Survival Game: Random SSS Talents

Chapter 132 News about the divine power fragments

"I will be a brave man again in 18 years, and after you kill me, you will only feel empty after killing someone."

"Do you really want to do this?"

The big man's desire to survive was very strong.

At this time, he looked righteous.

He even pushed his head directly in front of Zhou Wen's AK muzzle!

At the same time, his eyes showed the eyes of a righteous man.

He was examining Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen was unconsciously infected by the atmosphere attached to this strong man.

Zhou Wen's eyes were slightly red.


"Da Da Da."

A series of gunshots rang out.

The strong man's eyes widened.

His forehead was pierced by a series of bullets.

But he couldn't believe that Zhou Wen was not moved by his rhetoric!

He had used it countless times on his teammates, and it was very effective.

In the end, the big man could only sigh.

"Not a human being."

"Not a human being."

Then his body slowly turned into a light spot and disappeared here.

Only a box was left.

[You have killed target number 8976]

[Get 2% token boost]

Zhou Wen started looting.

He took out all the bullets from the big man.

He had been fighting for so long and his number of bullets was running low.

Zhou Wen turned his head with the AK and continued to climb the stairs.

He had just taken two steps when he heard the door on the first floor open.

The voice of the younger brother came.

"Brother, brother, what's wrong with you?"

The younger brother was holding a submachine gun in his hand and saw Zhou Wen as soon as he ran out.

Then he pulled the trigger subconsciously.

Zhou Wen's action was faster than his, and the moment the younger brother came out.

The bullets had already poured out and hit the younger brother's torso.

Zhou Wen did not deliberately suppress the gun.

The bullets began to float upwards.

Then several bullets pierced the younger brother's head.

The younger brother fell to the ground with a sad and angry expression on his face, and his body turned into dots of white light.

Completely disappeared!

[You have killed target number 0084]

[Get 2% token increase]

Zhou Wen was speechless when he saw this.

Why does it feel like he has become the legendary villain?

Zhou Wen stepped over the box left by this little brother after his death!

Walk to the second floor

There were bursts of gunfire in the room on the second floor.

It seems that there is also a player fighting with someone on another floor.

Zhou Wen coughed twice.

Then he knocked on the door of the room.

The person inside suddenly said.

"Who is it?"

Zhou Wen lowered his voice and pretended to be the big man's voice and said, "It's me."

A surprised voice came from the room.

"Is it the boss?"

"Boss, I don't have enough bullets."

Then another iron fool opened the door with a happy face.

Then he saw a stranger.

The whole person fell into a state of confusion.

But Zhou Wen would not miss this good opportunity.

The tip of the AK continued to burst into flames.

The whistling bullets seemed to turn into sharp swords and penetrated this iron fool completely!

This player was also killed by Zhou Wen's shameless sneak attack!

[You have killed target number 6588]

[Get 2% token increase]

Zhou Wen smiled.

Then shook his head.

He squatted on the ground and opened the player's box.

Take out the bullets inside.

Then Zhou Wen saw a gun he had always wanted to get.

That's right! It's the light machine gun DP-28.

Zhou Wen threw the AK aside and picked up the light machine gun.

A real man should be head-on.

Zhou Wen thought so.

Then he went up to the 4th floor.

This time there was no gunfire.

Zhou Wen walked in front of the door.


Listened quietly to the movement in this room.

But Zhou Wen was disappointed.

This room was completely silent.

Zhou Wen couldn't hear anything else at all.

However, at this moment, a violent cough suddenly came from inside.

Zhou Wen kicked the door.

He broke into the house.

Then he saw a young man of small stature.

He held a small pistol in his hand.

His face was full of fear when he saw Zhou Wen.

Then he closed his eyes and fired "bang bang".

Zhou Wen dodged them one by one.

The young man emptied his bullets.

Zhou Wen walked in front of him at this time.

The young man's face was full of panic.

He regretted coughing just now.

But those people had searched the house.

Why did another person come?

Was it because those people outside were all killed?

The young man guessed.

Zhou Wen looked at the young man and fell into deep thought.

Finally, he slowly said: "Aren't you in the same group as those people downstairs?"

The young man nodded.

Zhou Wen understood, and then silently pointed the light machine gun in his hand at the young man's forehead.

Then the young man gritted his teeth.

As if making some important decision.

Said to Zhou Wen.

"Please don't kill me, I have a secret to tell you."

"Secret? What secret?"

Zhou Wen was surprised.

What secrets could the young man in front of me have?

Then I saw the young man take out a square box from his backpack.

Zhou Wen was stunned for a moment when he saw the box, and then his breathing became rapid.

Yes, this box guides the location of the fragments of divine power.

[Props: Guidance Box]

[Description: A box that contains fragments of divine power that stimulate the battlefield]

Zhou Wen opened the box.

An animal skin map appeared in front of Zhou Wen. This animal skin map was very detailed.

It can be completely compared with the map that comes with the system.

And also got real feedback from the system.

This is the map that guides Zhou Wen to the location of the fragments of divine power.

Zhou Wen packed the animal skin map and put it in his backpack.

Then he thought about it, threw his AK rifle to the young man, and said to him: "I'll let you go this time."

"You won't be so lucky next time."

The young man looked at the AK rifle on the ground in front of him and was stunned for a moment.

Then tears filled my eyes.

He picked up the AK rifle and bowed to Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen walked outside with satisfaction.

But at this moment.

Zhou Wen suddenly felt that the surrounding environment seemed to become silent again.

The Holy Grail system interface in front of him kept popping up information about atomization resistance.

【Atomization triggers!】

【Atomization triggers!】

This time Zhou Wen understood.

The smile on his face disappeared, and a strange energy fluctuation flashed in Zhou Wen's eyes.

His eyes became violent...

He turned away.

Seeing that the young man was holding an AK at this time, he was attacking Zhou Wen with firm eyes.

Then the young man quickly fired all the bullets in the AK gun.

When he saw that Zhou Wen was still not dead, he began to panic.

Zhou Wen walked up to him expressionlessly, and then stuck him on his neck.

Walk towards the window.

Although this is the third floor, no one can be killed if dropped.

But Zhou Wen wanted him to feel the feeling of free fall.

Zhou Wen first fired his light machine gun at the young man's forehead several times.

The young man's blood volume dropped sharply, with only a trace left.

Then Zhou Wen threw the young man down.

"don't want!"

The young man wailed, his eyes full of hope for life.

But Zhou Wen left the young man behind.

Then he turned and left.

"I just gave you a chance."

A trace of anger flashed in Zhou Wen's eyes.

at the same time.

Zhou Wen's shadow once again conveyed a cold and pure energy.

Zhou Wen's originally increasingly indifferent mood was suddenly dispelled by this cold energy.

Zhou Wen woke up immediately.

Zhou Wen's eyes showed confusion.

What did I just do?

Zhou Wen had obviously forgotten what he had just done.

He turned away.

The young man was gone.

At this moment, the game system interface in front of him suddenly popped up a message that he had killed the player.

[You have killed target number 7896]

[Get 2% token increase]

Zhou Wen returned to the window again.

Looking down, I saw a box lying alone in the middle of the road.

Zhou Wen looked a little gloomy.

What just happened?

His memory was a little fuzzy.

But he was sure that the young man was dead!

Zhou Wen noticed the AKs scattered on the ground

He then guessed a rough idea.

Although he didn't know what happened to him...

But what did he do to this young man...

Zhou Wen had already guessed a lot.

With what happened just now.

Zhou Wen's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Something is wrong with him...

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