Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3935: Lord Eva

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What? It's a bit of a mess, right? She is a woman, at best, creating a woman. How can a man appear?" Chen Jiu suddenly shook her head. The son-in-law made him. It seems a bit unrealistic to appear in this world!

"Chen Jiu, there was no man in this world at first. Your men were born and born in the later period, and gradually grew stronger!" The next explanation of the Lord Jade Lady is to subvert Chen Jiu's cognition.

"I depend, can you still blow more evil? Without men, how can your women have children?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but couldn't agree.

"At that time, our women were born to breed offspring, and you don't need your men at all. Only after you were born of your men, we were deprived of your ability to reproduce!" The head of the Jade Maid is right, as if there is such a thing. Things are up!

"Chen Jiu, there is such a record on the ancient historical monument!" Just when Chen Jiu wanted to refute, the Emperor of the Immortal suddenly affirmed.

"This ..." Chen Jiu looked at the appearance that many lords agreed with, and he couldn't help but have some unshakable thoughts.

In the ancient times, when chaos was first opened and the world was formed, women were all in heaven and earth at that time. They used their own ability to produce offspring, but then they accidentally gave birth to the species "man". They deprived them of their fertility, and then Gradually becoming mainstream, completely annihilating the kind of women who can reproduce themselves, changing the evolutionary course of humankind!

"Chen Jiu, believe it or not, she is the earliest known human being of the twelve sacred palaces, and her power is by no means imaginable!" The Lord Jade Lady finally solemnly warned.

"Is it? The more I hear you say this, the more curious I am. I have to ask her face to face, is it a human she created!" Chen Jiu was curious and went out again.

"Ah, Chen Jiu, you'd better practice for tens of millions of years before you go ..." The Lord Jade Lady persuaded them with kindness, and still followed up.

Tens of millions of years? Chen Jiu couldn't wait, and soon came to the gate of the Twelve Holy Palaces. He had to take a closer look at this strange woman who passed on his god!

"This is Lord Lord Eva!" Seeing Chen Jiu's mouth open, he couldn't say anything, the next Lord immediately hurriedly said the name of this Lord.

"His Lord Awa, come out to pick up the guests!" Chen Jiu shouted politely.

‘Boom! ’With the shout, the gate of the Twelve Holy Palaces opened without a wind. I saw a 'tall' figure walking out of it.

"Uh, such a tall woman ..." Chen Jiuyi also held back for a while. He had seen many women, but never before had such a high impression.

Of course, Gao is only one aspect. On the other hand, it is the woman's appearance and body shape. It is not too much to say that Chen Jiu was shocked by these!

Women are taller, and some can only be called silly tall, but they do n’t attract much attention from men. However, the woman in front of her is not only very tall, but also has a sloppy, full-bodied figure, especially that The heavens and the earth's beautiful face are perfect for suffocating.

Beauty, the woman is full of body, exuding an ancient, too early breath, her sexuality, rich lips. Slender beautiful legs, in theory should cause a man's evil fire!

However, although the woman is sexual, she has long legs and exquisite shoulders, and her skin is condensed, but at the same time she is fascinating and does not cause much desire.

"Grass, such a long and long leg, I didn't respond when I saw it? Did he start to go downhill?" Chen Jiu couldn't help doubting himself because the beauty in front of him was taller than him. Legs are unheard of, a man should want to go up and have fun!

"Ah, Chen Jiu, Lord Awa is the ancestor. Although she is a yin and yang, she is not beautiful, but it will not cause a man's yang to peak!" Embarrassed Jade Lady, explained in a low voice. .

"Yin and Yang are the same body? Isn't she a yin and yang person?" Chen Jiu suddenly felt sick and responded.

"That's not it, I said, the world only had women at the beginning, and it was created by Ava based on herself, don't you understand? Our body is actually her model!" sermon.

"Oh!" Chen Jiu could not help but shouted in front of him: "Hey, Lord Eva, they all said that you created a woman and then you have a man. Are these all true?"

"Yes!" Lord Awa nodded calmly, his voice was round and smooth, the ancient well was waveless, and there was no intention of contrivance.

"Really?" Chen Jiu was surprised, and immediately fisted: "Losing respect and disrespect, I did not think that you have created all of the magic fairy world, and you are really a hero of heaven and earth!"

"No, there is no greater hero in heaven and earth than Lord Demon. We can guard him here, and that is the great glory!" Lord Eva did not dare to be greedy.

"Glory? But the demon took my wife away. Can you help me come back?" Chen Jiu was not reckless, and intuitively this Eva was extremely difficult to deal with.

"Defeat me, then you can meet Master Demon and find your wife!" Lord Eva replied mechanically.

"If you say that, then you have to fight? It offends you!" Although Chen Jiu was jealous, he was not afraid. He walked straight to Eva, and he stretched out his fingers.

"You still can't do it now!" Eva was tall, but her jade fingers were pinched, and Chen Jiu's flying fairy was pinched easily, which was not close enough.

"What? Asian man!" Chen Jiu was shocked, and quickly made Asian man sneak attack on Eva from behind, but as soon as Asian man came out, she was restrained by a cloud of mist.

"Feixian Shencun!" Chen Jiu Er smashed without saying anything.

"Make a mother's nest!" This time, Eva didn't make a connection, but offered a nest-like palace, which was similar to a beehive, but waved.

‘Zi! ‘The creation of the mother ’s nest not only blocked the attack of Feixian Shenchou, but also a special suction force came in, and it suddenly sucked Feixian Shencun into it.

"What? How dare you swallow my **** stick and give me a big, big!" Chen Jiu was also a little panicked at once, and that was to retake her Taoist soldiers at all costs.

‘Boom! ’Next, a strong shock came from the mother ’s nest, causing the entire holy palace to shake slightly.

"This ... Chen Jiu is too embarrassed. His Tao soldiers will not be taken away, right? If this is lost, I am afraid there will be no hope!" The crowd couldn't help but pinch a cold sweat on him, thinking he was still too reckless.

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