Supreme Pupillary Master: Peerless Eldest Miss

Chapter 6636: Must be the master for us!

Wang Xiuya struggled in her heart, thinking about whether to take out the blood moon axe in her hand to the Lu family first...

Although I don't know why Luo Qingtong didn't call out the true direct line of the senior secretary.

But perhaps, the other party is looking for an opportunity to deal with the Lu family.

What else is waiting for the people of Lu's family, so I didn't deliberately take action at this time?

Wang Xiuya struggled in her heart.

And when the heavens were fighting in her heart, the reinforcements from the Lu family on the other side arrived.

"What are you doing?!"

The principal of the Lu family rushed to Lu Hongwei in a few steps and asked coldly.

He handled things fairly smoothly. At this moment, he saw Lu Hongwei and others, who had already surrounded Wang Xiuya and others, and also surrounded Luo Qingtong's people.

And Luo Qingtong and others, who are still in the same line as the elder of the secretary, suddenly frowned, and then looked in the direction of Lu Hongwei, gave him a wink, and said: "What's the matter with you? ?!"

"Magnificent, what are you doing to surround the Wang family?"

"We also surrounded the people of the Secretary-General's line."

The principal of the Lu family is more sleek than Lu Majestic.

Lu Hongwei, this stupid fork, surrounded people and cleared the scene.

and then?

Can't others tell the story here?

So many people are watching the show here!

Moreover, when they came before, there were many people, even if these people weren't here to watch the show.

Leaking out this news is enough for people from the secretary's line to come to them!

Sure enough, this person in charge was just a person who was afraid of the elders of the Secretary and asked them trouble, not a person from the Wang family.

If there are only members of the royal family, what if it is destroyed?

It's just that people from the chief secretary's line, mixed in, will have some trouble.

Even if they came, they were just the bottom line of the Secretary-General!

And when the principal's words sounded, the magnificent road on the other side had already recovered.

He had just been stunned before, but he was not really stupid.

This will hear Wang Xiuya's words, and then hear the words of this person in charge, even if they know, the other party wants him to accept it, otherwise, it will not end here!

But how can Lu Hongwei be willing? !


These two Wang Xiuya's concubines are actually from the same line as the director!

Lu Hongwei didn't even think that Luo Qingtong was Tan Ming.

After all, there are a lot of people from the bottom of the secretary's line this time, who knows who the other party is?

Moreover, even if the other party is Tan Ming, it is impossible to be here? !

When Lu Hongwei thought about it this way, he immediately looked at the place where Wang Xiuya was, and then said righteously: "Uncle Cousin, you have to be the master for me!"

"The people of the Wang family have robbed the treasures of the elders of the Wang family that we found, and are preparing to bring them back to their family!"

"Although the people of our Lu family are sorry to them, we got the treasures of the elders of the Wang family first."

"No matter what, it should belong to us first, and we will discuss the disposal later!"

"However, they rely on the support of the elders of the secretary, and they insist on taking our treasure!"

"Uncle Cousin, we are sorry for the family!"

"Failed to keep the family's interests!"

Lu Hongwei cried with his nose and tears, and his expression of regret was not as good as before!

"I knew it, I won't tell the Wang family the news in time."

"I wanted to make them happy, but in the end..."

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