Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 592: Devil Satan

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Huh, a few juniors, if the devil was crushed by the earthquake for hundreds of millions of years, the divine power in the body has been squeezed out, and the realm has retreated so much. Otherwise, I can rely on you. "Poke it off!" The devil's ghost was obviously very dissatisfied with his record, with his mouth shut.

"You ... Are you the devil **** that the gate of **** opened wide and fell into the continent during the ancient turmoil?" Kuanglei Sansheng was shocked to think of something, and his face was terrified!

"Yes, it's Satan, the devil!" The self-registration number of the devil's glory proudly.

"Ancient turmoil?" Chen Jiu frowned, some incomprehensible.

"Your Majesty, it was an untraceable catastrophe. I never imagined that it really existed!" Although Kuanglei Sansheng didn't say much, it undoubtedly caused Chen Jiu to guess the terrible turmoil!

The gate of **** is wide open, and the end of humankind is approaching, but among the continent, there are many capable people, a **** and a self-determined palm, and Satan shocked here. It is a pity that it will take a long time to destroy his magic. The thing is, long time also wiped out his seal.

To this day, the demon is reappearing, but the courage of that year is no longer, the realm has retreated so badly, and he is temporarily stuck between Holy Three and Holy Four.

As far as he is concerned, it is not particularly terrible, but what is terrible is the turbulent divine mucus around him, which was left by his spirit and spirit in his prime, devouring everything, extremely terrifying!

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, Lord Satan, you should not be able to absorb your power now, right?" Chen Jiuleng reprimanded, gradually becoming more confident.

Although these liquids are powerful, they cannot be traced back to themselves for a while. Otherwise, Satan would not have evolved into Taotian Devil and Devil. After absorbing these divine liquids, they would be restored and repaired, which is more than anything else!

"Even if I can't absorb it, I can use them enough to destroy the miscellaneous pieces and nourish myself!" Satan stared viciously at many dragon blood troops. "The world is turned upside down, the waves are pouring down!"

‘Boom ...’ When you say it, do it, without dragging your feet, thick mucus. It ’s a violent moment that rises up from the sky and covers the entire magic hole.

The power of the devil is almost impossible for the Holy One to resist. Fortunately, Satan has been crushed by the earthquake for a long time. The power of the divine spirit has long since disappeared from the grand occasion of that year. Otherwise, it is really as he said. You have to be annihilated!

"Kill!" All the saints are violent, holding the saints one after another, strangling away from the void of the chaotic sea. Although they cannot effectively combat these slimes, they can also cause them to stagnate.

'Porphy ...' This is a weird battle. The top sages of the Dragon Blood Empire, holding the sacred soldiers, are suffocated, enough to destroy the mountains and rivers, and cause the sun and the moon to collapse, but at this time, their terrible The attack hit the mucus, like a sinking sea, it's hard to start off how big the waves are!

"Open the sky and cut the ground, cut the demon to remove the crickets!" Chen Jiu took advantage of this opportunity, which was a sword and throat, decisively cut to Satan's body.

"Child, so daring!" Satan was furious, and he took Chen Jiu's Dragon Blood Sword in his hand, ‘Ding Ding! ‘It ’s even more horrifying. With the strength of the physical body, he can hardly shake the dragon blood sword in the hands of Chen Jiu!

"What?" Chen Jiu was shocked, changing swords again and again, but his speechless, powerful Dragon Blood Sword, slaying the might of Xinghe, but couldn't shake Satan's body, even if he hit him, he would be hurt at all. He can't.

"Junior, even though the devil has stepped down to become a demon master, but this body of God is still there, you are delusional about killing me, it is simply a foolish dream!" Satan sneered, his voice hoarse, and his cruel eyes revealed endless pride !!

"Really? Then come to war, the heart of the emperor, nine changes of dragon blood!" Chen Jiu rose violently, with full combat power, he spurred the heart of the emperor with the spirit of the dragon blood, directly manifesting a **** The Great.

Wearing a dragon crown of the dragon, this emperor has a dragon-like scale armor, waiting for the combination of Qiankun and Dragon Blood!

‘Boom ...’ With a sword out, the heavens and earth opened and the dragons changed. Chen Jiu refined the moves of the two emperors and attacked them powerfully, destroying the heavens and the earth.

"Well, you're a child, power is almost better than me!" Satan was shocked, but without fear, a magic hand lifted up "Nine evils of magic!"

‘Boom ...’ Dragon blood Qiankun of the Nine Evil Wars, Chen Jiu and Satan are falling apart. Qiankun is full. If it ’s not for the mucus around, the entire magic cave will have to be collapsed by them!

"Junior, you're annoying me, devouring!" Satan became more and more angry, he was unable to take down Chen Jiu, and he was very anxious. He suddenly made a big move, and even accumulated a large black liquid, joining the moves, devouring Chen Jiu left.

Evil and weird, this is not just Satan's current power, but also a mixture of his previous divine power, swallowed up, like a black hole, eating heaven and earth!

‘Long! ‘The figure of Chen Jiu ’s emperor was dangled in for an instant, and it was hard to see.

"Haha, give me all to die!" Satan's arms fluttered, and the black mucus around him suddenly became violent, devouring eight wasteland, desperate to attack, and swallowed up thousands of dragon blood army completely!

"It's such a powerful force that has absorbed you, it can be considered as a make up for me!" Satan sneered, cruel and ruthless.

‘Boom…’ But at this moment, Chen Jiu ’s figure suddenly blew up one mucus and it appeared again.

Noble, rich, honorable, and transcendent, this is the body of an emperor after the all-powerful dragon became sublimated. His heart beats powerfully, as fast as a motor, and regrets people in the air, like a peerless **** who despise all living things. !!

"What? It's a magical transformation. It seems I need some strength to deal with it!" Satan was frightened, opened his mouth and sucked the Quartet's energy to make up. His dry body recovered a little shine in a blink of an eye.

‘Cuckoo! ‘It ’s like a blown ball, Satan is beginning to return to his old age, and he is really young. In his breath, he has changed from a withered old man to a middle-aged man. He is handsome and personable!

"Ah ..." At the same time, the elders screamed frequently. Satan's ingestion caused them to lose vitality, but fortunately, there were many people, and their loss was not fatal.

"Stop it, open the sky and smash the ground!" Chen Jiu anxiously drank, and did not dare to wait for the sword to be cut out, dominating the Eight Wilds, deterring all souls, this sword can directly cut into human soul!

"Sky eyes are ruthless!" Satan was shocked, and an eye, purple pupils and grey eyes appeared in the sky above his head, as if the will of heaven was condensed, and the deterrence was unified.

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