"Everyone returns!"

Under their respective orders, all the ministries began to turn around and return the same way.

Ten minutes!

Thirty minutes!

Half an hour!


It took them less than an hour to backtrack.

However... a terrible thing happened

"Why is the official road ahead gone?"

"Where did the mountains come from? Why is our way back blocked?"

"What is going on?"

"Did we go wrong?"

"no? We obviously returned along the original route, and the route on the map also followed the same path."

"And even if there is a fork in the road, it cannot be cut off by mountains!"

"Could it be...that we really hit a ghost?"


It was not an illusion. When the troops returned along the original route, after walking for less than an hour, a huge mountain appeared in front of them.

Blocking the road ahead.

If a few people encounter this situation, they may think that they have taken a wrong turn, gone off the official road, and walked into some barren mountain.

But here���There were hundreds of thousands of people in the equipment troops. I remember clearly that they were clearly going back the way they came. It was impossible for them to take a wrong turn and get off the official road.

What's more, if there are hundreds of thousands of people, if they don't take the official road, ordinary small roads will not be able to accommodate so many of them.

28 And even if there is similar terrain nearby, it is impossible for the official road to appear exactly the same, right?

Seeing this scene, the soldiers from various departments who were originally a little scared became completely panicked.

Even Su Li's special unit, the Red Blood Cavalry, began to cause commotion.

After all, this situation is too weird.

Going forward, you can't get close to Julu City.

Going back, a huge mountain spanning dozens of miles directly blocked the way back.

The destination is out of reach and the escape route disappears.

This is like falling into death, how can it not make people panic.

Even Su Li felt his scalp numb when he knew that this might be a spell cast by the enemy.

Under the clear sky and daylight, it feels like there are no survivors in the novel.

Jushou also frowned. It was obviously the first time he encountered such a situation.

The way forward was unclear and the way back disappeared. This kind of weirdness was unheard of.

"Is it a cover-up?"

Jushou's eyes narrowed for a moment, and then the next moment he flashed his fingers and waved his hand, and a mysterious light shone on the mountain blocking the road in front of him.

"Secret skill: clear the clouds and reveal the sun!"

This is a secret skill mastered by Ju Shou. It can be regarded as a kind of military master's skill. It can break the obstacles and clear the fog.

But the next moment, the mysterious light fell on the big mountain without causing any ripples.

The mountain was still the same big mountain, real and majestic. across there

"It's not a cover-up"

"What kind of magic can directly change the terrain and move a huge mountain across the sky?"

Jushou was shocked.

It was the first time he had seen such a powerful technique that could change the terrain. It was completely contrary to common sense.

Could it be...that this was the scroll of the Taiping Essential Technique that Zhang Bao had mastered? The great power?

Jushou is not stupid. With his thoughts racing, he quickly came up with the answer.

But the answer is the answer. How to solve the current predicament, he is also confused.


Jushou is a famous scholar in Jizhou after all. , even if he encountered such a dilemma, he did not lose his position and immediately suggested:"Generals, I suggest that you first detach part of your troops and explore the surroundings."

"How about the rest of the group collect dry firewood, bury pots on the spot to cook, set up camp, and rest for a night?"

It took half a day to march back and forth, and the physical strength of each department was exhausted.

Even if we get out of the predicament, we can't attack Julu City today.

So the current plan is to set up camp first, and then allocate part of the troops to the surrounding areas. Explore and see if you can find a way out. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Otherwise, if you keep going, God knows what mysterious things will happen.

However... is the matter over here?

Of course not.!

Stopped to set up camp and bury pots to cook, but no more accidents happened[]

However, the waiter Jushu sent out to investigate this time lost contact immediately after disappearing from everyone's eyes. There was no news from him and he never came back.

Not only that.

As long as someone leaves the sight of the large army, they will suddenly disappear, as if they were swallowed by something.

In addition, the sky is getting darker and the sun is slowly setting.

When night falls, fear immediately begins to spread to everyone.

But at ten o'clock in the night, the stars appeared in the sky.

Jushou discovered something strange.

He called everyone together and observed the stars in the sky,"Generals, take a look at this starry sky. Do you find anything different?" This is what scribes are like. They clearly discovered something, but they had to hide it and make it mysterious.

Including Su Li, Pan Feng, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and even Changshan Prefect Deng Song were all military generals.

His own intelligence attributes are very impressive.

Maybe Liu Bei and Guan Yu are a little higher, but they are definitely not that high.

This group of people gathered together and couldn't see much. They could only see that the sky was beautiful, just like the summer sky, full of stars.

"Commander Ju, it's urgent now. You still ask us to appreciate the stars. What can we find? At most, it's just that there are more stars in the sky."

Pan Feng was a little anxious because of Ju Shou, and he was so anxious that he even spoke his hometown dialect. They were already in trouble now, and the soldiers under his command began to panic, and even he, the general, felt a lot of pressure.

Now Jushou also called them to come and enjoy the starry sky. Aren't they just eating too much and causing trouble?

"Mr. Ju, did you discover something? Please inform us directly."

Liu Bei was also confused and quickly asked.

This was the first time he encountered this strange dilemma in his life. He felt very powerless and didn't know what to do.

So he could only place everything on Jushu This Jizhou celebrity.

Otherwise, if it continues like this, I'm afraid he will die before leaving the army.

The same goes for Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. It's okay to let them kill the enemy in battle.

Facing this kind of alchemist's technique, it's true Just like a punch on cotton, it had no effect at all. He could only dry it aside.

Facing Liu Bei's question, Jushou just shook his head slightly and did not speak immediately. Instead, he looked at Su Li and continued to sell Guanzi.

Su Li's face condensed.

To be honest, he could only see that there were many stars in the sky, just like the stars in summer.

Wait... 840 stars in summer?!

It seems to be autumn now, and winter is far away. It's not far away, why are there so many stars in the sky?

Su Li realized something instantly, his eyes flashed, looked at Ju Shou, and said tentatively:"Mr. Ju, do you mean to say that there are so many stars in the sky?" Not normal? Isn't it as beautiful as it is now?"

"That's right! Lord Su should observe carefully!"

Jushou finally nodded and began to say:"It's approaching winter, and it's impossible for there to be so many stars in the sky."

"And if you pay attention, those stars seem to be chaotic and scattered everywhere, like a swarm of stars."

"But in fact, they are arranged regularly. For example, does the cluster of stars in the middle look like the terrain we are on?"

After such a reminder, when Su Li and others looked at it, they suddenly felt as if they were enlightened, and their eyes widened.

Because it was just as Ju Shou said.

The cluster of stars in the middle was surrounded by stars, as if they were surrounded by stars. There were so many stars in front of them that they didn't know where to go. , with many star sources crossing behind, like a big mountain, blocking the way back.

Isn't this scene exactly what they are in today's dilemma?

Everyone was shocked, this is definitely not a coincidence!

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