Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 554: Bigger and stronger

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Um, Mier, you look pretty again these days!" Chen Jiu stared, and was also attracted by the slightly charming charm of Shen Mi.

She looks like a poem, she is tall, tall, plump, exquisite, white, and tender. She is as fat as jade, especially the ancient goddess temperament. She is noble and noble. Let's kiss Fangze!

"If you go, you'll talk nice people. If you talk about it, where is it pretty now?" Shen Mi glared and said slightly, "If you can't tell me today, they won't tell you played!"

"Ah? Okay, let's go, let's talk over there slowly!" Chen Jiu suggested that the two could not help but sit together on the large dragon chair.

"Come on!" Waiting, Shenmi was waiting for Chen Jiu's praise. Which woman did not want to be praised by her man?

"Come on, let me start with my hands!" Chen Jiu said, immediately holding the power of God's jade hand and preaching: "Tender as green onion. White, slender jade fingers, cleverly craftsmanship, this hand should only be in heaven, rare in the world A few times! "

"Language, how can you speak so well!" Shen Mi also laughed at the flowers, which was extremely popular.

"Oh, you look at your skin, it's really deceptive. I dare say, if you go to that world, I'm afraid no woman will dare to appear again!" Chen Jiu immediately shifted the focus.

"Why? Am I so scary?" Shenmi asked, puzzled.

"It's not terrible, it's amazing, like the woman outside, who has you, tender and baby-like muscles. Skin, look at your skin. Meat, it's like spring buds, tender to people In the heart! "Chen Jiu exaggeratedly exaggerated.

"Where is it?" Shen Mi even laughed with embarrassment.

"Come, let me have a look at your peak again. Alas, it's perfect, the size is right, the one-handed grip, the upright and strong, and the flexible feel are all top-notch works!" Already.

"Uh, don't grab it!" With his eyes shut, Shenmi was even more charming.

"Well, let me taste it, alas, it's delicious, it's fragrant. It's extremely slippery!" Chen Jiu was rude, and all of a sudden made Shenmi's face flushed.

"You color wolf, people will not come!" Shen Mi couldn't bear it.

"Well, look at your legs again. They are so long, so straight, so shapely. Is this still a human leg?" Chen Jiu was not slow, and he stroked directly. He raised the long legs of Shenmi. .

"Not a human leg. What kind of leg is that?" Shen Mi shuddered and wanted to hear Chen Jiu's explanation.

"It's just a fairy's leg, the gate of hell!" Chen Jiu said with a sure face.

"How is it related to hell?" Shenmi was puzzled.

"What do you think, with your legs and legs open, which man can withstand this temptation? Even if they break their heads, they all want to get in. You say this is not hell, what is this?" Nine is a true sermon.

"Go, don't allow you to say that. They don't just seduce anyone here!" God repulsed, and his face was upset.

"The Buddha said, I don't go to hell, who will go to hell!" Chen Jiu was rude, and he got into it!

"Ah, you bad guy, what are you doing, don't ... uh don't do it!" Shenmi turned from maggot to groan, and it was infinitely happy.

After a while, when Chen Jiu came out of Hell, Shen Mi was already blushing and fascinated. She was intoxicated and gave a slight white glance. She couldn't help but say, "Chen Jiu, you are really messing around If the elders knew that you were bullying me like this, they would definitely seek you hard! "

"Desperately desperately, I'm not afraid of them, big deal to beat them again!"

"Well, let people get you quickly!" Shen Mi now couldn't help but now, when she released the strength of Chen Jiu, she suddenly felt dumbfounded. "Oh my God, are you still human?" "

"How? Power, not only have I grown up recently, but I have also grown up here. How about keeping you satisfied?" Chen Jiu, at this time, must not be inferior and proudly appear. Complacency.

"Chen Jiu, I'm afraid I can't stand something like this, right?" Shen Mi couldn't help whispering.

"You can play it once, it wo n’t be so big once, and then the bigger this thing is, that proves that my ability to pass on the heirloom is stronger, you should be happy, maybe this time, it won the lottery in one shot? "Chen Jiu said carefully.

"Really?" Shenmi doubted, and obviously aroused interest.

She is very eager for the lineage succession, so to say, although this thing made her a little scared, she still recognized it!

Next, after a ridiculous love, Chen Jiu finally possessed the **** Emperor, an ancient goddess.

Long robes were added, and the peaks were half exposed. Looking at her as sacred and respectful, but letting go of the waves, Chen Jiuyi's time was extremely proud.

In the eyes of an outsider, she is a supreme emperor, but in front of herself, she is just a little woman of her own, and she can freely enjoy her beauty. Yan and tenderness!

Faintly, in his mind, he thought of another figure of the same emperor. The tomboy's feel seemed to be good!

"Uh, it's so big!" Frowning lightly, Shenmi swears that this has really reached her limit, she feels at this moment that she is full and full.

After warmth, fullness, comfort, peace of mind, and slight pain, it is not just uncomfortable, but a sense of joy from the mind and the body, which completely immerses the power of God.

"Mier, I love you!" Chen Jiu stared directly at Shen Mi, watching her aunt. Mei, her affection, even kissed in love.

"Nine, love me, I am yours!" Shen Mi cooperated with all his strength, and the two of them were entangled together for a while, forgetting the time, forgetting the sun and the moon.

"Kill ..." In the Qiankun continent, countless killings are still going on fiercely because of Chen Jiu's order.

Breaking the horizon, fighting the sun and the moon, the watchman tribe swept across the vassals of the five kingdoms, and under the leadership of the watchman, occupied the infinite land frontier.

‘Boom ...’ But at this time, the powerful enemy came to commit crimes, and the three elderly men in black released a celestial realm and completely locked the watch in!

‘Kill ...’ lost the strong shock pressure of Watch, the following is the deadly big tyrant ** group, once again soared morale, and the Watch family, decided to fight.

Blood and fire are intertwined, sin and punishment are on stage, there is no right or wrong in war, only winning or losing!

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