Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 580: Great happiness

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"My son, why are you staring at others like this!" The face was tender, charming, and pure and immaculate, showing a little shame. Zhao Lianer was here, and naturally understood the profound meaning of this man's eyes.

"Lianer, I haven't seen you for a few months. You are so pretty again. I dare not recognize you!" Chen Jiufa exclaimed from the bottom of his heart.

"My son, you are now the emperor admired by many people, do you want Lian'er?" Zhao Lian'er said slightly worried.

"Yes, how can I not? Lianer, you don't know, I miss you day and night these days, all of you think you are going crazy crazy, but fortunately you are here, otherwise I can't help but want I'm looking for you! "Chen Jiuyi eagerly explained.

"Really? Son, are you really thinking of Lianer?" Zhao Lianer was very moved immediately.

"Of course, Lianer, come over and let my son get closer!" Chen Jiu couldn't wait, immediately pulled Zhao Lianer into his arms, and touched his hands.

The pure and immaculate Zhao Lian'er, who played two games, was also full of shame, and the look of desire. Rejection really made Chen Jiu hot. The fire was unbearable!

"Lianer, I want you!" Chen Jiu was no longer polite, and flew Zhao Lianer, a white and tender sheep, like a wolf.

"Er, son, don't be here!" Zhao Lian'er was feeling affectionate, but she also missed this man for a few months. In addition to her cultivation, her heart was very empty and lonely and cold. He needed this man to satisfy each other's warmth!

"It's okay, and no one here dares to bother me!" At this time, Chen Jiu was still in a mood to change places, and he was so uncomfortable. Why can't you rush to see such a beautiful person?

"Oh!" In order to prevent Zhao Lian'er from saying anything, Chen Jiu directly blocked her mouth. Such a kiss, dark, warm and infinite, and infatuated with the sky, directly intoxicated him, and he could not extricate himself.

Next, there was some nonsense and desolation. Under the actions of Tang, Zhao Lian'er had enjoyed her bliss. When Chen Jiu buried her head from below, Zhao Lian'er was even more embarrassed from her bones. She was very charming. . Wait for you! "

"Okay, then you have to wait for my son!" Chen Jiu nodded. The reason why she first filled Zhao Lian'er with a full foot was to prevent her from running away.

After all, Chen Jiu's current guy is really scary. If the average woman is not determined to fight hard, she would not dare to mess with him!

At this point, Zhao Lianer was fully satisfied by Chen Jiuman. Instead of being truly content, Zhao Lianer evoked the deepest need in the soul.

"Ah, it's so big!" So, even though Zhao Lian'er was frightened suddenly, she was still reluctant to let go of this thing.

"Lianer, don't you want it so much, so it feels big? In fact, it's not too big!" Chen Jiu quickly advised.

"Really? Then I try, it seems that I can't swallow it!" Zhao Lianer tried it, and it was very difficult.

"Well, Lianer, let's get started!" Chen Jiu couldn't wait, and was ready for the ultimate combat in a few moments.

"Okay!" Zhao Lian'er nodded slightly, still couldn't help worrying, "I won't be broken by you?"

"Lianer, how can I be willing to break you, what do you say?" Chen Jiu said, suddenly pressing down.

"My son!" Zhao Lianer's tears on her face were touching, full, full, full of happiness, and complex emotions intertwined with various emotions.

At this moment, the emptiness in the past few months was swept away, and she felt that her life, life, and soul were so full, fulfilling, and satisfied.

On the palace of the Dragon Blood Palace, the supreme monarch Chen Jiu directly spoiled the beauty here. Fortunately, no one saw it. Otherwise, he would scold him for silver!

"My son, people ca n’t be done, no more, forgive others, so happy!" Zhao Lian'er was first loved by this thing, and she felt like she was trembling physically and mentally, and she was really happy. Already.

"Lianer, rest assured, I will definitely make you happier!" Chen Jiu, how could this stop?

Snow. White, pure, pink. Tender ... The ethereal and delicate body, out of the world, looks like a noble and noble glory, but at this time, it is endured by Chen Jiu's favor, and subject to it He, this scene is really exciting. The tide is surging.

Dead and alive, happy and fainted, when Zhao Lian'er felt dying, Chen Jiu finally ended her claim.

"My son, you almost killed someone else!" Zhao Lian'er cuddled up to this man, it was full of happiness, full of fear.

"Lianer is not afraid, the son can't bear to let you die!"

"Son, now you are not only the emperor whom everyone admires, but how can you grow so powerful in this respect? How can they stand it if they continue to do so?" Zhao Lian'er was very worried.

"Relax, Lianer, the son will not always be like this, this time the skill has been promoted, so there are some rigid requirements, thank you for helping me!" Chen Jiu explained, could not help Zhao Lianer relieved.

"My son, you have been out of the limelight recently. Why are you growing so fast? Lianer feels that he has to look up to you now!" Zhao Lianer hugged the man, very afraid of being left by him.

When the gap is too large, once their lives have lost contact, Zhao Lianer is really afraid that Chen Jiu will leave her!

"Lianer, don't worry, I can't bear a beauty like you, you will live in my palace in the future, okay?" Chen Jiu asked directly.

"Ah? Isn't this good?" Zhao Lian'er was surprised, thinking of Chen Jiu's current prestige, she shook her head and shouted, "Son, people are still students of Qiankun College. It's not good to live here!"

"What's so bad? I'll give you a name, what will happen to you when you seal it?" Chen Jiu said in a confiscation.

"My son, thank you for your love for Lian'er, but Lian'er knows it. This is absolutely unacceptable. Lian'er can't stay long this time. Just come and see him. If he has nothing to do with Lian'er, Lian'er has to go back quickly! ”Zhao Lian'er immediately rejected Chen Jiu's kindness, and thinking of being loved by this thing every day, she felt that she couldn't cope with this huge happiness!

"Are you leaving? Lianer, stay a few more days, okay?" Chen Jiu was obviously not happy enough.

"This ..." Zhao Lian'er was really embarrassed. She wanted to spend more time with Chen Jiu, but she was afraid that this sudden bliss should be promised. How about your own body?

"Your Majesty, Xuanhuang messenger asks to see you!" Just then, the obituary's obituary sounded outside the hall.

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