Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 547: Elder Miki

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Boom ...’ Just when the soldiers thought they were going to die, the heavens descended fairy light, and the three elders like gods, each came on a green ladder, extraordinary and refined!

‘Porm! ’As soon as they appeared, a bubble flashed, and a vibrant world directly wrapped the numerous legions of King Dean.

"Not good, the top three, quickly inform the young master!" The Longgu family changed colors.

"It's late, let your blood be gone today!" The three elders, when they came, bound ten elders of the Longgu family in a peerless sanctuary.

"Kill, rush out!" Long Kong, Long Shi, and Long Jian exploded wildly. The holy soldiers opened their way and swept Xiantian. This should have been a terrible attack, but at this time it was glowing and difficult to show power.

In the field of holy heaven, there are three elders, who are God-like masters, deter everything, stare at each other, and fall into the sky!

‘Boom rumbling…’ The elders of the Longgu family were beaten and bleeding, and defeated and retreated. There was a gap between the Holy One and the Three Realms.

"Roar, fight!" At this time, the elders of the Longgu family transformed into dragons, their combat power doubled, and they continued to carry the holy soldiers.

"Several little grasshoppers, be honest!" Elder Miki, who is the three living ancestors of Muxing College, has a powerful rattan in his hands. Shackle the many elders of the Longgu family, making them unable to act!

‘Squeak and squeak…’ The Elder Miki did not show mercy at all and directly urged the Holy Power of Heaven and Earth to hang the ten elders of the Longgu family on the spot.

"Some clutter, and dare to invade the borders of my country of Muxing, it's really dead!" Elder Miki glared, staring at the holy soldiers of the people, exuding evil light.

Although it is not the elementary practice of practice, but the top holy soldiers are born by condensing yin and yang. Their magicians, when they reach the sacred level, also have accumulated yin and yang magic. This is logically connected, so it is not completely impossible to apply this. Wait for the magic weapon!

The top holy soldiers, when pushed across the world, will undoubtedly make many irrelevant forces jealous. Elder Miki shot so quickly, to a large extent, they are greedy and greedy their holy soldiers.

"Ah ... you old guys are not shy, we young masters won't let you go!" Shouted wildly, Long Kong could not stop their misery, only staring at the old man with hate.

"Well, what are you afraid of when you take your holy soldier, a yellow-haired child?" The oldest abacus of the three olds is playing well, and he is afraid of Chen Jiu, but if there is a holy soldier in advance, then there is no need to Scared!

"Abominable, we won't let you succeed!" The elders of the Longgu family, the iron bones, the body after the dragonization, the flesh fell off, they did not frown, and fight to the end.

"It's a very powerful vitality. Does heaven and earth want to destroy you all so slowly? In this case, the gods can only ask for help!" The elder Miki obviously couldn't wait, but he changed, and they began to pray and asked the **** of wood to lower his power. Already.

‘Boom ...’ The three gods ’pillars descended from the sky and blessed the three old men ’s bodies. For a time, their gods were shining, and they really looked like the gods, and they were irreversible!

"It's over!" Three big hands, twisted, sky and earth sources, yin and yang time and space, everything can't bear the punishment of the wooden god, crushing room, and becoming nothing.

"Haha, our Dian country is all right, the Longgu family is about to die!" King Dian was ecstatic, and the infinite army also showed a hint of joy.

However, just when they were surprised, when the Longgu family was desperately crying, the sky above the heavenly field exploded, a peerless figure like the heavenly emperor, rushed over in time!

"Chen Jiu ..." Seeing this figure, Elder Miki paused for a moment.

"Yes, I know that your country of Muxing is uneasy, and it is here!" Chen Jiu nodded, his face cold.

"Kill!" Zhu Lao was furious, and continued to overwhelm, wanting to start first.

"Dare!" Chen Jiuda drank, the powerful dragon blood sword, sweeping out of the front, as if the world was beginning to open, unable to stop!

‘噗噗 噗…’ Three shocks, Elder Miki ’s three palms that were evil, were cut off on the spot, **** and empty, Chen Jiu ’s majesty, shocked Wanxiong.

"Oh my God, is this the Dragon Blood Warrior Chen Jiu? Really unmatched, Elder Miki is not his opponent, I'm afraid it's over!" King Dian frightened them again.

"Young Master, I'm useless to wait and make you worry!" The Longgu family was rescued, all of them were very ashamed.

"Anyway, this is not something you can handle!" Chen Jiu didn't blame him. He stared at San Lao and scolded him, "The three are too wide, aren't they? They haven't arrived in your kingdom of wooden gods. Come and challenge me and wait. Do you really think that no one can restrict you?

"This ... misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding, Chen Jiu, we have no intention of offending, we are leaving!" Chen Jiu's fierce name is outside, and when he comes over, Elder Miki is also timid, and even the palm of God can be broken , What else can't he destroy?

"Young Master, they have no good intentions, and want to **** our holy soldiers!" Long Kong them, immediately complained, so let them go, isn't it too cheap?

"Oh? There is such a thing, okay, you are a kingdom of wooden gods. The last assassination of me has not yet been settled with you. Now you dare to fight the idea of ​​my holy soldier. Today, I really want you to stay. Right! "Between Chen Jiuli and Xiao Xiao, he raised his sword again and chopped it.

‘Boom…’ Open the heavens and the earth, set the floods, divide the yin and yang, reincarnate the sword, open the sword that cuts the sky, the artistic conception is infinitely deep, and with Chen Jiu ’s ability, he is getting stronger and stronger!

"No ... the glory of the wood god, the blessing of the wood god!" One of the elders hurried to pray, and the powerful sky also timely lowered a sacred shield to protect the elder.

‘Porm! 'But there is no help at all, the powerful Dragon Blood Sword, the sharp edge of the open sky, is simply unstoppable, and the support of the gods cannot stop its violent, a generation of peerless elders, that is The shield was broken on the spot, and his bones were torn apart.

"Chen Jiu, you wait for me. I will come back one day ..." The three strongest, the most powerful spirit, at that moment, his spirit escaped, turned into a streamer, and shot towards the sky. Office.

"Let's finish the liquidation today, I don't want to wait any longer!" Chen Jiu laughed, his back, two divine wings on display, and then his figure simply went beyond time and disappeared in an instant With a violent wave of will, everyone was trembling to understand that the elder, it was completely destroyed.

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