demon's understanding.

"Since you don't listen, then I'll tell it to listen!" Chen Jiu had no choice but to point his mouth downwards, that was a powerful complaint.

"Ah ... husband!" After a while, the demon. Xi completely stopped. She seemed to understand the meaning of Chen Jiu, but just asked in a good voice: "What the **** is this?"

"We buried the ancients alive. According to the truth, this ancient moon shouldn't be so indifferent, but she hasn't done anything recently. Don't you think this is abnormal?" Chen Jiuzhong also expressed his doubts, somehow Some were uneasy.

"Husband, you are right. This woman is indeed very dangerous. It is better for us to stay close to her. In this case, she has no conspiracy and tricks, and it is impossible to calculate!" The demon. Xu gave a fair suggestion .

"That's right, but I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Chen Jiu nodded, and said nothing more, because the other party had never made a move, and he couldn't cope, but if there was a chance, he must kill Guyue!

"Well, husband, let's comfort you again, you don't think about her anymore, that ancient month, how can there be ready-made fun?" Yao. 娆 Fun room, the whole person kneeled in front of Chen Jiu, that It is faithful to give him the greatest benefits and happiness.

In this way, some kind of love reached dawn, Chen Jiu just woke up and went out, and a message passed into his ear.

"What? One party of Gu Yue wants to negotiate with us, and I will pass!" After hearing the news, Chen Jiu quickly came to the Prophet Ma, and many orc prophets gathered here.

"Chen Jiu, you are finally here. Gu Yue seems to be really scared this time, and wants to talk to our orcs!" The Prophet Ma was very proud of them.

"Oh? How can Gu Yue want to talk about it?" Chen Jiu didn't believe it, because he knew how huge the woman's ambition was.

"Noah, this is the heart lamp of the ancients. Its flame has gone out, indicating that the ancient prophets have died, but Gu Yue said that she did not intend to pursue it. There is no ambition as big as the ancients. She just wanted to lead the human prophet to live with us in peace! The prophet immediately took out a heart lamp to preach.

"Gu Yue wants to live together peacefully, do you believe it?" Chen Jiu was relieved when she saw this heart light went out.

"Why not believe that she is a daughter-in-law, not the main god, and has no sense of purpose, why do you fight with us?" Many orcs are arrogant and do not think that Gu Yue can have any special ability.

"Well, since everyone thinks so, then I have nothing to say!" Chen Jiu shook his head and looked at everyone as if his mind had been settled. He didn't bother to say much.

"Chen Jiu, Gu Yue, they have a request that you have to sign the contract yourself. Please help us for the last time. Whatever you have, we will try our best to satisfy you!" Then he preached.

"Oh? Is this the last time? Yeah, I ’m not too short to come out, it ’s time to go back!" Chen Jiu has no reason to refuse, this time if there is really no chance, then he will only find another chance next time. It's just that he is particularly unwilling!

"That being the case, let's all prepare for peace talks in the ancient courtyard!" The Prophet Ma laughed particularly brightly, because after this discussion, their orc status was completely preserved.

To participate in the talks, not all the prophets went, but the eight headed by them, plus Chen Jiuyi. There were only nine. Although there were only nine, they could represent the entire orc and came to the ancient courtyard. Received a grand reception.

In the ancient hall, there were two sides, one side was the Yan people and the other side was Chen Jiu and they were at the last position. They sat in Gu Yue, everyone said her intentions, but looked at her. None of the underpants were worn. It was really dry and inexplicable.

"Gu Yue, the death of the ancients ..." Prophet Ma asked, apparently trying to explore the tone of the other party.

"Needless to say, my husband was killed unfortunately, this is his life, but fortunately, with brothers to support and take care of me, I'm fine!" Gu Yue shook his head, but obviously did not want to talk more, and did not care much.

"Well, since that's the case, let's talk about the contract!" The prophet Ma reluctantly glanced at the embarrassing and moisturizing look below her, and thought the woman was right!

"Everything about the contract is easy to talk about, but everyone is rare to meet once. It's better to listen to the music and watch a play and talk slowly!" Gu Yue just persuaded, but just patted the jade palm gently, a group of beautiful women , 婀. Na Roumei flew in.

"Uh, good music, good dance!" Everyone is a man. Although no stranger to women, it's so sexual and unparalleled to see young and beautiful women. It's really easy to get excited. Not for a while. What more to say.

Qing Qu, drunk dance, and the requirements of the Prophet Ma were met. The two sides had a happy conversation, as if they were a family.

"Everyone is quiet, these ordinary girls are nothing. Next, we will ask our female leader, the flower maiden!" Just as everyone was immersed, Gu Yue suddenly dropped a bombshell " Let me tell you, this maiden of flowers is still a pure body. Who can get her favor today, then you can pick her beauty ~ ~ Home! The only URL:


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