Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 507: Children love

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Not for a glimpse of Aoi Hideo, but for Chen Jiu's ancestor Baoding, he must go out

"Son, thank you for your large number of adults, it is not too late, let's go now?" Tang Lu suddenly excited. Moved.

"Don't worry, before I leave, I have to say something to my family, right?" Chen Jiu waved and asked to watch them take care of Tang Lu, while he went to Chen Hanxue.

"Chen Jiu, wouldn't you be prepared to leave me and leave again?" As soon as I entered the door, Chen Hanxue was slightly perverted. The red face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Han Xue, you all know? You won't overhear our conversation, right?" Chen Jiu asked, talking at home, he really didn't have that much protection.

"Go, who overheard your speech, you are gone, I'm still quiet, so I can save you from being scourged all day long," Chen Hanxue rebuked.

"Well, Han Xue, I really have to leave, and another Dragon Blood family has appeared, on the other side of the sun, although it is a country, but now I am in big trouble and want me to lift it, I "Can't go," Chen Jiu explained.

"Chen Jiu, shouldn't you be guilty?" Chen Hanxue asked suddenly.

"I'm guilty? What's my guilty conscience? I went there just to ask for ancestor Baoding. What can I do?" Chen Jiu's face suddenly wondered.

"Well, let's go. I won't delay your business." Chen Hanxue didn't say more, but he waved away immediately.

"Han Xue, take care of yourself, I hope you will marry me next time I come over ..." Chen Jiu was very concerned and looked forward.

"Chen Jiu, as long as you don't mess up with other women, I will definitely treat you well." Chen Hanya couldn't help but collapse the cherry blossoms.

"Han Xue, have you overheard our conversation?" Chen Jiu asked again.

"I didn't" Chen Hanxue still didn't admit anything.

"Well, then I'm leaving ..." Chen Jiu didn't say more, but kissed Chen Hanxue gently, and immediately turned and left.

Children are long-term, and when they come to Japan, how can you keep your love and protect your lover without strong power?

Man, when it ’s time to go out and fight, you ca n’t be nostalgic

Chen Jiu was so determined and determined. Looking at his back, Chen Hanxue suddenly became jealous. "Chen Jiu, if you dare to mess with that Aoi Hideo, don't blame me for never paying attention is you"

Qingxin lived in the side room, Chen Lan stood obediently in front of Chen Jiu, lowered his head slightly, and did not dare to look directly into his eyes.

"Blue, don't be afraid. I'm coming to you this time, not for you, but for me to go again," Chen Jiu helpless explained.

"What? Master, are you leaving again?" Chen Lan immediately raised her head and looked at Chen Jiu.

"Yeah, what can I do without leaving? I stay, and you don't like me anymore, I might as well leave," Chen Jiu said very sadly.

"Master, no, Lan Lan can't bear you," Chen Lan was excited, and rushed into Chen Jiu's arms and said, "It's not that Blue doesn't like Master, nor is he unwilling to serve. It is Lan Lan who wants Master to spoil Han Xuexue more, so he is neglected. Please do n’t blame Lan Lan? "

"Is that so? You little girl, when have you been so thoughtful?" Chen Jiu suddenly realized, and finally came to understand.

"Master, you are doing things for Hanxue, you are moving, and blue is also very admired. At this time, it is exactly when you cultivate feelings with sister Hanxue. You are happy, wouldn't that make Sister Han Xue chill? "Chen Lan explained very thoughtfully.

"You little ghost elf, when Master Ben comes back, you must punish you." Chen Jiu nodded Chen Lan's forehead, and felt endlessly relieved.

"Master, you don't have to come back, you can punish Blue now" Chen Lan suddenly raised his head firmly and preached.

"This ... you are sure, my thing is very powerful" Chen Jiu immediately glared at the fire, because although he has Chen Hanxue to help him these days, he couldn't really release it. He just saw the film again. Now, he is still Rong Rongxiang.

Chen Lan raised a request so that he could not refuse

"Master, you don't underestimate the blue, and the blue is also very powerful." Chen Lan tooted small. The mouth is very beautiful, cute and moving. People are amazing.

"Then don't wait, let's hurry ..." Chen Jiu said, hugging Chen Lan to the store.

"Master, don't you be in a hurry"

"How could I not be in a hurry"

After a rang, Chen Lan was like a snake swallowing elephants, and Chen Jiutun was just letting it go ... Next, naturally, it was a great joy and bliss.

Chen Jiushu. Gently shouting in clothing, truly owning a woman, that is incomparable to anything

"Master, don't, don't, don't go. If you have something, go and get busy first. Blue contented." After a while, Chen Lan was defeated.

"It's okay, let them wait. It's not a rush." ​​Chen Jiu was reluctant to leave. So far, Chen Lan is the only woman who can barely bear him. He is naturally nostalgic.

Don't look at Chen Lan who is small and looks lovely and full of charm, but now, I can't think of her.

In the main hall, Tang Lu rubbed his arms and rubbed his legs, and finally recovered slowly. The proud atmosphere was no longer there, but he became a little bit embarrassed. "What kind of weird state do you think the son is? Why is it so powerful? Even I can climb down with a slap? "

"Huh, young main battle against Xuanhuang, shocked their tribe, robbed their queen, these styles and manners, can you be provocative?" Watching them are all very relentless.

"Okay, I can feel it, it doesn't seem to be his own ability," Tang Lu said with a chuckle. "If you tell me, I'll show you this, how?"

"Uh, this ... Tang Lu, you can't stop trying to seduce us, deceive us, and degenerate. We will not betray the young masters," watching them immediately preaching righteously.

"Oh, that's it." Tang Lu was very disappointed and put away the crystal again.

"Slow, Tang Lu, although we will not betray the young owner, but it is ok to tell you something that the people know." Qin and them immediately changed their faces and became very gentle.

"Haha, this good thing, we naturally want to share it together." Tang Lu was surprised, and very cool. Quickly took out a few crystals.

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