[Me: 1000 copies of the first-level reinforcement materials are ready, please collect them]

While eating breakfast, Ye Fei sent a message to the boy on the iceberg and made a designated transaction with him for the 1000 copies of the reinforcement materials.

Not long after, the other party used a piece of wood to buy the 1000 copies of the first-level reinforcement materials.

【Iceberg/6666-6155-6999: I received it. Brother Ye, thank you for your hard work.]

The other party received the strengthening materials and then sent a message back to Ye Fei.

【Me: I don’t have the recipe for the follow-up yet, and I don’t know what the materials are. I may have to wait for a while.

Ye Fei looked at his remaining 95 survival points and told the boy to wait for the follow-up.

Not to mention that there is no recipe in the trading interface now, even if there is a recipe for making second-level reinforcement materials, he can’t afford it, let alone the various materials for making it.

【Iceberg/6666-6155-6999: No problem, Brother Ye, don't worry. If my prediction is accurate, it will take at least a month to appear. By the way, have you used the beast king's inner pill? I will keep it for you when you get this type of item in the future.

The boy did not hide his special ability and told Ye Fei the approximate time when the second-level strengthening material would appear.

But among his information, the one that surprised Ye Fei the most was the beast king's inner pill.

The other party thought that he needed a lot of this type of item?

Moreover, they all had to be traded from the boy, not made by himself....

【Me: I haven't used it yet. I checked it before and it should be used when it can no longer be upgraded. That way the effect will be better....I will work hard to make money.

Ye Fei did not say that he would need all of them in the future, because he did not know how much he would need.

However, working hard to make money was necessary.

Whether it was to buy more of these items or to pay off previous debts, he would be very, very short of money.

【Iceberg/6666-6155-6999: Making money is a must. Brother Ye, you have to work harder. When they grow up, you can relax. By the way, I still want to make some suggestions. You should learn the Golden Shield. It is really useful.】

【Me: Well, I will study it carefully during my practice tonight. Thanks for the reminder. I won’t forget it.】

【Iceberg/6666-6155-6999: Okay, Brother Ye, you go ahead and do your work. I’ll go strengthen the house first. Wish me good luck tonight!】

【Me: I wish you good luck tonight.

Ye Fei followed the other party's words and sent a blessing, then closed the chat interface.

"Golden Shield...Are you going to use it?"

Ye Fei didn't know if he would use it, but the boy emphasized that he was willing to give him the beast king's inner pill first, and then wait for him to pay back the debt slowly....

According to this information, the other party's ability can be basically determined to be prediction. Moreover, as a creditor, he should be afraid that he, as the debtor , will die halfway. Even if it is a prediction, it may not be 100% accurate....

After today's task is completed, I will study it carefully.

The previous attempts always failed because I spent too little time and energy on it.

【Today's random task: Find plants × 2, task completion progress 0/2, task completion reward: 20 survival points, 1 level one planting gift pack]

Today's random task is to find plants again. After breakfast, Ye Fei went out with the two little ones in his arms.

Today's little fox Qingxue has reached level 9, and one more level will reach the upper limit.

The little white tiger Fengbai is level 8, and there are two more opportunities for promotion.

The combat power of the two little balls is 51 of the little fox and 60 of the little white tiger. They can basically deal with the prey they encounter when they go out easily.

However, because of the reminder of the young man, Ye Fei always felt that something was going to happen, so he didn't let them go too far that day.

In one day, a total of 3 seedlings, two pine trees, a cypress tree, and 3 white supply boxes were found, and hundreds of trees were cut down at the same time. The area near his home is becoming more and more empty.

【Snowfield/9109-0009-0158: Can you lend me 10 blood-replenishing pills?

After dinner, Ye Fei was just about to start researching the Golden Light Shield when he suddenly received a message from a friend.

He opened it and saw that it was from the rich boss. The opponent's current combat power was still 2 points.

Moreover, this was not to buy it with money, but to borrow it directly from him....

Ye Fei was a little confused by this situation.

He was the one who had enough money to buy the information, but now he had to borrow money directly....

【Me: Sure.

If it was before, Ye Fei would definitely not lend it, because in this situation, most of the time, they borrow but never return it.

But when he replied, he still agreed.

He didn't know if this was considered stupid, but since the random message was sent to him, he would just take it as a real destiny and take a gamble.

This feeling was considered by Ye Fei to comfort himself. As for a more important reason, it was the price of this thing.

The price of one pill was 50 points, and 10 pills were 500 points. Even if he really didn't return it, it wouldn't be too bad.

Moreover, he basically didn't need it. There should be many people like him who didn't need the blood-replenishing pill, so the price couldn't be raised.

【Xueyuan/9109-0009-0158: I don't have any items, you specify 1 point]

The other party replied and asked Ye Fei not to choose the trading item

【Me: OK]

10 first-level blood-replenishing pills, specify a point, and the other party will take it directly.

After that, the other party did not send any messages, and Ye Fei did not wait any longer.

Sitting on the futon in the yard, Ye Fei did not practice tonight, but studied the golden shield seriously.

Every time he tried the magic of cultivating immortals, he was confused.

The magic has steps, and the circulation of spiritual energy is the basis....

For the first time, Ye Fei put all his mind into it. The more he put in, the more interested he became. During the research, Ye Fei had already started to absorb the spiritual energy without realizing it. He put his whole heart into it, which was faster than the previous simple spiritual energy cultivation.

It was like completing a task at work, and studying a hobby. The two were different.

【Successfully cast the primary golden shield, use the immortal cultivation technique for the first time, and be rewarded with 100 survival points.

A prompt appeared, interrupting Ye Fei's immersion.

"Is this the golden shield?"

Ye Fei opened his eyes and looked at the golden spherical protective shield that surrounded him. Then he looked at the two little balls that were raising their claws to grab it. He was finally sure that he had really learned it.

However, would he be rewarded with survival points for learning a spell?

Moreover, this protective shield that looked like a bubble, at least visually, felt very fragile.


Since it is a spherical cover that wraps itself, why is it not called a golden light cover, but a golden light shield?...

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