Supreme Stock God

Chapter 976: Appear one by one

Chapter 976

The family meeting of the Tokugawa family soon ended. All the members of the meeting left one after another. Geno Tokugawa and Tokugawa Kodron looked at each other, but did not stand up, and looked at Tokugawa Naomasa who was sitting there. , Seems to be waiting for Tokugawa Naomasa to leave him two.

"What's the matter with the two of you?" Tokugawa Naomasa raised his eyes and asked them lightly.

"Oh, it's nothing, my father, let's go back first." Tokugawa Gensheng and Tokugawa Kodron stood up quickly.

Tokugawa Naomasa waved his hand, and the two of them retreated together, and Tokugawa Naomasa looked down at the back of their withdrawal, but a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he snapped his fingers and saw a servant hurriedly approaching him. Just listen to Tokugawa Naomasa asking: "Has Tojo bring people back?"

The servant shook his head: "My lord, Mr. Tojo has not returned yet."

Naomasa Tokugawa frowned and said to himself: "It makes no sense, there is no such thing as a threat to defend the two remnants of the Mitsui family. With the strength of the Tojo leader, they will be arrested. It's not difficult to come back."

After he said that, he waved his hand, and the servant immediately withdrew.

Only Naomasa Tokugawa was left in this tea room. He sat there quietly, sipping tea, his ruddy face looked calm and relaxed. Recalling the experience of the past six months, Tokugawa Naomasa's mouth pulled up a smile. Because, it feels so good.

For many years, he hasn't had the joy of strategizing and overturning the clouds. The aging of his body forced him to retreat from the front line, and could only sit behind the scenes and grasp the general direction. Although the direction of the Tokugawa family is still in his grasp, how can it compare with the sense of accomplishment of leading the family to expand its boundaries?

It took nearly two decades for Mitsui Hidezaki to revitalize the Mitsui family. Tokugawa Naomasa also worried that after he left, neither Tokugawa Geno and Tokugawa Kodron were Mitsui's opponents. Sooner or later, the Kawas will be retaliated by Hidezaki Mitsui.

But now it's different. Tokugawa Naomasa regained his youth and regained his vigor, so he immediately launched a war against the Mitsui family. In the face of the "young and strong" Tokugawa Naojun, Mitsui Hidezaki was still a long way from being suppressed and retreated. It took only half a year for the Mitsui family to be defeated by Tokugawa Naojun.

Reminiscing about this glorious record, Tokugawa Naomasa is full of pride, as if he has returned to the old **** era of gold and iron horses in the market. Under this sentiment, Naomasa Tokugawa drank a bit drunk even though only tea was in the cup.

At this moment, a beautiful girl in a kimono slowly walked in with a replacement hot tea, and respectfully replaced the cold tea in front of Tokugawa Naomasa.

Looking at the beautiful young girl full of youth and vitality, Naomasa Tokugawa held a smile at the corner of his mouth, and without speaking, he pulled the girl into his arms, and his right hand naturally moved from the neckline of her kimono. Going in, kneading the softness inside wantonly.

"Hmm..." Tokugawa Naomasa's strength was so strong that she pinched the girl in pain, but she did not dare to resist, just hummed twice from her nose.

Tokugawa Naomi’s **** bursts out. When it comes to regaining his youth, he is most happy that he has the ability to be a man again. After nearly two decades, he can only watch the ascetic life that he can’t eat. He is too ecstatic about the long-lost feeling Longing for it, so much so that in the past six months, there are no girls at all.

While wantonly invading the girl in his arms, Naomasa Tokugawa had a beautiful face in his mind, which made the **** in his heart more fierce and uncontrollable, and there was also a strong resentment.

He just listened to him gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Nanakai Kaoru..."

After squinting his eyes, he muttered to himself: "It's time to let you go away for half a year, hehehehe..."

While Naomi Tokugawa was thinking secretly, the paper door of this tea room was suddenly pushed open. A tall figure appeared outside the door and walked in leisurely, unlike the servants of the Tokugawa family. Without Tokugawa's command, he would definitely not dare to enter.

I saw this man wearing a white robe and a white scarf on his head. It was a typical Indian traditional dress, and he himself was a dark-skinned Indian.

So when he saw this person, Naomasa Tokugawa knew that the visitor was unkind, and he had to say that Naomasa Tokugawa was calm and calm. He pressed a button on the watch without acting up, and stared at the tall man who walked in. , Asked: "Who are you looking for?"

The visitor looked at Tokugawa Naomasa, and said in English: "You don't have to waste your thoughts asking for help. The guards in this mansion are already unconscious."

Tokugawa Naomasa's heart was tense, and this man put down the guard in his mansion without a word.

The girl in her arms was also startled when she saw the uninvited Indian, but she only exclaimed and covered her mouth so as not to annoy Tokugawa Naomasa. In her mind, Naomito Tokugawa was much more terrifying than the cold-faced Indian before her.

"Tokugawa Naomi, the Jade Seal of the Kingdom is in your hands, right." The Indian didn't have any nonsense, and asked straightaway.

Naomi Tokugawa focused his eyes, wondering where this Indian is sacred, and knowing that he has such a secret as the Jade Seal of the Kingdom? Was it sent by the Mitsui family?

"Are you from the Mitsui family?" Tokugawa Naomasa asked in English, too.

It's just that the Indian didn't speak, and said to himself: "Who gave you the Jade Seal of Chuanguo?"

Hearing that the Indian was only targeting the Chuanguo Yuxi, Tokugawa Naomasa suspected that he was not sent by the Mitsui family, because in this situation, what the Mitsui family needed most was not the Chuanguo Yuxi.

Unsure of which force the Indian was sent, Tokugawa Naomasa coldly snorted, "Who gave me what to do with you?"

"I'll ask again." The Indian face was so cold that it was so cold that he said, "Who gave you the jade seal of the country, where is he now?"

Suddenly, Naomasa Tokugawa thought in his heart that it seemed that what the Indian cared about was not the Jade Seal, but the person who gave me the Jade Seal? Is he the enemy of Mo Huaixi?

Thinking of this, he asked: "What does that person have to do with you, why do you want to find him?"

The Indians stopped talking, and Tokugawa Naomasa felt a fresh breeze blowing in front of him.

Although he is not familiar with martial arts, Tokugawa Naomasa also knows how powerful martial arts people are. When he feels this breeze, he cries out in his heart. Because the breeze was obviously that the Indian was approaching him at an extremely fast speed, because the speed was so fast, the eyes of ordinary people couldn't keep up with it. At a glance, the Indian seemed to be standing still.


But seeing the breeze rise violently and become like a whirlwind, blowing the hair of the girl in Naomasa Tokugawa's arms.

When Naomasa Tokugawa came back to his senses, he saw Indians appearing less than half a meter in front of him. But the Indian did not advance half a point, because in front of him, a figure blocked him!

The figure was completely covered in black clothes, with a copper-gold evil mask on its face.

I saw that he pushed his right hand horizontally against the shoulder of the Indian, blocking his coming.

When the Indian saw the man in black wearing the goblin mask, his stern and expressionless face showed extreme astonishment, and he couldn't help but be surprised: "Kataro Kataro!"

"Ulysses, we haven't seen each other for a long time." A dull voice came from the copper golden ghost mask.

Needless to say, this man in black wearing a demon mask is the patriarch of the "Wind Demon Clan", Fumo Kotaro, and this Indian is Ulysses.

Ulysses pushed his hand horizontally and flashed back, an somersault fell to a place more than ten meters away, staring at Kotaro Fengma with vigilance, and said coldly: "I can't think of the patriarch of the dignified'Fengma Clan'. The running dog of the Tokugawa family?"

"It can't be said that there are no running dogs or running dogs, I just have some connections with this family." Fengma Kotaro smiled slightly: "What? You want to know where the person who handed the Chuanguo Yuxi to Tokugawa Naomasa is? Why do you have to find him? "

"It has nothing to do with you," Ulysses said coldly.

Fengma Kotaro chuckled: "Then you don't want to know, since I am here, do you think you can still force the Tokugawa Direct Administration?"

After a pause, he muttered to himself: "You are so nervous to find that person, shouldn't that person be your master Zhou Hao?"

Speaking of this, Fengma Kotaro's eyes hidden behind the devil's mask immediately shot out two ferocious gazes. After all, Zhou Hao and him can be regarded as old enemies, and the hatred between the two is dead.

Tokugawa Naomasa was also taken aback when he heard the words of Fengma Kotaro: "Zhou Hao? You mean Zhou Hao?"

Then he thought about it himself. From the few times he saw it, Mo Huaixi and Zhou Hao were clearly two people. However, Naomasa Tokugawa always felt that Mo Huaixi who suddenly appeared next to Nanami Kaoru was very doubtful. After sending someone to investigate for half a year, he didn't even find out his origin.

Moreover, when Nanami Kaoru executed the Tokugawa family's plan in China, he had fought against Zhou Hao and suffered a lot from Zhou Hao's hands. In this way, Nanami Kaoru and Zhou Hao really had an intersection. .

However, as far as Tokugawa Naomasa knew, Zhou Hao hated Nanami Kaoru and even the Tokugawa family who had repeatedly murdered Chinese interests. It should be impossible to help Nanami Kaoru like that Mo Huaixi.

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